Engi dps compare to other proffesions

Engi dps compare to other proffesions

in Engineer

Posted by: David.5974



I Hope for better result, now I know why nobody want me at sabetha.

“Doctor suggest me, to stop play with engi because my fingers are broken.
So.. I start play scrapper. "

Engi dps compare to other proffesions

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure.8670


Im sorry but I dont think this is accurate

Engi dps compare to other proffesions

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


you arent unwanted because of the class you choose to bring…

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Engi dps compare to other proffesions

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Im sorry but I know this is not accurate.

I used my past few months to do some engi spreadsheet and tested the stuff ingame (sadly I have to restart because of some alacrity changes >_>). Even without alacrity and quickness I’ve had 17k dps with condi against heavy targets… I think that speaks for itself…

EDIT: Oh I see that they used pvp stuff … wich makes the whole graphs totally off reality for pve. Not every profession scales the same way with PvE gear compared to PvP gear. It’s cool they put in effort and do the work, but it’s not nearly accurate.

If you want to do it correct, just do the rotation with quickness and alacrity, write it down, calc the damage of each skill full buffed and sum it up. This is the only way since there are no dummies in PvE right now. Or you simply fight each raid boss for the true dps, but I doubt anyone accepting this because of the “I can do it better”-factor :P

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

(edited by Xyonon.3987)

Engi dps compare to other proffesions

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


With quickness and alacrity engi have 15k dps easily just pure from bleeding. Your math or rotation are wrong.

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Engi dps compare to other proffesions

in Engineer

Posted by: Mesis.2951


Ofcourse it is not accurate but I think the graph is correct (numbers may be higher or lower)

In my opinion I if you want dmg comparision in non-condi builds you should use gearless characters and compare each invidual skill (cd, dmg, buffs, debuffs, cc…)

Engi dps compare to other proffesions

in Engineer

Posted by: David.5974


I don’t compare numbers of other proffesions, For me it’s only interesting how stable dps have condi engi

“Doctor suggest me, to stop play with engi because my fingers are broken.
So.. I start play scrapper. "

Engi dps compare to other proffesions

in Engineer

Posted by: Triggerbrand.8072


idk about you but I consistently get 9k burns with 8k bleeds and 3k poison.