Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Screwface.5296


I have several hours invested in all classes with pvp. I main Engi these days. One thing I only notice on my Engi is when you 1v1 someone and win they CANNOT stand it!

I receive so many whispers of ppl talkin trash to me calling me a noob, even though I just beat them 1v1.

I’ve had ppl target me in a Zerg of enemy players and after they kill me with 4 other ppl beating on me, whisper me and talk trash.

On none of my toons do I receive so many tears from opposition as I do on my Engi.

I mean, you’d think Mesmer or Necro would be the class, but nope I’d say half of the time when I win a 1v1 the other player has to cry and try to stalk me the rest of the bg.

Anyone else have this happen? Just wonder why ppl can’t stand it, lose their mind when an engi beats them.

Are we not supposed to win 1v1’s and I just didn’t get the memo? Lol

(edited by Screwface.5296)

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Maybe people get frustrated because they can’t understand what killed them. With Ele, Mesmer or Necro is very clear what is happening, the tricks and tips are known, and people can forgive those things they themselves would do.

But engie have so many ways of play and mix things, most people would never stand a chance to even imagine the rotations or strategies used, much less to try them themselves…

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: shion.2084


You’d think those perma-stealthing, clone making mesmers would get the worst of it. Man are those annoying… who loves playing the “which one am I game” with the answer “none of the above”

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Chiller Killer Czar.9014

Chiller Killer Czar.9014

I find there are a few things in particular that really set them off. Being blown up by BoB, being pulled then wacked by a pry bar and most all falling on their butts over and over because of Slick Shoes.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Athelious.4569


It’s because engi is a outplaying class, people hate getting outplayed, the class feels like you are playing a piano on your keyboard but like stated above me people just don’t understand what you did so they feel outplayed, thus they rage.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ricky Rouse.1583

Ricky Rouse.1583

As someone who has plenty of SPvP games on an Engineer, you are lying to yourself if you don’t know why people get mad at Engineers:

“Oh kitten I missed my combo, guess i’m in some trouble…



XXXx2007epicengiexxxXXX: Outplayed"

Elixir S and Gear Shield need to be removed from the game. And before you say “ur just kitten” almost all my games in SPvP are on Engineer to the point where I can’t really play any other class. If you play Engineer only to cycle invulnerability while waiting for Healing Turret and hundred nades to cool down like a cheese salesman you should just go play Mesmer or Thief, I heard they have an opening on the “huge coward who think’s he’s good” position.

You aren’t “outplaying” anyone. You aren’t even playing the game. You’re playing the waiting game.

(edited by Ricky Rouse.1583)

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Maybe is the CC. Other proffs doesn’t control the opponent toon so directly, so constantly…

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: tyrellian.3706


I think the funniest rage I’ve met was a condi thief (yeah...) ranting that I was an ’AOE spamer’ (his spelling). Presumably he thought the only honourable engis exclusively use rifle/TK/EG autos...

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Screwface.5296


As someone who has plenty of SPvP games on an Engineer, you are lying to yourself if you don’t know why people get mad at Engineers:

“Oh kitten I missed my combo, guess i’m in some trouble…



XXXx2007epicengiexxxXXX: Outplayed"

Elixir S and Gear Shield need to be removed from the game. And before you say “ur just kitten” almost all my games in SPvP are on Engineer to the point where I can’t really play any other class. If you play Engineer only to cycle invulnerability while waiting for Healing Turret and hundred nades to cool down like a cheese salesman you should just go play Mesmer or Thief, I heard they have an opening on the “huge coward who think’s he’s good” position.

You aren’t “outplaying” anyone. You aren’t even playing the game. You’re playing the waiting game.

I’m not saying we don’t have some annoying abilities or even borderline OP ones, but so do other classes.

I mean, I log on with my necro and can jump right it the middle of the enemy team, activate death shroud, mix it up a bit, maybe even get a few kills and then disengage with plague corruption and my main hp is untouched…so that’s not OP?
The fact that you essentially have to beat Necros twice?

Or my Mesmer, stealth in, shatter, drop hp’s to half, 2 stealths and a teleport at my disposal to do it all over again.

All classes in this game have a little OP to them, some more than others.

