Engineer Boss match ups and substitute

Engineer Boss match ups and substitute

in Engineer

Posted by: MultiShifting.4905


Hello fellow engineers! I have a dilemma with my raiding group in my guild. I have been playing engineer exclusively in guild wars 2 but l, as all you know, Engis are not the greatest in raids right now. My guild [Sith] is doing Gors at the moment. We just finished VG(thank god, kitten that fight), and that’s the only raid I have heard Engi is a must for. My guild is also going torwards meta so them just carrying me through the wings isn’t possible. Anyways, can someone explain to me what fights Engis are viable on, and which ones they are garbage on. Also, which class should I gear if it’s not an Engi… Thief, Warrior and Necro are not options. Thanks!

Engineer Boss match ups and substitute

in Engineer

Posted by: shion.2084


I totally don’t know anything about non-pvp high tier stuff. I run fractals in tons of configs for engi and never seem to have a problem for instance.

So who does the most damage for condi against a boss (I assume this is desired at some point) and how far off is an engi for condi damage?

An engineer has tons of access to burn, and burn stacks…. so an engi should be competitive in condi damage should they not? I mean if I don’t need to PVP and can run signets without toughness and what not then you could do disgustingly evil things with an engis condis i’d have thought. How are we that out classed?

Engineer Boss match ups and substitute

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Hello fellow engineers! I have a dilemma with my raiding group in my guild. I have been playing engineer exclusively in guild wars 2 but l, as all you know, Engis are not the greatest in raids right now. My guild [Sith] is doing Gors at the moment. We just finished VG(thank god, kitten that fight), and that’s the only raid I have heard Engi is a must for. My guild is also going torwards meta so them just carrying me through the wings isn’t possible. Anyways, can someone explain to me what fights Engis are viable on, and which ones they are garbage on. Also, which class should I gear if it’s not an Engi… Thief, Warrior and Necro are not options. Thanks!

We’re viable everywhere. We’re just not optimal. But, it’s not like we’re talking mesmer level dps differences. We’re capable of a solid 25k+ dps in both power and condi, close to 30k with alacrity and certain common situations.

So they’re not giving a carry to you really, if you can play Engi efficiently you’re a valuable member of the team. The main reason we get hate is that it’s hard to play at that level and there are not very many engi’s out there that do.

Hopefully Xyonon comes in here and can just past his list of tweaks and alterations, as even if you don’t do the same things, it’s quite nice to see the unique things that Engi’s can be used for (I changed how I run VG and I have to say it makes the job much easier). In the end though, we’re never garbage level, we’re just not the best possible option. Escort is another event we shine in though.

(edited by Jerus.4350)

Engineer Boss match ups and substitute

in Engineer

Posted by: MultiShifting.4905


So engineer, if its played to the fullest, is better then Necro? I understand that Condi Engi has the highest condition damage possible in the game, but I thought people loved the survivability. Anyways, if i stay engineer, does my build stay the same or do I change out abilities for certain bosses. I saw someone run slick shoes for Gors, but, because of the nerf, I’m assuming its not worth it anymore. Any other abilities I need other than Healing Turret, Grenade Kit, Bomb Kit, Flamethrower, and Mortar Kit?

Engineer Boss match ups and substitute

in Engineer

Posted by: Krag.6210


So engineer, if its played to the fullest, is better then Necro? I understand that Condi Engi has the highest condition damage possible in the game, but I thought people loved the survivability. Anyways, if i stay engineer, does my build stay the same or do I change out abilities for certain bosses. I saw someone run slick shoes for Gors, but, because of the nerf, I’m assuming its not worth it anymore. Any other abilities I need other than Healing Turret, Grenade Kit, Bomb Kit, Flamethrower, and Mortar Kit?

To play engi to its full potential in raids, you’re going to need a condi set and a zerker set with a rifle and a hammer.

