Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: FROGJON.3094


Elixir B: This skill’s toolbelt skill now accurately reflects only one boon being applied to allied targets.
Mine Field: This skill’s recharge has been reduced to 20 seconds.
Throw Mine: This skill is now unblockable when it detonates.

This is unacceptable, we again received the least amount of fixes.

Why are they buffing skills, fix the broken traits first.

Not going to even bother with this game,
not sure if MMos are for me, seems like a recurring pattern wow,swtor,gw2.

going back to fighting games

I will leave you with this

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Cheyenne.1085


I don’t get why you’re complaining that the game is bad when it’s a known fact :P

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Bakimono.4639


While I agree in part, you’re neglecting the fact that it takes a decent amount of time to build up rage for that shot, and if someone is actually paying attention to you they will break LoS or dodge it.

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: dlechestnut.3954


Can we have a -1 button on the forums too?

Keeping the roads safe — one hylek at a time.

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Ferum Flamebender.5910

Ferum Flamebender.5910

Well bakimono says, that it takes time. Actually don’t forget we are customers. We paid for this game, so I want it to be good, but my proffesion gets everytime very few bug fixes! We just can’t say: “we have to patient, it takes time” no, Anet should work harder, they already are excpecting i am patient!

And i can tell you I’m not!

Aetra Ironbender, Rated E for Engineer- [WoT] Warlocks of Tyria- Far Shiverpeaks

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


It’s quite sad how few actual fixes we’ve had since release. The biggest fix was auto-attack not persisting on kits. When we do get fixes, they’re the less important bugs.

So many of our traits are bugged and don’t work. I honestly think Engineers are their least concern because they’re the least played profession, which is a result of our bugged profession hampering our potential. ArenaNet would rather spend time fixing professions that most people are playing.

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Deleven.7508


pay close attention, and you will notice rangers weren’t even mentioned in these patch notes, you can’t complain

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: jule.3289


question : In alchemy I’ve always played with the master rank and put the trait point 10 “Cleaning formula (409) throwing or consuming elixirs removes conditions from those affected”
I’m quite sure before the halloween patch it used to remove all the condition.
But now it only remove 1 condition.
I might be wrong. Just asking?

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


question : In alchemy I’ve always played with the master rank and put the trait point 10 “Cleaning formula (409) throwing or consuming elixirs removes conditions from those affected”
I’m quite sure before the halloween patch it used to remove all the condition.
But now it only remove 1 condition.
I might be wrong. Just asking?

You aren’t wrong, it has actually been that way for about 2 weeks though. Prior, it did remove all conditions.

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


So if the fix a bunch of bugs but released no halloween content, I wonder what ppl would complain about then…..hmmmm

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


So if the fix a bunch of bugs but released no halloween content, I wonder what ppl would complain about then…..hmmmm

Poor excuse. You cant keep ignoring the pile of issues of a professions, thats only getting larger and larger, by saying “well, our other stuff affects more people so its more important”.

This will snowball into less and less people playing the Engineer, which cycles back to “it involves less people = less priority = less players = even less priority”

Engineer is and was not ready for launch. Fundamental functions are missing or broken, not even mentioning the staggering amount of bugs in the majority of the skills (weapon, utility or kit) and in various traits. Some things just flat out do not even work!

I can understand not delaying the game because a profession (or two, looking at necro) werent fully ready for release. But then i do kitten well expect this to have priority. Not to add more content, but to make sure the release content is actually upto snuff.

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Lewis Burnell.2493

Lewis Burnell.2493

So if the fix a bunch of bugs but released no halloween content, I wonder what ppl would complain about then…..hmmmm

Poor excuse. You cant keep ignoring the pile of issues of a professions, thats only getting larger and larger, by saying “well, our other stuff affects more people so its more important”.

This will snowball into less and less people playing the Engineer, which cycles back to “it involves less people = less priority = less players = even less priority”

Engineer is and was not ready for launch. Fundamental functions are missing or broken, not even mentioning the staggering amount of bugs in the majority of the skills (weapon, utility or kit) and in various traits. Some things just flat out do not even work!

I can understand not delaying the game because a profession (or two, looking at necro) werent fully ready for release. But then i do kitten well expect this to have priority. Not to add more content, but to make sure the release content is actually upto snuff.

This really can’t be repeated enough, but profession and content teams are two entirely independent units. The content team has their own work, the profession teams their own.

What of the Engineer is in such a sorry state that makes it unplayable?

