Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: SimpleKingly.5021


Hey Forums, so I’m just doing some minor tweaks on my P/P condition build right now and I’ve come across something that has stumped me… Elixir C or Rocket Boots?? I currently use Utility slot 7 to interchange these. Also, my second trait in Alchemy is either Cleansing Formula 409 for boots or Potent Elixirs with Elixir C. What do you guys think I should use?

Currently I run this: http://www.guildhead.com/skill-calc#mVMzz9mMoTrMMoTrMGG0x0VaoMMaq

Pros of Elixir C with my build:
Gives me 20sec of might (HGH)
Transfers conditions as boons for 5secs
Lets me exchange Cleansing Formula 409 for 20% longer boon durations

Cons of Elixir C with my build:
Toolbelt isn’t very handy
Only useful for certain classes

Pros of Rocket Boots:
Toolbelt applies burn for 6sec and does hefty damage
Breaks Stun

Cons of Rocket Boots:
Have to use Cleansing Formula 409 as only condition removal
Cannot hold condition stacks
Already have Utility Goggles for a stun breaker

What would you guys recommend?

Lowjin is my stripper name ;)

(edited by SimpleKingly.5021)

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: Atlanis.6597


Elixir C. The stun break on the boots is rarely worthwhile because of the long knockdown. While the toolbelt for it is very useful, I wouldn’t say that it justifies it over elixir C. I love my rocket boots, I just hate being knocked down for so long on something that is supposed to get me out of stuns!

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: SimpleKingly.5021


Haha you’re very right and I have chosen to go with elixir C. Thanks!

Lowjin is my stripper name ;)

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

Neither. Elixir S will not only allow you to be invulnerable, but you can stomp anything. It also breaks stun. If this is PvE, Elixir C or S would be equally useful.

Side note: Elixir C will give you a boon no matter what. It also will take effect AFTER Cleaning Formula 409, so you get one less boon than you might think.

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


I’m of the humble opinion that Rocket Boots fits mostly into burst specs, not condition specs, even though the main damage of the toolbelt skill is a burn.

The main reason being how Static Discharge synergizes with a high damage, close range attack of Rocket Kick, as well as the fact that the insane launch back is more useful for flimsy specs than tough specs, in that you often want to get well out of danger from melee burst if you’re running burst.

Elixir C is much more useful in tPvP due to the increased number of condition based specs you’ll see, Elixir S and Elixir R are the better overall choices since they are stunbreaks + very useful toolbelt skills in any situation.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: SimpleKingly.5021


Why Elixir S? Yeah it breaks stuns and evades but the toolbelt isn’t as good as utility goggles or rocket boots?

Lowjin is my stripper name ;)

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

Why Elixir S? Yeah it breaks stuns and evades but the toolbelt isn’t as good as utility goggles or rocket boots?

Toss Elixir S is great for helping yourself and allies stomp. It can also come in handy with resing allies by either remove aggro or making it so they can’t interrupt you. It can also either moderately help or massively help you with escaping battles.

Certainly not perfect, but very strong. It’s one of the better random skills.

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


I’d go Elixir S over the goggles honestly, they won’t give such useful extra edge in pvp anyway and elixir S helps just too much with stomping AND defending so…

Instead, my idea for the rocket boots switch, after checking you didn’t want an extra stun breaker, is EG, ‘coz elixir gun is great support, its light field (super elixir) removes a condition on impact, thus needs to be traited into kit-refinement, allows more diversity AND still keeps the acid bomb, which is similar to rocket boots’ function, you’d lack the DPS from the old rocket boots toolbelt but imo it’s not that good anyway.

If you wanted some extra DPS then flamethrower instead of EG, not for #1skill but the burns given from the switch with kit-refinement (which also removes a condition) AND its toolbelt, which will make reliable burns while keeping an extra blowout and blind for utility.

Elixir B just doesn’t give enough swiftness imo, an EG (or FT) would allow the traiting into speedy-kits and allow another slot for a better utility (as of now I think elixir B is in general sub-par, no point stacking might if you lose an important utility, especially in pvp).

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


C is terrible.

R or S.

R’s throw is one of the best skills in an engineer’s arsenal entirely.
Its self use is a stun breaker, and 1 cond removal with 409. +2 dodges.

Case for S was already made.

c is terrible. short cooldowns, yes. but do you really want to spend more time spaming elixirs instead of doing things?

Transmute already turns 8% of conditions on you into boons. Then every elixir you use cleans conditions off you. A 409 engineer is nearly condition immune. You wont ever really have any on you to have C transmute.

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


C is not terrible if you are not running 409. It’s very good actually and saves you a trait choice for something else.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

Better answer:

Judge the area you are in. If there’s a crap ton of conditions, go Elixir C. If there aren’t, go elixir S.

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: SimpleKingly.5021


What do you guys mean when you say STOMP regarding Elixir S? Also, I don’t use kits because i focus on mobility and CC for PvP and it works out great for me.. Please explain “STOMP”. Don’t know what you guys mean.

Lowjin is my stripper name ;)

(edited by SimpleKingly.5021)

Elixir C or Rocket Boots?

in Engineer

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

What do you guys mean when you say STOMP regarding Elixir S? Also, I don’t use kits because i focus on mobility and CC for PvP and it works out great for me.. Please explain “STOMP”. Don’t know what you guys mean.

Stomp = Finish

The nickname for Elixir S is Elixir Stomp because when you have to finish a downed opponent, you basically stomp on them. If you have shrunk, you are immune to every single ability that could stop you from finishing an opponent. If you have stability, you can only be stopped by stunned I believe. If you invisible, all targeted control effects won’t stop you.

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.