Eng not enough RNG fix
So much wins.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Elixer Z, new utility.
- Chance to instakill your target.
- Chance to instakill yourself.
- Chance to get swiftness.
Am I doing it right?
I have read somewhere on here that certain Elixirs could have different effects based on your current health. For example, Toss Elixir S could grant Stability when above 50% health and Stealth when below 50% health. This would make an excellent trait, and Although this is not really In the field of “random” It would allow for more reliable survivability and combos.
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
You know, you could just throw some dice in order to to slot utility skills at random and play with a blindfold.
How’s that for RNG?
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Magnet pulls target to you, if target has stability pulls you to the target, if both have stability you Magnet skill breaks for 120 seconds.
Cloacking Device either turns you invisible, or massive + stability when immobilized. Or swiftness.
When you gain swiftness, you gain 5 seconds of vigor, or 5 seconds of swiftness. This can only trigger once every 5 seconds.
I love lighthearted threads like this that poke fun at flaws without becoming qq-fests or dev-bashing threads.
Don’t forget to balance the powerful RNG effects with hidden cooldowns.
I wish the random effects were all good in every situation, just requiring a different strategy upon activation. Instead of a 50% chance to win (in meta pvp).
This is my opinion, but Engineers have so much access to swiftness I don’t see why Elixir H has that as an option..
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
Rocket Boots
- Chance to leap backwards.
- Chance to burn enemy.
- Chance to gain swiftness.
Mask’s WvW Build – 0 | 30 | 10 | 30 | 0 (Soldier/Carrion gear, Rabid trinkets)
B P – Human Thief (d/p – 0 | 10 | 30 | 30 | 0)
Personal Battering Ram
- Chance to knock enemy back.
- Chance to knock self down.
- Chance to gain swiftness.
We already have enough Self CC people XD dun make it worse
Perhaps they could lighten the Random nature of other skills and create a specific Utility skill that plays completely with that mechanic. For example:
Volatile Elixir:Consume a volatile mixture granting you a unique unpredictable effect.
-Exchange all boons and conditions you have, with your target.
-Makes a clone of yourself for 6 seconds. when it is destroyed you become Dazed for 2 seconds.
-Gain Quickness, Swiftness and might for 3 seconds, after 3 seconds gain Chill, Cripple and Weakness for 3 seconds.
-Toss Volatile Elixir:Toss a Chaotic Elixir at a location, granting Swiftness or retaliation to allies, while Randomly Teleporting you, and those caught in the blast, to a random location.
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
Perhaps they could lighten the Random nature of other skills and create a specific Utility skill that plays completely with that mechanic. For example:
Volatile Elixir:Consume a volatile mixture granting you a unique unpredictable effect.
-Exchange all boons and conditions you have, with your target.
-Makes a clone of yourself for 6 seconds. when it is destroyed you become Dazed for 2 seconds.
-Gain Quickness, Swiftness and might for 3 seconds, after 3 seconds gain Chill, Cripple and Weakness for 3 seconds.-Toss Volatile Elixir:Toss a Chaotic Elixir at a location, granting Swiftness or retaliation to allies, while Randomly Teleporting you, and those caught in the blast, to a random location.
If there could be a way we can teleport somehow, I’d be happy. I always wanted a portal/ teleport ability
It’d be fun if there was a way to teleport you and a foe to a random location. I’d say, a random location on the map while keeping your target nearby but It would probably be a balancing nightmare. (Even if it only worked like this in the mists) It would just be a innovative and unique gameplay option for PvP. Perhaps a gadget like Portable Asura Gate, and the Tool Belt skill could be:
Rift Lag: Overcharge your portable Asura Gate Paralyzing you preventing you from taking any action for 2 seconds. Then gain Distortion and max Swiftness while removing all movement impairing effects for 2 seconds.
It is fun to dream, but I am straying from the topic. XD
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
It’d be fun if there was a way to teleport you and a foe to a random location. I’d say, a random location on the map while keeping your target nearby but It would probably be a balancing nightmare. (Even if it only worked like this in the mists) It would just be a innovative and unique gameplay option for PvP. Perhaps a gadget like Portable Asura Gate, and the Tool Belt skill could be:
Rift Lag: Overcharge your portable Asura Gate Paralyzing you preventing you from taking any action for 2 seconds. Then gain Distortion and max Swiftness while removing all movement impairing effects for 2 seconds.
Ive always wanted a portable asura gate but, it would never happen
us engi’s can dream i guess
It is fun to dream, but I am straying from the topic. XD
I think that’s what our label should read.
Elementalist – King of Versatility
Warrior – King of Survivability
Engineer – King of self CC
Please. It’s more kind to call it “Self- control”.
I like to use Rocket Boots, and it is very much a random skill. It’s effects have a chance of a 900 range self knock back, a 150 range self knock back, or a rare chance to simply break stuns and provides no self knock back. It is a bit questionable why one of our stun breakers stuns us..
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
(edited by Wolf.5816)
Rocket boots should throw us in a random direction.