The builds are here

Engi in a raid team is going to be the quality of life class, there are a lot of ways to make fights easier to handle with an engi but most people won’t ever acknowledge it as utility can only be determined by DPS or amount of boons shared in their eyes.

I’ll throw a few examples since you’ve fought VG and Gorse.
On VG, you can swap your tools traitline for Scrapper with Final Salvo and use your medic gyro detonation to grant everyone super speed when a green circle appears, you can also slow/immobilize the red seekers with your nade/mortar chills or your bomb/pistol goop.
In the event that follows VG with the portals that have to be closed, grab a second gyro and spam super speed every time you have to move.
On Gorse, you can hold two spirits in place all by yourself during the phasing thanks to all your chill/cripple immob, you can also blind the ghosts that he summons.
On the next fight, Sabetha, you’ll be able to blind mobs during the flamethrower wall attack, so that no one gets kicked into the flames.

It’s all little things but they add up, and trust me, people will notice when you’re not around.

I’ll quote this post by Xyonon.3987 because it’s full of good info regarding what you asked for.


Engi is great for raids, no doubt, but requires some extra work to be worth the pick. Pugs normally don’t really like them because of the average player will not be doing this additional work.

Or simply because they think Engi is bad. :P

Today’s full clear with my guild, I’ve been playing Engi on every single encounter and had a specific reason to be at each one of ‘em. This said, our guild want’s an elite standard and we do not want to use “useless dps loss professions” anywhere.

Everywhere add the general Engi abilities like:

  • dps
  • cc
  • water fields + blasts
  • condi cleanse

but being more specific:

Vale Guardian (Condi Scrapper)

  • condi dmg for Red Guardian
  • seeker control
  • aoe swiftness & superspeed and greenfields (less travel time = more dps)
  • protection & engi sustain to tank Red Guardian
  • emergency Function Gyro (not a real reason for speedclear, but definitly for pugs)

Gorseval (Condi Engineer)
We split the whole team in 2 groups for the adds, NW and NE, then they move to SW and SE. This way we safe time by only having to move once and have more dps time than travel time. Meanwhile I keep both south spirits in place with Shrapnel and glue … lot’s of glue >:3

  • blinding adds, prevent kicks

Sabetha (Condi Engineer)
A stationary easy target like Sabby grants us to deal high dps, on par with Ele / Thief, but also …

  • blind Thugs (during flamewall or for the connon guys to prevent deadly kicks)
  • bursting Karde (recieves bonus damage from conditions, only true threat in the whole fight)
  • range for last phase (double druid in melee)

Slothasor (Power Engineer)
The Engi should do a Shroom since he’s not as high dps as an Ele, but still not bad at all, not least thanks to the frostbows.

  • wide 5 target cleave
  • blind unblockable Slublings
  • Elixier Gun as emergency anti-fear

Trio (Power Engi)
Bosses have small hitboxes, so our dps is higher than Ele without Alacrity or let’s say at least on par with Ele, especially thanks to all those adds permanently proccing Takedown Round. Thief would be as good but lacks …

  • wide 5 target cleave
  • blind
  • aoe sustain
  • 1500 range to pull mobs from cage to Zane
  • best mokittenuty EVER!

Matthias (Power Scrapper)

  • Bulwark Gyro & protection & emergency water fields + blasts -> scholar bonus
  • backup reflect
  • aoe swiftness & superspeed (less travel time = more dps and less deaths)
  • emergency Function Gyro
  • ego block & stability

Escort (Condi Engi)

  • no Warg will ever reach the first building … >:3
    after 2-3 Wargs help the team:
  • blind

Keep Construct (Power Engi)

  • great burst damage (after ego burst there’s also the Frost Bow ;D)
  • Magnet Pull and Overcharged Shot + Chrono Pull will move the Orb directly from 3 to 4 and to 5. Saves more time than more dps form another Ele would.
  • block for jump
  • sustain for orb catch phase
  • mobility for split

Xera (Power Engi)
Instead of Necros, we pick an Engi to blind the adds before or after they got pulled to render them completly useless. There won’t be any condi cleanse required but for Xeras blurred frenzy for the tank, and even for that the healing turret is good.