I’m just saying when I play Mesmer or Necro I don’t get people wanting me to just quit the game and die of AIDs because I fail at life. All because I beat them on an engie lol.

Anyways, I thought maybe other engie’s have had similar experiences is all.

(edited by Screwface.5296)

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Screwface.5296


I think the funniest rage I’ve met was a condi thief (yeah…) ranting that I was an ‘AOE spamer’ (his spelling). Presumably he thought the only honourable engis exclusively use rifle/TK/EG autos…

Been there! Had a thief tell me that it takes so much skill to throw a grenade and kill things.

1. This coming from a thief…nuff said…like 3 button rotation, crap my opener didn’t kill him!? Better re-stealth and leave lol.

2. Nades, I would argue, does take a fair amount of skill if played properly. You have to aim and anticipate where the enemy is gonna be, most other classes just tab target and hit their respective button and there it goes.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ricky Rouse.1583

Ricky Rouse.1583

As someone who has plenty of SPvP games on an Engineer, you are lying to yourself if you don’t know why people get mad at Engineers:

“Oh kitten I missed my combo, guess i’m in some trouble…



XXXx2007epicengiexxxXXX: Outplayed"

Elixir S and Gear Shield need to be removed from the game. And before you say “ur just kitten” almost all my games in SPvP are on Engineer to the point where I can’t really play any other class. If you play Engineer only to cycle invulnerability while waiting for Healing Turret and hundred nades to cool down like a cheese salesman you should just go play Mesmer or Thief, I heard they have an opening on the “huge coward who think’s he’s good” position.

You aren’t “outplaying” anyone. You aren’t even playing the game. You’re playing the waiting game.

I’m not saying we don’t have some annoying abilities or even borderline OP ones, but so do other classes.

I mean, I log on with my necro and can jump right it the middle of the enemy team, activate death shroud, mix it up a bit, maybe even get a few kills and then disengage with plague corruption and my main hp is untouched…so that’s not OP?
The fact that you essentially have to beat Necros twice?

Or my Mesmer, stealth in, shatter, drop hp’s to half, 2 stealths and a teleport at my disposal to do it all over again.

All classes in this game have a little OP to them, some more than others.

I’m just saying when I play Mesmer or Necro I don’t get people wanting me to just quit the game and die of AIDs because I fail at life. All because I beat them on an engie lol.

Anyways, I thought maybe other engie’s have had similar experiences is all.

Well of course other classes have very good abilities. Guardian medi teleport into 10000 burn stacks.

It’s just that those abilities usually don’t involve becoming straight up invulnerable with a 16s cooldown block. It drives me crazy, and like I said, I play Engineer exclusively. It makes me ashamed when I want to try out HGH Flamethrower with elixir C and B and the first Engineer I run into is someone who colored their armor lime and is cycling invulnerability while he waits for his HT to come off cooldown.

I have to stop and say “Me and him are playing the same class”

(edited by Ricky Rouse.1583)

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Screwface.5296


As someone who has plenty of SPvP games on an Engineer, you are lying to yourself if you don’t know why people get mad at Engineers:

“Oh kitten I missed my combo, guess i’m in some trouble…



XXXx2007epicengiexxxXXX: Outplayed"

Elixir S and Gear Shield need to be removed from the game. And before you say “ur just kitten” almost all my games in SPvP are on Engineer to the point where I can’t really play any other class. If you play Engineer only to cycle invulnerability while waiting for Healing Turret and hundred nades to cool down like a cheese salesman you should just go play Mesmer or Thief, I heard they have an opening on the “huge coward who think’s he’s good” position.

You aren’t “outplaying” anyone. You aren’t even playing the game. You’re playing the waiting game.

I’m not saying we don’t have some annoying abilities or even borderline OP ones, but so do other classes.

I mean, I log on with my necro and can jump right it the middle of the enemy team, activate death shroud, mix it up a bit, maybe even get a few kills and then disengage with plague corruption and my main hp is untouched…so that’s not OP?
The fact that you essentially have to beat Necros twice?

Or my Mesmer, stealth in, shatter, drop hp’s to half, 2 stealths and a teleport at my disposal to do it all over again.

All classes in this game have a little OP to them, some more than others.

I’m just saying when I play Mesmer or Necro I don’t get people wanting me to just quit the game and die of AIDs because I fail at life. All because I beat them on an engie lol.