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


So if the fix a bunch of bugs but released no halloween content, I wonder what ppl would complain about then…..hmmmm


What of the Engineer is in such a sorry state that makes it unplayable?

The fact that if i don’t play a granade build i’m totally taking ages to take down anyone?
No because here the only ppls who don’t complain are teh ones using granade kit…that soon or later will be nerfed,leaving them with nothing.

There are tons of topic with the full bug list.
Also,do you manage to play a such dinamic game with turrets in PvP?
Immobile (but ok…they are turrets) ,and long CD on the most useful ones(see rocket turret…60 sec cd,and if i want lower cd i have to run on the turret to pick it up WHILE my team is going miles away without me…great dinamics…).
Turrets hp?!They are no pet,ok,but they can have a minimum of self healing as they should be a bit more resistents…even a mesmer illusion is able to take more damage than a turret.
To lounch turrets i have to skill a tree,that is completely useless for my play stile(i’m setted as condition damage,,and not even with 10 points…i have to put 20 points on that useless tree with condition damage build) , and considering that turrets are immobile,lounch them is a must,because most of time in the frenetics battle i’m forced to put them down in the worst place possible.
If a thief is spamming deathblossom on me,and i pout down turret on my self position,my turrets is going to explode in 3 seconds.Nice….
Turrets apart:
net shot,are u missing any hit there?
Jump shot,are u missing any hit there because of the idiotic delay?
Blunderbuss,are u missing any hit there?while the enemy keep going around me my skill go in 5 sec CD for nothing..while most of the time it should land…also here there is a little delay/position bug problem.
Flamethrower,are u missing any hit there?
Etc Etc ETc…just check bug list in topics all over this subforum.

I agree,engineer is playable,i have really few problem because i run my elixirs utility build.
As i agree that when Anet will adjust something to the engineer,we will become superOP due to our controls skills + possible outgoing damage.

But,atm,if i only try play turrets,i ragequit in less than 10 min of pvp.

Engineer is not only who play superfantatsticdpsdealer granade kit,not all enjoy play kits,especially granades…that let’s say it all don’t require any special ability spam an area around your feet that deal 1500+ dmg + codnitions.Most boring thing ever.ANd when you have to play it on range,again no skill required,you just have to hope your opponent is blind to don’t see the AOe circle incoming on him.

No i wont play another class.
I already have a thief,and is superboring due to the fact that i troll / roflstom my enemy not even using my brain…and after i roflstomp ppls that easly,there is no clue in continue play a superOP class,that while i play no one can counter (oh yeah,may be i’m too much pro..pfff).

I apologize for my english that in this post worst than ever , but i’m writing it from my phone and while raging inside.
That told,i respect all opinions,and what i said was not meanted to offend anyone(apart the english linguage itself :P ).


I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

Well partly right. The warriors have also been overlooked and lets not start on the necro.
Though to clarify one thing, the “I have paid for this” is gettig old. Come on it is a mmo and will be hotfixed and patched and you can change prof.
That leads to the really prob. Fixing.
Instead of buffing, nerfing, balancing, maube Anet should start fixing. Just one by one remove the glitches and bugs.. And the balancing the game.. To balance a game with bugs must be twice the work imo.

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: synfoola.7059


“So if the fix a bunch of bugs but released no halloween content, I wonder what ppl would complain about then…..hmmmm. "

I can’t seem to quote posts today for some reason.

Anyways…I can’t speak for others but I can tell you that, even if the content and bug-fix teams weren’t separate, I could give two pewpz about holiday content in any MMO that I’ve played over the past decade; especially were I to measure that content against bug fixes. The holiday content lasts a week maybe? While the bugs persist for weeks, months, or even years depending on how involved the developer is.

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


What of the Engineer is in such a sorry state that makes it unplayable?

Unplayable, No. But getting kittened over in PvP, WvW or PvE simply because abilities are unreliable (bugged) is a pain in the kitten
Randomly failing because of seemingly random, unforseeable, circumstances that cause skills to malfunction is rage inducing.

Or simply lacking certain tools because they flat out do not work. Losing the ability to spec for certain traits because they do not work, or worst actually work to nerf you.

Or how you miss out on fundamental stats and effects simply by using your kits. Which are essentially the replacement for real weapons.

Not to mention when your buglists spans several pages, how would you go around balancing a profession that isnt even working the way you intent it too?
And when from that buglist, seemingly the few bugs that actually work in our favor get cherry picked and fixed while the nerf-bugs persist for months (including beta), thats just a kick in the teeth.

And do something about our horrible downed state! Throw Pillow, “Martyr” and “lol this takes to long to charge so i never use it anyway” are worthless.

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


Our kits, other than grenades and med kit, really do need some love.

I rolled the class for the flamethrower for pvp, and I find the damage to be underwhelming, that is when you are able to hit.

Turrets need a huge buff.

Bombs don’t do enough damage imo.

Tool kit… well… does anyone really even use the tool kit. I mean seriously…. who wants to run around hitting someone with a wrench. It just looks ridiculous.

Elixirs are great, and so are gadgets, but when you boil it down 1/2 of our utility skills are kinda meh.

I guess it could be worse though. Have you seen the ranger’s utility skills?

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


MrSilver! -1

Tool kit is both sexy and awesomesauce. Hitting people with wrenches is what engineers are about. They are the defining feature of any true engineer class, and it is forever to the professions shame that they are lackluster in damage and utility compared with like options on the engineer and other professions as a whole.

The day will come when wrenches take their rightful place as the pinnacle of enginess and the doubters shall lay bruised and broken from the bluntness of it’s wrath!

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: gkaare.8576



Like most of our Kits, only a few abilities are good on each. With that in mind, Tool Kit is great; Throw Wrench, Gear Shield, and Box of Nails are all awesome. The other abilities either aren’t very good or are just too situational. I feel the same way about Elixir Gun and Flamethrower.

Bomb Kit, while it doesn’t provide a ton of utility, is actually one of our better kits because all the skills on it are frequently useful. The damage on it is very good, too. I can recommend a very powerful build that uses Bomb Kit if you would like it.

In response to the rest of the thread:
Engineers are actually in a very good spot right now. We still need tweaks and bug fixes, of course, and we’re not in the best spot but we’re far, far from the worst spot.

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Deleven.7508


MrSilver! -1

Tool kit is both sexy and awesomesauce. Hitting people with wrenches is what engineers are about. They are the defining feature of any true engineer class, and it is forever to the professions shame that they are lackluster in damage and utility compared with like options on the engineer and other professions as a whole.

The day will come when wrenches take their rightful place as the pinnacle of enginess and the doubters shall lay bruised and broken from the bluntness of it’s wrath!

well said
you are pardoned.

(edited by Deleven.7508)

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


I’m sorry!!! I forgot that equipping tool kit results in a side helping of awesomesauce!

I take it back!!

All of it!!!

Still think it needs a damage buff… and even still, I will never use it… ever.

Now… if it was rainbow colored we’d have something.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


In a power build the tool kit hits rather hard, but the real downside is that the abilities take too long to wind up. This makes them too easy to dodge in pvp.

But just as damage, pure direct power-crit damage?
Those wrenches and prybars hit, hard!

The pull has a too short range, and again: a too long cast time.

If the hits were done faster, the combo of crippling, confusing and smacking the hell out of a light armor target in melee, blocking a moment, while pulling him back to stay in his face… is as devastating as most other damage abilities.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Engineer Bug fixes Wtf

in Engineer

Posted by: Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

Nirvana : “No i wont play another class.
I already have a thief,and is superboring due to the fact that i troll / roflstom my enemy not even using my brain…and after i roflstomp ppls that easly,there is no clue in continue play a superOP class,that while i play no one can counter (oh yeah,may be i’m too much pro..pfff).”
—sorry, not able to reply

I think the issue you’re having is actually having to make your own builds instead of having something that is ^^THAT laid out for you. I have 0 trouble countering thieves in WvW, just bring a stun breaker.

As to your complaints about the only workable build being grenades, I 100% disagree. Grenades is a great build, and if you are good with them, you’ll dominate even if your opponents can see. But they are not the only way to do damage. Elixer-permafury-power builds, pistol pistol elixer condition builds, static discharge builds are all builds that work amazingly in PvP, WvW, and even PvE. There are definitely more, but those are just some off the top of my head.

The point is, I’ve spent hours in the mists trying different combinations of skills and traits and equipment to find new and interesting ways to play, but our class is NOT worse than any other class in terms of power or survivability. We are currently a very balanced class with some bugs that do need fixing (but everyone has those). When played correctly we can compete at the highest levels without any difficulty.

The engineer is a class that requires thought to optimize its performance. I’m not going to say l2p, but seriously, people need to spend a lot more time and thought putting their build together before running here and yelling.

(edit) I’m currently not using the grenade kit, and I haven’t used it for most of the time i’ve played. Thought i’d throw this out there to counter the “only people who aren’t complaining bit”

DH Yak’s Bend – Perfect Dark [PD]
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes

(edited by Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982)