ElixirS (auto)/Automated Response broken?
I haven’t run this elixir or trait in a long time (<3 kits so much). But if I recall correctly, pre applied condis still do DMG during the invul. But, any attempts to apply condis or do direct DMG during invul will fail.
sure, but when u have both self regulating and automated, it would normally provide you some chance to recover. However many times doesn’t appear to at the moment.
Neither will make you immune to conditions you currently have. Since you experience this in WvW could it be likely that you have a ton of conditions on you? With all the conditions people are putting out nowadays it’s probably plenty to kill you at 25% health.
Jade Quarry
Its been documented and replied to in the “bug” section of the forums that there is an issue with the system not registering then you have hit 25% of your health pool. It an all around bug that is effecting many traits and not just this one. They say they are working on a fix.
Traits such as these actually don’t trigger at the health threshold—they trigger when you are hit and below the health threshold. So if you have condis on you, and don’t get hit, then the traits won’t proc. Also, if you lose your last 30% of life in one hit, the traits won’t proc.
Automated response works the same way—all it does is prevent conditions from being applied to you while you are under 25%. The tooltip is a bit misleading, but then, it would be ridiculously overpowered if it cleansed everything every time you hit 25%.
Its been documented and replied to in the “bug” section of the forums that there is an issue with the system not registering then you have hit 25% of your health pool. It an all around bug that is effecting many traits and not just this one. They say they are working on a fix.
Assuming this might effect 50% and 75% traits as well? I seem to be noticing reduced regularity in the activation of those traits also. Is this new or old?
Can’t find the thread after a quick search, was any of that mentioned?
(edited by Brew Pinch.5731)