Anyways, I thought maybe other engie’s have had similar experiences is all.

Well of course other classes have very good abilities. Guardian medi teleport into 10000 burn stacks.

It’s just that those abilities usually don’t involve becoming straight up invulnerable with a 16s cooldown block. It drives me crazy, and like I said, I play Engineer exclusively. It makes me ashamed when I want to try out HGH Flamethrower with elixir C and B and the first Engineer I run into is someone who colored their armor lime who is cycling invulnerability while he waits for his HT to come off cooldown.

I have to stop and say “Me and him are playing the same class”

Yea, I feel you there, I love me some Elixir B, but every time I use a build without toolkit I feel so kitten. It’s just too good not to take, I have accepted this ><

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: santenal.1054


In WVW I never get hate for being an engi. Are you running a burn burst condi engi build? Some people hate getting downed by those because those builds are a little cheesy.

(edited by santenal.1054)

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


Elixir S and Gear Shield need to be removed from the game.

I think I’ve seen it all…

You aren’t “outplaying” anyone. You aren’t even playing the game. You’re playing the waiting game.

If you exclusively play Engi why does this post sound so much like a case of “mad cuz bad”?

I would say regardless of profession most good PvP players play the waiting game. Wait for an opening. Wait for opponent to burn cleanses. Wait for them to use cooldowns. Wait to use dodges for dangerous attacks. Wait to cleanse the right conditions. And yes, stall and use defensive skills while you wait for your heal to come back up. This is pretty typical of high level PvP.

If you just run in Leeroy Jenkins style it might work in hot join or low tier games but I feel that to be really good in PvP you’re supposed to play a patient waiting game.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

(edited by Adamantium.3682)

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Twigifire.8379


A good engineer can be very frustrating to fight against. Someone who can use all their skills effectively for combo-ing, damage rotations, and surviving, is generally a huge pain to deal with.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: tsuyosugiru.7634


As someone who has plenty of SPvP games on an Engineer, you are lying to yourself if you don’t know why people get mad at Engineers:

“Oh kitten I missed my combo, guess i’m in some trouble…



XXXx2007epicengiexxxXXX: Outplayed"

Elixir S and Gear Shield need to be removed from the game. And before you say “ur just kitten” almost all my games in SPvP are on Engineer to the point where I can’t really play any other class. If you play Engineer only to cycle invulnerability while waiting for Healing Turret and hundred nades to cool down like a cheese salesman you should just go play Mesmer or Thief, I heard they have an opening on the “huge coward who think’s he’s good” position.

You aren’t “outplaying” anyone. You aren’t even playing the game. You’re playing the waiting game.

My man over here says it all.

The gameplay that Arenanet should get rid of, is this idea of getting second chances when you mess up.

I strongly believe that if Anet wants to push this game into Esports, they should promote unforgiving nature in their pvp. One mistake in your rotation/position and you deserve to die if your opponent is skilled enough to punish you for that opening you just created.

Arenanet is not promoting this high risk high reward gameplay. Players are currently given tools to prolong fights longer than what they should be, when the players themselves do no deserve that privilege.
This privilege should only be accessible to players who play flawlessly, with no automatic/passif, death preventing, stun breaking, hard damage mitigating kitten.

You can almost never punish someone hard for having made a mistake, too many accessible safety nets around. what Anet should do is strip them away, and give people alternative tools that should produce the same results only if used flawlessly.

And they should also give us tools that kill instantly players, only when they also used flawlessly in the context of punishes.

Let me illustrate an example:

an engi in a 1v1 scenario defending his home point.
Engi starts doing his usual rotation for damage, notices that he is also taking some serious damage.
Both have popped most of their active skill cooldowns at this point, and the engi decides to go for the second time and pop his healing turret.
The opponent kept track of the engi’s active skill cooldowns in his head, and knows he has only his healing skill up for use.
The opponents notices that the engi is going for that heal, and proceeds to CC him during his turret’s casting time.
The engi does not pop one of his stun breakers because they were already used.
The opponent has an off cooldown finishing DPS rotation, and decides to go for it while the engi is still CC’d, knowing that there is no way the engi should survive it, unless the opponent himself makes a mistake.
The Engi SHOULD die. (even if he gets killed from a high health)

(edited by tsuyosugiru.7634)

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kenmei.7138


I’m not usin Elixir S, nor gear shield. And I dont miss any of it rofl.