If we’re lucky it’ll help chase down someone fleeing
We fall of a cliff
Elixir S :
Shrink you down and make you invulnerable to attacks
Turn double the size and take 2x damage and all projectiles now automatically track to you only.
Elixir S :
Shrink you down and make you invulnerable to attacks
Turn double the size and take 2x damage and all projectiles now automatically track to you only.
Butbutbut then if you used Gear Shield you could light entire zergs on fire while keeping yours safe with Runes of the Guardian!
We must preemptively nerf Elixir S to prevent this!
Elixir S: Gain Swiftness.
Elixir S :
Shrink you down and make you invulnerable to attacks
Turn double the size and take 2x damage and all projectiles now automatically track to you only.
I used to like how elixir s before also made you bigger when you tossed it and got stability. I wish they hadn’t removed that part :/
Elixer Z, new utility.
- Chance to instakill your target.
- Chance to instakill yourself.
- Chance to get swiftness.Am I doing it right?
My sides status: Nuclear test facility.
You still get stability, they just kitten removed the giant form which is really stupid because it removed a key visual clue as to what the result of the RNG was. I brought it up in the issue forum when it happened, but no one seems to care. HIRE USABILITY ENGINEER PLEASE!
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Rocket boots should throw us in a random direction.
If we’re lucky it’ll help chase down someone fleeingCon:
We fall of a cliff
Rocket boots are very easy to aim offensively once you get used to the “aboutface” key binding.
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
Rocket boots should throw us in a random direction.
If we’re lucky it’ll help chase down someone fleeingCon:
We fall of a cliffRocket boots are very easy to aim offensively once you get used to the “aboutface” key binding.
Not enough rng like that, wheres the fun?~
Rocket boots should throw us in a random direction.
If we’re lucky it’ll help chase down someone fleeingCon:
We fall of a cliffRocket boots are very easy to aim offensively once you get used to the “aboutface” key binding.
Nothing more offensive than flying yourself to your enemy and stunning yourself for a good 2-3 seconds. Nice thinking
It works better when activating a smoke field. Or into Elixir S. Assuming most players don’t react very fast it can work well. But in meta PvP Rocket Boots makes just as good of a Gap closer as a Gap opener. Most profession can simply watch the visual cue and run up to you as your getting up and re-apply and Chill,Cripple immobilize. As if nothing was gained…
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
My only gripe with rocket boots is how inefficient it is with chain stuns / chain immobs/ or things like basilisk venom and worst of all shocking aura.
And sometimes the stealth from the combo gives you the debuff stun because you hit someone with rocket boots.
My version of elixirs! (not really serious)
Elixir S (CD: 30 seconds)
- 65% chance: Gain Swiftness for 20 seconds
- 25% chance: Gain Swiftness AND Stealth for 10 seconds
- 10% chance: Gain Cripple for 5 seconds
Elixir C (CD: seconds)
- 65% chance: Convert all conditions to boons for 5 seconds
- 25% chance: Convert all conditions to health (200 base heal for each condition)
- 10% chance: Gain all damaging conditions (at condition damage bonus of 1500) for 5 seconds
Elixir D (CD: 60 seconds)
- 65% Chance: Next attack damage increased by 200% (subject to misses, dodges, and blocks) Only applies to one target.
- 25% Chance: Next attack damage increased by 400% (subject to misses, dodges, and blocks). Only applies to one target.
- 10% Chance: Become a paper target for 3 seconds. Armor and Toughness becomes 0 and lose all endurance.
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play
This thread came a little too true after the update.
Now, KR: randomly give you Super Speed!
Why just elixirs?
Flame Turret:
33% chance to put down a flame turret
33% chance to put down a flame turret that deals less damage to humans.
33% chance to gain swiftness
Message me any time in game.
Rifle Turret:
25% chance to put down a rifle turret
65% chance to put down a rifle
10% chance to gain swiftness
Rocket Turret:
25% chance to put down a rocket turret.
25% chance to put down a rock.
50% chance to gain swiftness.
Message me any time in game.
Yes, let’s make it completely impossible to use engineer skills in combinations or in reaction to the enemy. Best idea ever.
Elixir Y
Elixir. Drink Elixir Y to gain one of the following:
- Turn yourself into a rabbit with the ability to knock back your opponent if they have a Carrot in their inventory. — We think this opens up entire new possibilities to sPvP. We are so excited! – Jon Peters
- Turn yourself into a giant Y-shaped slingshot with the ability to hurl Asura over huge distances.
- Wander around aimlessly, defy physics by hurling your writhing body into a random direction and explode inexplicably.
- Gain Swiftness.
- Gain Fitness, prompting nearby Norn males to remove their clothing and start walking toward you uncontrollably with their grappling limbs extended.
Toss Elixir Y
Elixir. Toss Elixir Y to randomly swing a sword. Whoosh!
Balthazar runes are broken.
(edited by Oakwind.6187)
Portable rifle turret kit:
If you pick up rifle turret before it’s destroyed, it turns into a kit that works exactly like your rifle … except that you cannot control who it shoots at.
This combines the wonderful rifle with the great random targeting of the rifle turret!
What could be better?!?
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play