Eng I like others do not

Eng I like others do not

in Engineer

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


After reading this forum and ones like It. I took much of the knowledge learned here to heart. I rebuilt my engineer and applied what I learned and discovered it is real fun to play. However I did note a serious issue with the class:

Now I hate to say this but.. its the player.

Sure certain builds are stronger then others but if you use your kit wisely you can do much with combos and finishers. It is not an easy class to play for many. The skills and kits need to match your play style. Heck I have to concentrate to get get all the boon and condition up there. you may have to plan you attack, when to engage and when to retreat. In many case it is how you do this that leads to success.

So I am having more fun with my Eng now at 72 then I did when I was 20. Why? because I am learning to play the class to it full potential.

Sure some things may need to be tweaked or fixed like the big ol’ bomb not being a combo finisher like it states. but lets mention these bugs but focus on learning the synergy of our skills.

Just one quick example: elixr B, smoke grenade,.fire grenade with a rocket boot. give me a nice stack of might with weakness on all in the AoE. Is it the best you can do? No but it is fun.

Thanks to all who have put tips up here for people like me to read. it has help me a ton. keep em coming

Eng I like others do not

in Engineer

Posted by: Spitwyld.1963


So I am having more fun with my Eng now at 72 then I did when I was 20. Why? because I am learning to play the class to it full potential.

Agreed. I am currently level 16 and as I am starting to figure out how the profession works, I am enjoying it more and discovering more survivability while dishing out damage to get mobs dead.

It’s a very different type of character than anything I’ve played in ANY other game so playing it like a typical ranged character will result in player frustration. People need to let go of everything they’re used to when approaching GW2 and learn from scratch!

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Eng I like others do not

in Engineer

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


It is fun to play. Just doesn’t feel thoughtfully designed.
And that makes me nervous. Because maybe the fun will be sucked out of it because it is possible that those who designed it, and balance it, just don’t have a clear objective.

It reminds me of the game prototype. They give you tons of skills, but the balance between them was so off that a lot of skills just seem to be thrown in as ‘cool ideas’ that fit a theme.

(edited by Redfeather.6401)

Eng I like others do not

in Engineer

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


Played solo an engineer lacks the effective damage output to make the best of his abilities. However, even paired with one other person, the engineer’s ability to control, displace, and debuff make them truly shine.

Eng I like others do not

in Engineer

Posted by: holska.4127


I find the engineer incredibly fun to play, it has a lot of versatility and I agree the problem is with the players. It seems to me a lot of folks have dps meters / parcers and the accompanying 1 spec to rule them all aka cookie cutter builds and remnants of classic roles in other games imprinted in their brains and therefor only go for the highest raw damage output of the grenade kit.
Sad really, but hey to each their own and those might be better off rolling a different class.
I’m not saying that it doesn’t need work but I feel viable already (and have proven to be in both pvp and pve) without going the grenade kit spec way (I do have it slotted in WvW to switch to longer range when needed but not spec’d grenadier).

Eng I like others do not

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


We really need a damage parser. Every profession has thread upon thread or posters claiming their class needs a damage buff because they are under powered. I am indeed curious to see actual parsed numbers.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Eng I like others do not

in Engineer

Posted by: holska.4127


We really need a damage parser. Every profession has thread upon thread or posters claiming their class needs a damage buff because they are under powered. I am indeed curious to see actual parsed numbers.

Even though I would also be interested in the numbers I’d prefer them to be released by A.net as an avg from across the whole playerbase instead of having a parser with the downside of folks only focusing on that number game instead of playing smart and leading to cookie cutter builds just based on the logs of a few guys that have respect in the community.

Eng I like others do not

in Engineer

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


We really need a damage parser. Every profession has thread upon thread or posters claiming their class needs a damage buff because they are under powered. I am indeed curious to see actual parsed numbers.

Not really, certain classes have a lot of threads (eng, mes (in regard to PvE), necro, etc), others have very few (warrior, thief, ranger), you don’t need a parser to know certain classes do signifcantly more damage than others, it is fairly obvious if you smply play a selection of classes or pay attention in game.