Also, everybody is usin waiting game like some1 above mentioned. Just look at ele i.e. and then think again bout your utilities/skills if they’re so op.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: tsuyosugiru.7634


I’m not usin Elixir S, nor gear shield. And I dont miss any of it rofl.

Also, everybody is usin waiting game like some1 above mentioned. Just look at ele i.e. and then think again bout your utilities/skills if they’re so op.

The DD ele is just as guilty as the engineers currently.

I believe if Arenanet shoud remove that trait that gives an automatic ‘Armor of earth, that gives protection and 10 stabilities, when struck below a 50% threashold’. To kill this ele, there should a way to kill them quickly in the game. The only reason why its frustrating to fight them is because they take took long to kill, and when they are in trouble they flee with good mobility.

by taking that trait out, effectively you need your DPSers to force the ele to pop out his active ‘armor of earth’ early in the fight by CCing him. Then strip stability, make sure he doesnt pop his shocking aura in time, then CC chain him (Or use a single high duration CC) into a damage combo that he would not be able to get out of unless he has another stun breaker or else unless the DPSers themselves screw up their team work.
A CC’d DD ele cannot heal if he cannot use skills.
A CC’d DD ele cannot flee if he cannot use his skills.
A CC’d DD ele cannot do kitten if he cannot use skills.

So Arenanet needs to give us tools or remove existing tools to allow players to play around low risk high reward builds. And by doing so, the low risk high reward builds automatically become High risk High reward, because there is a way now to make them suffer for having chosen this specific build. They could die, if they do not use their stun breakers correctly and if they do not dodge incoming CCs after having their last pulse of stability (in case it wasn’t stripped).

But despite this restriction on the DD ele, if he manages to dish out damage and condis and at the same time maintain heals and contesting a capture point, it should be only something that top DD eles could do. Your average DD ele can still do that, and before that last Balance Patch your scrub DD ele was able to do that too.

(edited by tsuyosugiru.7634)

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ricky Rouse.1583

Ricky Rouse.1583

Elixir S and Gear Shield need to be removed from the game.

I think I’ve seen it all…

You aren’t “outplaying” anyone. You aren’t even playing the game. You’re playing the waiting game.

If you exclusively play Engi why does this post sound so much like a case of “mad cuz bad”?

I would say regardless of profession most good PvP players play the waiting game. Wait for an opening. Wait for opponent to burn cleanses. Wait for them to use cooldowns. Wait to use dodges for dangerous attacks. Wait to cleanse the right conditions. And yes, stall and use defensive skills while you wait for your heal to come back up. This is pretty typical of high level PvP.

If you just run in Leeroy Jenkins style it might work in hot join or low tier games but I feel that to be really good in PvP you’re supposed to play a patient waiting game.

Except patience isn’t what the Engineer’s do. I’m convinced YOU’RE the hotjoin hero.

They toss grenades until you dodge once or twice, then proceed to attempt the magnet —-> Barrage combo. If by some method that fails, they will just continue to attack until you get angry enough to try and deal with the issue. They get to about 50% health and will pop HT. Get them back down to 50% and its gear shield. Then Elixir S. Then traited Elixir S. Then Throw Elixir S. Then Gear Shield. Then HT again and at this point his teammates probably killed you.

The fact that you think this is “deep, interactive skill based combat” is a joke. There is no way to actually burst an Engineer down, because unless you deal 10k+ damage in a single hit, he will just get one of his two invulnerability procs and then run away. Did you ever stop to wonder why Engineers are almost ALWAYS focused first in a big fight? It’s probably because everyone wants to proc their invulns first so they don’t have them later. It’s probably because the only way to even kill an Engineer using solly rifle w/traited S is to load him up with 5000 stacks of burn, proc his 25% invuln and then get him to die to the burn. And if “well just get him under circumstances that would kill almost everyone else” is the method of killing a class…well that’s stupid. That’s not even CONSIDERING the fact that Alchemical Tinctures exists and it might come down to the wonderful RNG cleansing the burning, letting him get off scot-free.

