Elixir Gun - best kit ever?

Elixir Gun - best kit ever?

in Engineer

Posted by: maciora.9542


Usually I am complaining, but today, I just logged into WvW to try something out, and met my nemesis, some player that was killing me all the time (few days in a row – just a bad luck i guess). I dont know what happened but I tried build: 0/20/20/30/0 and it was wonderfull.

I have smashed him 6 times in a row, poisoning, burning , blinding and weakening him with pistol/elixir gun + flame kick , it was constant 1500 cond, weakening – he could not heal, and additional 500-800 from normal dmg per second, so steady 2k – 2.3k dmg, with him not being able to heal correctly. I did not even use elite skill…

Maybe its not much, but his blows were -88% efficient (due to the protection and weakness) so I did not even have to try.

Well elixir gun works…

Elixir Gun - best kit ever?

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


Elixir Gun doesn’t get enough credit sometimes. Yes, it has a healing field and a hard hitting blast finisher. But 1-3 skills are actually really useful. Weakness is a beast in 1v1, coupled with the swiftness/cripple combo, makes it hard for an enemy to lay into you. In small groups Fumigate is awesome. And the autoattack stacks bleed twice as effectively as pistol auto.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Elixir Gun - best kit ever?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


While I know I have areas to improve with grenade targeting in particularly, I think I get quite a bit out of my e-gun.

I find it works really well immediately after an initial grenade and/or pistol set of conditions. In short, “light them up” with your other conditions and then start to apply weakness in a fight. E gun tends to ensure that the burning I initially apply stays applied with incendiary powder and its speed. It stacks extra bleeds and really reduces the enemy’s ability to do damage. I can’t think of a better auto attack in the game. E Gun tends to be my finishing kit.

Elixir Gun - best kit ever?

in Engineer

Posted by: maciora.9542


You are right, 1vs1 is unbeatable, 1v2 not so bad but lacks dmg…

Elixir Gun - best kit ever?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


One of the biggest challenges ANet has in balance is ability usefulness as you scale the size of the fight (or number of people on each side).

That is probably the leading reason why some classes are so over dominant on larger T1 servers in WvW.

Elixir Gun - best kit ever?

in Engineer

Posted by: Turophile.4028


Your build is very similar to mine. I use flamethrower and elixrgun and it feels so goosoood! Elixirgun really needs more love.

Elixir Gun - best kit ever?

in Engineer

Posted by: maciora.9542


Maybe it needs so more dmg boost? like 20% more and it would be great. Now condition is not so bad but normal dmg is quite weak, we are talking about 300-400 per shot on cond build, while for examplew arrior can have hundred blades evrey 8 secs and this do a looot of dmg..

Elixir Gun - best kit ever?

in Engineer

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Elixir gun doesn’t need more damage. It is supposed to be a support weapon. But the following changes would make sense:

Currently EG #2, elixir F, has pathing issues. It often fails to hit the target, if the target even tiny bit moves sideways. The bouncing and swiftness seem to function only from very close range. It would be better if they would function from longer range and have slightly increased projectile speed.

Elixir gun #3, furnigate, offers amazing condition cleanse for allies, if the allies are within that narrow cone, but in real life situations its group condition cleansing is subpar compared to guardian shouts and warrior’s “shake it off”. EG #3 should have its cone widened a bit and it should also remove one condition from the engineer.

Engineers are currently lacking in condition removal, forcing most engineers to use healing turret + many blast finishers as their main heal. Medkit heals a lot, but really sucks in conditional removal (one immobilize, or knockback prevents the use of drop antidote, which removes just one condition). Thus limiting the build variety. Engineers need kits or static discharge build for damage, once again neither offer room to use elixir C (which has 40 s cooldown).

If EG #3 would cleanse up to 6 condition from the engineer it would be a too powerful, considering it has just 12 s cooldown. Either the number of conditions removed or cooldown should be adjusted. But I think the idea that EG would offer additional condition removal for engineer is good and would allow more build variety.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Elixir Gun - best kit ever?

in Engineer

Posted by: Unhinged Carrot.3849

Unhinged Carrot.3849

I don’t think pigeon holing even more players into running Elixir Gun would be great for build diversity. It already removes one condition. Perhaps upon casting Super Elixir we should cleanse a condition from ourselves (plus losing one if we’re hit by the initial field). Any further condition removal from kits should be applied elsewhere imho. The Flamethrower could use some love. Perhaps button 5 could finally be replaced, some sort of burn-off-conditions utility ability would be great.

Zobb – Asura Engineer – Seafarer’s Rest

Elixir Gun - best kit ever?

in Engineer

Posted by: digiowl.9620


One of the biggest challenges ANet has in balance is ability usefulness as you scale the size of the fight (or number of people on each side).

That is probably the leading reason why some classes are so over dominant on larger T1 servers in WvW.

Everything is pretty much balanced for 2-3 vs 2-3, as that is what most commonly get on a SPVP point fight. Anything less and it becomes all about spike/attrition, anything more and it ends up with AOE spam.

Elixir Gun - best kit ever?

in Engineer

Posted by: MonMalthias.4763


Engineers lost 2 condition cleanses from multikit builds when Kit Refinement was nerfed into the ground – mini Cleansing Fire on swap to Flamethrower was replaced by Fire Shield (Most useless aura and skill in game) and Super Elixir on swap to Elixir Gun was also lost. That was when I stopped running FT/EG, although I still see people running it because the traits at least have improved.

The buff to Weakness definitely puts EG in a good spot 1v1 wise but to be honest without condition duration buffs it’s definitely not as strong as it could be. I definitely use it in WvW when running EG because the food buffs are absolutely stupid – 40% condition duration is just ridiculous. But elsewhere, the Weakness does not have 100% uptime unless you cancel-cast to get around the Aftercast of Tranquiliser Dart – and that can be a problem because you might tank a hit not reduced by Weakness that you shouldn’t have.

(Tip: bind “Sheath weapon” to Scroll Up and “1” to Scroll Down on your Mousewheel. You lose Zoom, but gain the ability to cancel cast Autoattacks. Really strong on D/D elementalist and GS Mesmer. For an example, see this video ; skip to 48:27 and see the difference it makes).

As for buffs to Fumigate also cleansing 1 condition on the Engineer, it’s an idea that I’ve seen parleyed around before, and it’s definitely something that could bring EG more into prominence.

That said, the only thing I would change about EG is for Acid Bomb’s casting time to actually be 1/4 second, and for it to remove a boon. It’s something more like 3/4 second with the windup and I’ve been able to interrupt myself trying to shorten the distance of my leap.

Boon Removal is also something that’s been severely under-represented on Engineer outside of HGH builds and Throw Mine – Kits and Turrets still lack any “boon hate” options and this change might make Acid Bomb actually be useful outside of its Blast finisher. 180 radius on a 6x Pulsing damage field is something only useful against Target dummies and immobile bosses.

Iva Malthias – 80 Engineer
Marellune Malthias – 80 Elementalist
Devil’s Dominion [DD] – Yak’s Bend