  • wide 5 target cleave
  • knockback for orbs into rifts
  • emergency burst multiple shards with wide aoe and bomb aa

Maybe I forgot some stuff but in general, there are plenty of things you can do for every single encounter. You just have to do those things and you’ll be a solid pick for your team.

Just makes sure you really know your rotation, so you won’t mess up and have noticable less dps than the alternatives.

We don’t have an easy life, but I doubt any of us Engineers ever picked this profession to have an easy life to begin with, aye? ;3

- Ziggy

(edited by Krag.6210)

Engineer Boss match ups and substitute

in Engineer

Posted by: MultiShifting.4905


Wow… Thank you so much! That was exactly what I was looking for. Bummer that I have to get berserk gear though, just spent so much on ascended viper armor and my bank is wiped. Anyways, thanks for all the info, this is really helpful!!

Engineer Boss match ups and substitute

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Wow… Thank you so much! That was exactly what I was looking for. Bummer that I have to get berserk gear though, just spent so much on ascended viper armor and my bank is wiped. Anyways, thanks for all the info, this is really helpful!!

Exotic gear is fine to start with. Weapons you’ll want to get ascended asap though as that’s the majority of your damage increase.

Engineer Boss match ups and substitute

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987



Heya, late to the party, but got lot to do in RL recently In a good way though!

I see I got already quoted, thank for that Krag.6210 and also thanks for bringing it up in the first place Jerus.4350.

Still I’d like to add some more things to the list:

Vale Guardian

Power Engi is also great as a damage dealer in melee like a Thief or an Ele. This implies that you already have at least 2 condis in your team ofc!

It’s very handy to have Big Ol’, Buck and Net Shot to deal with seekers while the other pushers are ranged. The Rev shouldn’t be forced to use it’s elite, wich would result into protection uptime loss. Or you can simply go to the green fields with Engi, maybe even Scrapper for a more defensive playstyle and for the synergy with another Scrapper (Condi).

It’s enough to have 2 condis at Red Guardian + 1 PS. 25 stacks might are almost equal to a condi profession, even better if the war is condi itself!


I said:

bursting Karde (recieves bonus damage from conditions, only true threat in the whole fight)

This has been hidden fixed with the last big patch though – at least I didn’t notice any big condi numbers anymore. Therefore I’d suggest to swap to power Engi here and do the cannons.

Engi has great mobility with Jump Shot, blind for preventing Thugs to kick you off the platform and most importantly – high burst.

A Thief for example will deal his constant ~30k dps against Sabby. If he moves to the cannons, he’ll restart with the same damage again, and when he comes back, again. Engi on the other hand can use the downtimes to recharge abilities wich will be able to burst more frequently.

Thanks to the adds, you are able to proc Takedown Round[/url] all the time. This is a huge junk of dps, trust me. If you do the rotation right, you will barely have a dps difference to a Thief anymore!


I can only mention it again: Swap Necros out for actual damage professions. It’s really waaaaaaay easier if you phase Xera as fast as possible. Engi here works perfectly fine, again you got adds for your Takedown Round to increase your dps quite a bit. Instead of 2 Necros who desperately try to epibounce burnless conditions, a Thief and an Engi make a perfect duo in terms of dps and utility. While Thief has a bit higher constant damage, Engi has better cleave, blind, condi cleanse and burst in emergency shard clear situations. Also better for 40% and 20% for ranged, but that’s rather minuscule.

If you want you can also pm me ingame (EU), I’ll be happy to join any raid if I got time!

Oh yea and as Jerus.4350 mentioned: Exotic armor is enough. Ascended armor only grants you like +1% dmg boost without infusions. Better focus on a rifle, hammer and the trinkets!

- Ziggy

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”