This may be a problem with other classes as well, but Engineers abuse this garbage the most. And yes, I have like 600-800 games on my Engineer and not even 100 combined total on the other classes. I play A LOT of Engineer. And I can safely say my own class is populated entirely by annoying little children who cycle invulnerability and think they’re good while doing it.

Whenever I pick up Soldier Rifle with Elixir S Gear Shield HT and Vamp Runes I just feel disgusted. I spend less time playing the game and more time leading everyone on a goose chase while they die to my teammates, and if they chase me they lose the point. If they don’t I just come back and do it all over again. It’s why I prefer to just play an HGH Juggernaut build without Elixir S or tool kit, at least then I actually get to play the game

Whatever vision Anet had for Engineer, I don’t think it involved Elixir S and Tool Kit being in every meta build since the dawn of GW2 itself. I don’t think that vision involved being actively punished for focusing the Engineer

Also, you’ve seen it all? What? Do you really get exasperated when someone says that maybe invulnerability is a dumb mechanic? Get out.

(edited by Ricky Rouse.1583)

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


I’ll ignore the part where you put things in quotes that never said, and try to change the point you were making that I initially responded to.

I must have missed the time when Engis were carrying teams and those with the most Engis always won. That’s because it’s never happened.

It honestly sounds to me like you enjoy Engi and you don’t like that other people you deem noobs can be good at what you’ve spent a lot of time being good at. Seems petty.

Maybe you should get some more experience on other professions because your view is not very objective. They all have something you can complain about, but in the end it’s pretty balanced overall.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Deax.1572


Thief uses Shadow step, shadow refuge, re-stealth over and over. It’s kay.
Mesmer spams condis while having reflects, block, blinds, Decoy and Blink and other stealth and invuln. It’s kay.
Warrior uses This invlun. granting stance then that invuln. granting stance. It’s kay.
BUT OHHH kitten ENGI USES GEAR SHIELD AND EXLEXIR S WITHOUT having ANY mobility skill other than jump shot or none at all if p/p & p/s and one stun break. So op, so broken. Laughable. Get out.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Elixir S and Gear Shield need to be removed from the game.

I think I’ve seen it all…

You aren’t “outplaying” anyone. You aren’t even playing the game. You’re playing the waiting game.

If you exclusively play Engi why does this post sound so much like a case of “mad cuz bad”?

I would say regardless of profession most good PvP players play the waiting game. Wait for an opening. Wait for opponent to burn cleanses. Wait for them to use cooldowns. Wait to use dodges for dangerous attacks. Wait to cleanse the right conditions. And yes, stall and use defensive skills while you wait for your heal to come back up. This is pretty typical of high level PvP.

If you just run in Leeroy Jenkins style it might work in hot join or low tier games but I feel that to be really good in PvP you’re supposed to play a patient waiting game.

Whenever I pick up Soldier Rifle with Elixir S Gear Shield HT and Vamp Runes I just feel disgusted. I spend less time playing the game and more time leading everyone on a goose chase while they die to my teammates, and if they chase me they lose the point. If they don’t I just come back and do it all over again. It’s why I prefer to just play an HGH Juggernaut build without Elixir S or tool kit, at least then I actually get to play the game

you know, you just gave the exact definition of bunker build è_è
in this regards necros ar bunker guardians are WAY more annoying.
Even stealth thieves/mesmers.
Well basically anything with utility /traits to bunker up.

In over 1k matches I had never see hate on my engi. Ever. :/

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ricky Rouse.1583

Ricky Rouse.1583

I’ll ignore the part where you put things in quotes that never said, and try to change the point you were making that I initially responded to.

I must have missed the time when Engis were carrying teams and those with the most Engis always won. That’s because it’s never happened.

It honestly sounds to me like you enjoy Engi and you don’t like that other people you deem noobs can be good at what you’ve spent a lot of time being good at. Seems petty.

Maybe you should get some more experience on other professions because your view is not very objective. They all have something you can complain about, but in the end it’s pretty balanced overall.

Whoa whoa WHOA, talking about putting words into mouths you bloody hypocrite, when did I say it was overpowered? Or even “too good” or “too strong”? It isn’t. I said it was unhealthy and killing the class. But i’m sure your “lol didnt read” approach is excellent. Furthermore, the original point was “why do people get mad at Engineers” and I think even if you deny it you know full well why.

And I know about the strengths and weaknesses of other classes, I don’t need to play them for a decade to learn about them. Thief has a ton of mobility and ways to break the fight, but if you’re on the point before he is, what can he do without a buddy? Engineer, however, can actively fight you, and a 2 v 1 if he’s good enough. Guardians have ONE invuln, and the rest is block. Engineer has one block, and it’s on a low cooldown, then the rest is invuln. Block and invuln are two very different things. Magnet, for example, can completely ruin a Guardian just on the merit that it bypasses blocks. Mesmer has a lot of blinks and good mobility and burst, but it suffers from the same issue that SD Engineer does: The minute the burst is blown you have two options: Stay and die or run away and wait for cooldowns. They have no invulnerability to help them out, granted, neither does SD Engineer, but solly rifle is just as bursty with barrage, also being able to rely a million fallback plans and one of the best heals in the game.

Warrior has nothing to do when the stances are down aside from get kited, Burnguard has nothing to do if his burn gets cleansed, ect ect ect. These weaknesses are apparent. There are two culprits that are exempt from this: And they are Engineer and Elementalist. Engineer being weak only to damaging conditions once HT is down, and Elementalist being vulnerable to stuns once his stunbreak and armor is down.

When Engineer actually has to react to a situation in a way other than “Whoops i’m dying time to cycle invuln and book it”, we can start calling it a harder class to play. But convincing yourself that what Engineers do now is healthy is nothing but your sickening bias.

(edited by Ricky Rouse.1583)

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ricky Rouse.1583

Ricky Rouse.1583

Thief uses Shadow step, shadow refuge, re-stealth over and over. It’s kay.
Mesmer spams condis while having reflects, block, blinds, Decoy and Blink and other stealth and invuln. It’s kay.
Warrior uses This invlun. granting stance then that invuln. granting stance. It’s kay.
BUT OHHH kitten ENGI USES GEAR SHIELD AND EXLEXIR S WITHOUT having ANY mobility skill other than jump shot or none at all if p/p & p/s and one stun break. So op, so broken. Laughable. Get out.

Distortion has a 50s cooldown, requires an active resource, and doesn’t also give you stealth on the same ability. Thief has blinks and stealth, but they don’t have the power of magnet, jump shot, blunderbuss, grenades, ect. They have Basilisk Venom and…yeah. You aren’t dying to him unless you’re also using zerk. Engineer doesn’t need mobility because catching up to him means nothing if you still are powerless to stop his invulnerability.

And if you think Stances are a problem I don’t know what to tell you. It’s the easiest skill category to play around in the entire game, and even traited it lasts, what, 5, 6 seconds? Elixir S + traited Elixir S is a greater duration, not counting Gear Shield, not counting the stealth.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


There is way too much vitriol in your posts for anyone to have a meaningful conversation with you.

I would like to hear the opinion on this from an established high level PvP player like Chaith. That would be a valuable persoective I think. I have my own ideas but it would be nice to hear from someone who has been there.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaith.8256


There is way too much vitriol in your posts for anyone to have a meaningful conversation with you.

I would like to hear the opinion on this from an established high level PvP player like Chaith. That would be a valuable persoective I think. I have my own ideas but it would be nice to hear from someone who has been there.

Hi, I dunno if there is any meaningful discussion to be had ITT, lol.

I’ll just be over here with my 10 foot pole, keeping to myself

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Pimsley.3681


Good riddance that’s a big pole you have there Chaith.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Lite.3819


you know, you just gave the exact definition of bunker build è_è

+1 to Gaaroth.2567
A bunker being a bunker. Just like other bunkers. Old news.

Engineer – Street Rag (Black Gates)
Current Build

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure.8670


As a pvp necro main, engi is the only enemy I respect on the battlefield. The rest I spit on their corpses and visit the homes of their widows.

With that said, engi getting moa is the most evil thing to ever happen. Thank god engi isn’t popular

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


There is way too much vitriol in your posts for anyone to have a meaningful conversation with you.

I would like to hear the opinion on this from an established high level PvP player like Chaith. That would be a valuable persoective I think. I have my own ideas but it would be nice to hear from someone who has been there.

Hi, I dunno if there is any meaningful discussion to be had ITT, lol.

I’ll just be over here with my 10 foot pole, keeping to myself

You may be right, but you use Elixir S so I don’t trust you.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Arioso.8519


As a pvp necro main, engi is the only enemy I respect on the battlefield. The rest I spit on their corpses and visit the homes of their widows.

With that said, engi getting moa is the most evil thing to ever happen. Thank god engi isn’t popular

Hehe, that’s an awfully nice reaper form you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if someone canceled it early, wouldn’kitten
(I’m just glad crate isn’t our only viable elite anymore, they’re all solid choices for different builds now)

Even as an Engie main, I find myself getting annoyed at engies using Elixir S, Gear Shield and Magnet pulls because they’re just annoying abilities to deal with. However, BECAUSE I’m an Engie main, I know exactly how to ruin the day of any other engie using those skills. “Oh You shrank? Enjoy those 4 seconds while they last because you’re dead as soon as it wears off” Whereas I find the invuln from rangers and wariors much more problematic to deal with, but surprise: I don’t play either of those classes.

I think the tricks of classes you don’t play always seem worse, and Engineer is one of the less popular classes to play which is the main source of the issue.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Nilix.2170


In a game where everyone’s focus is damage, the mitigation of damage is the greatest of evil.

Mortar Shot is STILL nerfed by 28%
Purity of Purpose

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


this thread is barely readable

all i can say is S = decap. if you arent taking that advantage, l2p. stop whining about double S.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Abissal.6975


Thing is, a few seconds of invul wouldn’t be a problem if people would play something else besides glass cannon builds focused less on skill and more on just killing the other guy as fast as possible , preferably before he has time to react and you actually have to fight him. Ofc we’re gonna run those skills if everyone else plays the same style of build that’s so easily countered.

100% Dedicated to playing necro only, aka full-time masochist.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkantos.7460


its normal, ppl get mad if they were beaten in 1vs1
I also played loooong time with my s/d trickery quickness thief …. after I own someone they wisper me things like noob thief and started chasing me in zerg fights so 3vs1 … i never used any stealth skills and still can get away … its the funny point where you know what builds ppl play and how good you know your own class and what counter you have ^^

Good Thiefs are average,
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: abc.5790


If there’s one thing I can say about this thread, that would be:
engies are sassy

[Star] In My Prono
EU Scrub

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


As someone who has plenty of SPvP games on an Engineer, you are lying to yourself if you don’t know why people get mad at Engineers:

“Oh kitten I missed my combo, guess i’m in some trouble…



XXXx2007epicengiexxxXXX: Outplayed"

Elixir S and Gear Shield need to be removed from the game. And before you say “ur just kitten” almost all my games in SPvP are on Engineer to the point where I can’t really play any other class. If you play Engineer only to cycle invulnerability while waiting for Healing Turret and hundred nades to cool down like a cheese salesman you should just go play Mesmer or Thief, I heard they have an opening on the “huge coward who think’s he’s good” position.

You aren’t “outplaying” anyone. You aren’t even playing the game. You’re playing the waiting game.

if you die to someone with a build solely focus on healing and shields and die to shield skills i believe you are the one who sucks at the game

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Pride.1734


I only get rage when playing with my condi burn engi. And honesly even i think i deserve it. Its cheap as F. But thats burning in a nutshell.

My rifle marauder gets much more praise than it gets hate.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Screwface.5296


Yea burning is out of control.

In one game where I was condi, a ranger ran by my path to cap one of our nodes and didn’t see me. I hit him with a shrapnel grenade and blowtorch (two abilities) and 3 seconds later, if that, he was in a downstate.

Granted, it’s his fault for not using any ability heal/cleanse, but I’m sure he didn’t think it would have that kind of repercussion, lesson learned lol. I go with solider rifle these days minus elixir s, I prefer the elixir gun over it.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: roelvanesch.2817


Invurnerability frames might be annoying, but I think they arent bad for the game. If engineers, or Warriors or eles for that matter, would not have acces to those, they would all be forced into bunker builds (like cele ele). If not, thieves, or mesmers would kill them from invis 99% of the time. Invurnerability frames allow builds other then invis snipe or bunker to be a thing. I personally quite enjoy the decissionmaking behind popping them, and how they prevent me from spamming a single combo for the whole fight when playing against it.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


You should honestly be proud! You’ve created such a strong emotional response without doing anything malicious, meaning you’re doing something right.

These pitiful souls are spending time thinking about you and how to defeat this person that wronged them by besting them in a video game, while you probably don’t even know who they are. They’re striving to be better people because as you know if you lose to someone in a video game, your life has no value. Though technically, there is no game mode that consists solely of one person defeating the other in a fight that determines victory or defeat.

Well, no, people like that can’t ever improve because any mistake is pushed onto someone else, instead of like, you know, playing better. Just mail them a packet of salt.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


I think I’ve seen people create threads just like this one for nearly every profession in the game. “Why is it I always get hate whispers on X class but not on any other class I play?”

Simple fact…..pure coincidence. Nothing more.

Haters gonna hate literally anything that beats them. Period. And every single time these threads turn into silly argument threads.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

(edited by Shaogin.2679)

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: zapv.8051


As a necro main who’s also played engineer quite a bit, I feel like engis are in a decent place right now. Many classes have unblockable skills to counter gear shield, and elixer s is just delaying the inevitable half the time. Also, many who complain a lot about invulns are the same people blowing cds on them instead of healing up or timing cc for the end of the invuln. There is finally a good amount of condi clear on engi, and their damage is split up enough to not be op. It isn’t perfect, but certainly workable with a lot of variety.

As for the rage against engineers, it comes from 1 of 2 things. Condition application, which is really high on engi, but easy to counter (pvp forum right now). That and the guys that run around in 1vs2 all game. Those things only work against bad/new players who can’t 1vs1 or aren’t running condi removal (maybe just fighting a bad matchup). All of that and the cc. Really most supposedly OP things in this game can be countered with a little knowledge.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Wishes.3021


As someone who has plenty of SPvP games on an Engineer, you are lying to yourself if you don’t know why people get mad at Engineers:

“Oh kitten I missed my combo, guess i’m in some trouble…



XXXx2007epicengiexxxXXX: Outplayed"

Elixir S and Gear Shield need to be removed from the game. And before you say “ur just kitten” almost all my games in SPvP are on Engineer to the point where I can’t really play any other class. If you play Engineer only to cycle invulnerability while waiting for Healing Turret and hundred nades to cool down like a cheese salesman you should just go play Mesmer or Thief, I heard they have an opening on the “huge coward who think’s he’s good” position.

You aren’t “outplaying” anyone. You aren’t even playing the game. You’re playing the waiting game.

dude what
I sincerely disagree and here’s why
Do you know what endure pain is? Do you know what balanced stance is? It’s like elixir S only you can use ALL your skills while essentially invuln
Gear shield? So kittening what! Warriors have a shield on a similar cool down too! You can’t DO anything while you’re blocking!
This entire argument is kittened. Literally every class has this type of mechanic and in the majority of cases you can actually use skills during (endure pain, distortion, passive blocks on guardian etc)
I mean when you pop elixir S you are generally about to die so what you need to do is take note of what’s on cool down and what isn’t, you need to know what you’re going to do as soon as it ends and you have to watch to see if your opponent pre casts a skill just before elixir ends in case you need to dodge
I honestly don’t believe that you’ve played engi. I’ve played all classes and there is no doubt engi is up in the top bunch in terms of how much thought is required to play it.

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

As someone who has plenty of SPvP games on an Engineer, you are lying to yourself if you don’t know why people get mad at Engineers:

“Oh kitten I missed my combo, guess i’m in some trouble…



XXXx2007epicengiexxxXXX: Outplayed"

Elixir S and Gear Shield need to be removed from the game. And before you say “ur just kitten” almost all my games in SPvP are on Engineer to the point where I can’t really play any other class. If you play Engineer only to cycle invulnerability while waiting for Healing Turret and hundred nades to cool down like a cheese salesman you should just go play Mesmer or Thief, I heard they have an opening on the “huge coward who think’s he’s good” position.

You aren’t “outplaying” anyone. You aren’t even playing the game. You’re playing the waiting game.

Now tell us how you really feel.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians