Engi Hammer look
Aetherized or Entropy
Wat r u, casul?
Aetherized or Entropy
…Or for the person who isn’t made of money (seriously, 1400g for the Aetherized Hammer skin???) Mecha Anchor is a nice tech-y looking hammer that costs less that 3g on the TP.
Also, Entropy is totally a Revenant hammer.
i really really really wish i could see the juggernauts chrome aura in preview
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Aetherized or Entropy
/thread…Or for the person who isn’t made of money (seriously, 1400g for the Aetherized Hammer skin???) Mecha Anchor is a nice tech-y looking hammer that costs less that 3g on the TP.
Also, Entropy is totally a Revenant hammer.
Entropy to me feels like overflowing energy like inquest weps, hence a sort of magitech wep…maybe is just me.
Also ihmo Juggernaut has a cool aura but the skin is ugly…it seems a staff :/
Wat r u, casul?
This one. It’s cheap and it also suit good because of the the gears on it.
A good armor skin cuold be magitech or aetherblade, and for the back (If anet removes Hobosack…) the spinal blades skin
I’ll be using Entropy. It’s covered in Electrical bolts, how could you not see it as an Engi hammer?
Legendary ofc
Tekkit’s Workshop
Phoenix hammer skin, it looks so big on my tiny human female, it feels like anime, that and i feel like the trollish aspect of it will be off the charts.
the could have some new hammer skins to keep in mind about that might look good
the hot demo’s hammer skin looks pretty good imo, so theres at least 1 for sure.
i doubt theyll totally flop with new legendaries, but whatever comes may be subjective… considering the set we have now has parties and rainbows and other silly things that dont exactly evoke a MURDER DEATH KILL type response.
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Mecha Anchor Mecha Anchor Mecha Anchor. Juggernaut would look far too ugly and out of place with what I currently wear.
Oh also pact fleet one! Pretty good imho!
Wat r u, casul?
Definitely Phoenix Hammer Skin. Only one I ever bought.
and how about wvw tournament one?
Definitely Phoenix Hammer Skin. Only one I ever bought.
did you get it befor the price spike? it hasnt spiked very much yet but i imagine that there is going to be some huge spikes in rarer hammer skins when hot hits.
Wanna hear a sad story?
I had the Aetherized hammer skin, specifically hoping that they would add the hammer to the engineer one day, but I sold it for barely any profit… just because I got sick of waiting and really down on what little the developers were doing with the game.
i really really really wish i could see the juggernauts chrome aura in preview
If we´ll get the hammer, i´ll put the skin of Mjölnir on my engi-hammer. It looks so awesome on my asura guardian, that i can´t wait giving it to my engineer.
Bought myself aetherized for 1000g. 2nd choice would be the mecha anchor. Everything else isn’t engi style and poor man stuff :>
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
candy cane ham is prob best choice.
Definitely Phoenix Hammer Skin. Only one I ever bought.
did you get it befor the price spike? it hasnt spiked very much yet but i imagine that there is going to be some huge spikes in rarer hammer skins when hot hits.
I actually used my only black lion claim ticket on it when it originally came out and I still thought hammer bow warrior ruled
There’s a couple of hammers that fit the engineer theme pretty well, though it’ll likely depend on your race/armor as to how well it fits your character. To summarize this thread and add a few of my own, the ones that come to mind are:
But personally I really need to see what new skills the hammer has before I worry about the skins I use with it. No point paying loads of gold for a weapon skin if you never equip it anywhere.
Aetherized Hammer. Bought the skin months ago for 300g on the guess that someday we would get to use hammers. Good call I would say
Heck with the animations and particle effects that hammer has, it’s practically a legendary in terms of style. Unless they specifically design legendary hammer for Engis and do it well I don’t think I’ll even care about legendary hammers because we all know Juggernaut is awful.
Jade Quarry
My Engie doesn’t use the typical mechanical type skins. Rather, I use an animal-based theme for her weapons.
Which sadly doesn’t leave me too many options for hammers, as many of the animal-based hammers are rather silly looking IMO. My go-to weapon sets for the theme are usually Ebon, Ambrite, Dragon’s Jade, and sometimes Lionguard. Of those, I only really like the Ebon Vanguard one (and even that’s a bit too small). And even using the Ebon skin, I usually have 2-3 skins for each weapon on each character, so I need a bit more than that. I guess maybe the Godskull one doesn’t look too bad. Phoenix one isn’t bad either, but a bit out of my price range.
Gonna wait on decisions till we see possible new skins from the expansion.
I want to see the skills before I make a decision personally, but depending on how much I like the weapon I’m either going for Legendary or for Mecha Anchor.
Ferguson’s Crossing