Engi from Mesmer

Engi from Mesmer

in Engineer

Posted by: kaikalii.4198


I’ve just recently gotten into engi, and it’s a ton of fun! I’ve been getting a bit tired of maiming mesmer, as it has a lot of shortcomings in WvW and sPvP. I’m also really tired of reliance on ai, so engi is a welcome change.

Bad things first, I hate grenades, and to a lesser extent, bombs. The spamming play style of th two kits is probably the most boring in the entire game. Flamethrower is a lot of fun, but it seems to lack something viability wise that I just can’t put my finger on.

In PvP, I’ve tried p/p hgh condition and standard sd builds to a good degree of success. I just have a few questions about other viable things.

-How well does power rifle hgh work?
-Is there anything that focuses a good amount on the tool kit or elixir gun?
-I beg for a turret build that actually works
-a gadget lockdown build? Ie: mine, battering ram, oil shoes

Kaliiii (Thief) – SoS

Engi from Mesmer

in Engineer

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


rifle hgh works just as well as condi hgh but overall hgh builds have phased out of the tanky meta because they have low survivability.

the standard condi build could run tool kit instead of bomb kit for defense and set ups.
or you could try this triple kit build. i only mention it because the person that i saw using it was high on the soloq leaderboards and he kicked my kitten 1v1. i’m not too sure what his traits were but i can make a decent guess.

sorry turret builds do not work. hopefully they won’t work for a while. the game doesn’t need any more ai oriented builds.

if you want to be viable, you need to run kits. triple gadgets won’t work. you can use chaith’s power rifle build. it focuses on heavy lockdown and burst. though if you wanted to not be so trolly and win a match against good people, elixir s would be better than slick shoes.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!
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Engi from Mesmer

in Engineer

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


Power HGH is good. There’s some videos in this thread, as well as just a lot of various info/debate about HGH builds.


If you refuse to use bombs or nades youll have a hard time being very competitive, as a ton of our damage comes from those 2 kits.

There arent really any builds centered around TK or EG as theyre mostly just utility and support based. Not viable to use as a main weapon. Standard SD does use TK quite a bit tho, for the block (good cus your glassy as hell, pull, and prybar hits like a truck in a power build).

Turret builds arent bad because turrets or their traits are bad. Its just how theyre completely immobile and filled with bugs. I believe theres a thread with 30+ turret bugs, tho debs have said fairly recently their working on them.

Eh…. Not really. Gadgets dont really have anything going for them other than moderate CC, and you miss out on way to much taking more than 1 gadget in your build

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Engi from Mesmer

in Engineer

Posted by: Travlane.5948


I’ve just recently gotten into engi, and it’s a ton of fun! I’ve been getting a bit tired of maiming mesmer, as it has a lot of shortcomings in WvW and sPvP. I’m also really tired of reliance on ai, so engi is a welcome change.

Bad things first, I hate grenades, and to a lesser extent, bombs. The spamming play style of th two kits is probably the most boring in the entire game. Flamethrower is a lot of fun, but it seems to lack something viability wise that I just can’t put my finger on.

In PvP, I’ve tried p/p hgh condition and standard sd builds to a good degree of success. I just have a few questions about other viable things.

-How well does power rifle hgh work?
-Is there anything that focuses a good amount on the tool kit or elixir gun?
-I beg for a turret build that actually works
-a gadget lockdown build? Ie: mine, battering ram, oil shoes

its really nice and super refreshing to hear somebody say they are tired of relying on AI. its the reason i dont play mesmer. they messed it up so much from GW1. i loved my mesmer in gw1.

kudos for trying something different and being truthful!

Engi from Mesmer

in Engineer

Posted by: Bloodgruve.6038


I used to run a Rifle SD burst build that was a lot of fun and quite effective. I haven’t been in sPvP for a while so things may have changed but if you’re interested its;

0/30/0/10/30 – Rifle/Medkit/Rifle Turret/Toolkit/PBR/Supply Drop with Zerker amulet and Scholar runes. Low survivability but.. 1v1 its got good control and burst. Lock um down and unload basically. You’re squishy but not helpless. Switch out PBR for a Stunbreak if you want.


“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”

Engi from Mesmer

in Engineer

Posted by: Wenrolio.8063


I’ve been playing a very personalized build lately that does use flamethrower, toolkit, and elixir gun. It is loads of fun in wvw, has good utility, and has some good cc. Fair warning though, it looks very weird when compared to meta builds and requires nearly constant kit switching for 1 or 2 abilities. I pretty much never autoattack unless I want to spam weakness on something or am flaming down siege.


I have played it with mines instead of toolkit for the boon removal (stability is very annoying), but I just like TK better. YMMV

Asuran -Engineer, Elementalist, Necromancer, Mesmer, and underlevel Ranger

Engi from Mesmer

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


This thread is out of date now BUT it still has useful information for making a good rifle build in sPvP.


I have used an updated version of that build and it still works pretty well. That combo still kills pretty much anyone.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry