So I am pretty terrible at PvP. This is my first MMO, I have only had it for like a month or so, and I play on my laptop without a normal mouse (making it hard to turn or aim stuff quickly). I very briefly tried a few builds in PvP as I’ve been working my way through PvE content. I tried a power-based shortbow ranger (using quickness to burst), an Axe-wielding warrior (for the Eviscerate burst), and an SD engineer. All of these burst builds were a huge fail for me (though I tried each for only a few matches). I would occasionally get kills, of course, but more often than not, I would be dead before I could really do almost anything. I was so bad that my teams actually lost the first 13 matches I played in. Basically, I’d provide virtually nothing to my team so it would be like my team was playing a man down, and my endless deaths would give the other team points.
So I decided to try a bunker build. And, in general, I’ve been having the most fun, by far, with engineer, so I decided to use an engineer for it. I used the following elixir-infused bomb build (with various modifications):
It was such a big difference. I went from being useless to my team to always feelings like a solid contributor and sometimes feeling like a really key player. With the help of turrets and my survivability, I could decap and hold a point against single opponents most of the time (though I had a particularly tough time with mesmers for some reason; I guess I just don’t know their tricks yet). I could also hold my own in 1v2s if the opponents weren’t particularly good. I wouldn’t kill them, but i’d waste their time until my allies came. But where this build really shined was when my allies were around. I am constantly providing SO MUCH healing for them. I’ve got bombs doing 331 healing every ~0.8 seconds, healing turret giving tons of regeneration and blasting water combos, Super Elixir on points for like 4500 total healing every 20 seconds, Sigil of Water, and occasionally Supply Crate’s med kits. Meanwhile I provide lots of CC to help allies survive and kill things more efficiently: smoke bomb for tons of blinds on capture points, glue bombs, three separate knock backs, etc. And then when the opponents are finally downed, I often lay down a smoke bomb that typically assures a finisher. As a result, I really felt like my teams were winning virtually every single 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 showdown I was in.
I was 0-13 in matches prior to using this build, and my teams were 8-4 after I started using it. Pretty big difference. And in some matches I died very few times and managed to get the “You are on a Rampage” message. I suppose a n00b like me having success with a build probably indicates it is cheesy, but I just felt the need to share my success with this setup. For a bad player, this is a way to feel quite useful in PvP.
ALSO: Unrelated sidenote: one of those 8 wins was unbelievably amazing. On the map with the Svanir monsters (Forest of Niflhel?) that give you 25 points if you kill them, my team had fallen way behind but came back. We were down 475-499 and the other team was solidly holding 1 point (i.e. they were gonna win in like a couple seconds), but we killed a Svanir monster at the last moment to ninja out a 500-499 victory.
(edited by lessthanjake.6049)