Engineer - Can be a real Alchemist
Probably not in the Alchemy line, since it’s pretty locked in at this point, but I was thinking something similar for an Elite Spec. down the road. Instead of pets, though—which Engineers already have too many of (and they both need to be buffed up in a big way)—I’d rather see something along the lines of “mutagens” that act like Elementalist Conjured Weapons but transform players that drink them into beasts/monsters .
Since Engineer’s class mechanic is essentially kits, sharing kits seems like a natural progression. Alchemy is sort of overlooked thematically in the Engineer’s kitten nal, I think, so it would be a great line to play up a bit more. It would be a helluva lot more skills, but since that’s not going away for the Engineer any time soon we might as well play it up.