Elixir S solution....
Have been using R instead of S as well today. Works just as well, but I miss the stealth/stability for stomping.
As for the nerf, I think not being able to use your kits is completely justified.
I am a pre-launch (bwe1) engineer myself btw
Everyone does need to move on.
But we haven’t been given anything new, the Healing Turret just had some things fudged around.
Elixir S wasn’t holding anyone back from trying new things.
Everyone had already tried the other options and decided to go with Elixir S.
Elixir R used to be the ultimate Stunbreaker for us specifically because of the Thrown effect.
Then they upped the CD so much that ppl started to look elsewhere, meaning the only other Stunbreakers we had;
Elixir S
Rocket Boots
Utility Goggles
Out of those 3 its hard not to justify taking Elixir S. Now instead of making the other 2 better to try and diversify they simple made one worse and added another Elixir Stunbreaker last month.
Making a Kit or Turret Stunbreaker would have actually diversified the class and opened up opportunities for new builds.
Instead they just made something worse that everyone will most likely take anyways, otherwise they will just fall back onto Elixir R.
Enjoying new skills haven’t tested before?
Huh!? I think a lot of us have been scrapping the bottom of the barrel for a while now “dealing”, and well… they just took the barrel.
You know, I didn’t have that big of an issue with the nerf until I read this. All abilities that provide invulnerability should have the same balance applied to them.
what really got me mad is no one really mentioned how elixir s was 4 secs of invuln (without utils) back in the day but then got nerfed to 3 seconds, however allowed for utils to be used. and now it is just 3 seconds of invulnerability without utils. fair enough they wanted to test out something, but at least revert back to the original