Engenious: August 30th - Fleeting Flash
Almost thought by the title that it was something to do with headgear.
Haven’t gotten any videos yet but haha
Turrets are yet another element pointing towards ANet designing the professions for SPVP and little else.
Thumper and healing turret can easily cover a point, and thumper can nicely clear people off it unless they have stability up.
But in PVE they are just too static, even with the reduced cooldown from being picked up. And the last thing you want to do, unless you are desperate, is to send the mobs flying in near random directions. Seriously, whats up with all the launches/knockbacks tacked on to high damage attacks?! We can’t knock mobs off ledges anyways, and they do not really stay down long enough for us to thin the herd.
Another great episode is coming up today. I am just having some technical difficulties with the website.
I hope PvE is at least talked about this time. I was drawn to SOAC podcasts from the necromancer episodes, especially the one with Takarazuka from Guru where they talked about a necro power build in PvE almost exclusively.
I enjoy perusing your site and I think you guys have done some great work on these profession-specific podcasts. I just think that this one needs some work.
The engineer is my main, how can we have 4 hour long podcasts already without any emphasis (barely any mention) on what should be one third or more of the entire game? Not every engineer in the game is playing WvW or sPvP without any PvE at all.
Engineer, Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Guardian
[Kuna] Yak’s Bend
@Lord Reks you will be happy to learn that this Podcast will indeed be about PvE, and so will the next one!
The upcoming Episode will be about how it is to level as an Engineer, and which ways is effective to level, and why we think you should pla the Engineer, we wil follow that up with a Podcast about Level 80 PvE dungeon builds next week!
Also, I would like to inform that on wensday the 26th Asteria Rose and Me will be holding a Live Podcast, discussing the probaly very big patch (if the leaked notes hold true)! It will be 19:00 GMT you can find us Live Streaming!
WvW Roaming movies!
I am looking forward to these two episodes over the next week now. I’m interested in what you guys will talk about for dungeons/fractals and a leveling guide for the engineer sounds like a great idea.
The leaked notes do seem to have significant changes for the engineer as well and I’m glad that you guys will be on top of things talking about it immediately after it launches.
Engineer, Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Guardian
[Kuna] Yak’s Bend
June 23, 2013 – Hello, and welcome to another exciting episode of Enginious!In this episode, Amadeus and Asteria Rose have an in-depth look into PvE with this week’s guest, Gage! We look into the concept of the engineer, as well as how to take away some of the hassle from leveling up and trying to find the perfect skills! Even some tips for experienced engineers can be found, including the importance of using kiting to your advantage and keeping those enemies under control! So from our fantastic Engineer Hosts, we want to thank every single Engineer fan and say, “TRUST US, WE ARE ENGINEERS” Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow on Twitter. You can catch us on itunes or Youtube If you have any questions about the Engineer that we forgot or would like us to ask in a future session please email them to podcast@sittingonacouch.com. Enjoy the podcast!
Engenious will be live at 11am PST don’t miss out to discuss your concerns and suggestions!
Which is 19:00 GMT+0 for all us EU people!!! so in about 3 Hours! Be sure to check in at: http://www.twitch.tv/soacgaming
Right after the Thief Revealed Podcast!
WvW Roaming movies!
they are live right now!
I love the irony of “time critical” yet “permanent” use of medium.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
The VoD of the podcast will be up tonight. I apologize for all the delays. I was out of town last week, covering MLG Anaheim. I will work all this week on making sure the audio and VoD’s are good to go.
June 26, 2013 – In the first ever live Engineous episode, Asteria and Amadeus battle multiple disconnects, microphone issues, and some humorous technical issues, but in the end they soldier through. Next week, we will have all the issues fixed and we will have great reception on both sides. The guys cover the newest patch notes and all the other amazing things from the new Engineer kit. They will try to keep the show live so tune in.
Missed the video live but nice to add faces to the voices – adds a new dimension to it.
I don’t quiet agree with Amadeus that the Shield 5 change is a buff (mainly cos of the change from 3 seconds → 2 seconds and how it now cancels if you press anything) but that is a debate for another topic :p.
Go Engenious!
Highest Rank: Team Q – 33 / Solo Q – 1 (27/07/14)
Team: Svanir Pushing Lord [solo] / Carried Ace to Rank 1 Esport Guild Leaderboard
hehe we don’t all have to agree Chungiee hehe
But I think, the reason I see it as an buff, is because I’m mostly a WvW player, and a 2 second block that stuns everyone that attacks me, is a lot more usefull when fighting a lot of enemies, then a 3 second block, that stuns for 2 seconds but most of the time only last for ½-1 second and only block one attack, and often that’s a pet or illusion with my luck haha ^^
as soon as I figh 2-3 enemies, I prefer the new one, also it’s neat I often will get to toss the daze as well! But I gues in a 1vs1 situation the only shield probaly was better, when not vs a Mesmer, Ranger or Minion Necromancer, at least in my opinion haha
But glad you enjoyed the show :p
WvW Roaming movies!
July 05, 2013 – In this episode of Engineous, your multi-talented hosts Asteria Rose and Amadeus get to talk PVE with Riordani Loreseeker. They talk dungeon builds, pve Engineer fun, and the many different roles of the Engineer in pve. They swap hilarious, interesting, and troublesome stories about their dungeon runs.
The problem that I have with this episode on dungeon builds is that it is emphasized that engineers should be versatile all the time. This is not ideal for any tougher dungeon or higher level fractal.
Control can be useful in certain fights, but it is not very significant in any area worth mentioning.
Support is perfectly viable on engineers (See Phineas Poe’s FT/EG build or Volcanis’ healing engi) but I don’t recommend it for arah or 30+ fractals. DPS is the way to go in PvE. Absolutely do not use celestial gear. The jack of all trades gear just doesn’t cut it.
I completely agree that engineers are the secret amazing class of GW2, but it is because of our excellent vulnerability, bleed and might stacking for ourselves and our allies. Our damage is comparable to other classes because our best direct DPS option is also our best condition damage option, which also stacks vulnerability helping out the entire party. This makes the engineer extremely useful in any party composition. The meta of this PvE game right now is damage whether you choose to believe it or not. The problem with glass cannon warriors or anything glass cannon in a party is that most pugs don’t know how to properly use zerker gear and die easily because they are not experienced enough to know when to dodge.
With a less experienced team, you can choose to run a more support oriented build with more toughness and vitality to learn how to do most of the dungeons, but this comes at a cost of your damage as well as your party’s overall damage. In higher level content, this not only extends your run, but can also prevent you from finishing it entirely.
Note: This remains true for all PvE content. Of course you can still complete the easier dungeons (CoF, CoE, SE) with almost whatever build you choose. To each his own, this is a game, you should enjoy yourself.
But if you ever wonder why your team fails in 38 fractals and you are wearing celestial gear using Pistol and Elixirs primarily, you have your answer.
I like these podcasts I really do but I just want to see some work into adding more PvE into an engineer focused podcast instead of giving it a single hour every 6 weeks from 2 hosts that have admitted they don’t really care for it. I believe the leveling guide episode was well done and would be useful to new players, but in PvE and even WvW to an extent, this game really starts once you hit 80.
Engineer, Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Guardian
[Kuna] Yak’s Bend
The reason we talked about Celestial gear, was that for new level 80 player, that didn’t know exactly how they wanted to pick stats and gear, they seem to be a great first pick, because they allow you to swap around a lot in the builds, and still be “decent”, in the low skill level dungeon end!
It’s for people to get a feeling for what kind of Engineer they want to play! and as you say it yourself, it’s easier to learn the content with more toughness and vitallity, then in full Glass Cannon, hence that’s what we recommend!
I did mention in the show, that grenades in full zerker gear spamming, with as much condition duration for the vulnerbillity probaly is the best option for anything PvE related, mostly because if you cane keep up 15-25 of them up, that’s a 15-25% damage increase for everyone in the team! But again, that’s super boring to play in my humble opinion (Phineas Poe’s build does look amazing as well)
But you are right that Asteria Rose and me don’t know enough about high level dungeons, I think the highest level FOTM I ever did was level 20, but I find Dungeons in this game quite boring after I have done them enough times, because in the end, it’s the exact same thing I’m doing! :b
We do tho, try find guests that have more knowledge about the PvE content then us, because it’s simple not our field of experince In the end I only do it for the gear!
We will try get a flow where we talk WvW one week, then sPvP the next, then PvE the next going if we can! But it does require that we can find guests that will talk about that area, and when we haven’t been able to do that sometimes we pick someone we can discus the other stuff with (There simply have been more PvPers then PvEers up for doing hte podcasts)
WvW Roaming movies!
In this episode of Engenious, are we sitting down and discussing sPvP with Nakoda, a diehard Flamethrower lover! We disucss it’s uses in sPvP, talk about his build and which utility skills are the best in sPvP at the moment! The disucsion lead us to quite the intrestring talk about how well is the gadgets that got buffed last patch actaully doing?
@Lord Reks – That is perhaps the most insightful and brilliant constructive criticism I have seen in our days. I appreciate your advice, and I know the hosts and myself are doing what we can to bring in players who make a difference in the community. We do have several restrictions in that we can only go as far as the guests we have on have gone or that we know about. In the Ranger podcast for example, they rarely go into WvWvW because neither player knows any great WvWvW Rangers, though we do get them from time to time. However, they have talked lvl 40-50 fractals because Jin Drake has been there.
I am sure that Amadeus has added you to his possible future guest list because it is something we look at and hope to provide.
On that Note, we would love to allow you or any other Engineer who would like to stream some high level fractals/WvWvW/PvP during one of our non-show days.
haha, I and Rose (in that order) both called the “holy trinity” a “trilogy”.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
Nice interview, Nakoda. You shared a few things I wasn’t aware of (Backpack Regenerator working with healing power, for one) and provided good insight into your playing style.
I’ve played your build and your description of it is spot on. You definitely spent a lot of time refining it and getting all of the traits, skills, and gear working together. Keep it up!
im just pleased that i don’t sound like such a kitten recorded as i sound in my head.
it’s hard to stay focused while in the podcast studio with Rose
with Amadeus all disconnected and stuff.
he does a good job editing.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
I haven’t watched this week’s yet but new drinking game maybe?
Drink everytime Nakoda says Flamethrower.
Looking forward to listening after work.
Highest Rank: Team Q – 33 / Solo Q – 1 (27/07/14)
Team: Svanir Pushing Lord [solo] / Carried Ace to Rank 1 Esport Guild Leaderboard
August 1, 2013 – Hello, and welcome to another invigorating episode of Enginious! This week, Koroshi hits the guest spotlight with an interesting view on WvW tPvP, and of course, the many interesting utility skills of the engineers! There’s a great discussion on our ideas for a new ‘arena’, and incredibly off-course conversation. We even discuss some brand new additions (and rumors) to the game, and what we’d like to see in the future. And as always, trust us, we are engineers!
For some reason it seems cut off. Supposed to be longer than 5 mins?
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
For some reason it seems cut off. Supposed to be longer than 5 mins?
Dagnabbit, I think I know what happened. I apologize, Hopefully it’s on my end and not a recording that got bugged.
The podcast is fixed and ready to go now.
August 16, 2013 – Hello, and welcome to another amazing episode of Engenious, your engineer focused podcast! This week, we sit down and get to business (okay, a few detours along the way!) with Fisthammer about PvE and sPvP, and the brand new update, the Queen’s Gauntlet! With some interesting discussions about spicing up your builds and how to progress in game, Fisthammer gave us a unique perspective on how to get through a typical day in Tyria! M
Fisthammer’s builds:
Hybrid SD/Grenades: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fcEQJAqelIqiYX3y3F17IyoHkWnNhiKkffewWtFEC-jwCBYLChEEAEIIUBgJPFRjtIMZ1ODiVZDT5iIq2uDwImRrWEAzEA-e
Rabid Grenades: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fcEQJAqelIqiYX3y3F1LJyoCdGIFAGfJqQ+95BblWQIA-jgyAYNhQaBIVBgAhkDLiGbtrIasaGMVKqOeIyeksKFQCzBA-e
Thanks very much, it was lots of fun!
You guys are doing a great service for the engineering community.
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD
Hello, and welcome to another exciting episode of Engenious! This week, we have a more generalized discussion about dungeons and what the game could do to improve, and we have a new host guesting- Dceased! Our guest this week is Fleeting Flash, an excellent dungeon runner on Sanctum of Rall! We discuss legendaries and weapon types, as well as the latest news from Arenanet! Be sure to like us on facebook and check out the SOACgaming youtube channel, and as always, trust us; we are engineers!
Thanks for having me on your show. It was pretty fun talking to Rose and Dceased about the different aspects of dungeon-running as well as general PvE.
With that said, I have yet to trust my own PvP build for anything— I’ve only been doing solo queues for about three days now but eventually I’ll get my Champ Genius title … I got like 30 wins so far out of 70-something matches … lol!
But I do love experimenting— maybe something might come out of it in progressing through PvP.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .