Engineer Copy And Paste -20% or greater

Engineer Copy And Paste -20% or greater

in Engineer

Posted by: Littledeath.2684


This is not a troll I am just curious about whether or not anyone else feels this way.

The first class i leveled to 80 was an engineer and i was pretty happy with it. Lots of different ways to play can be pretty fun. I started leveling alts and what i began to find was that the majority of our skills…. are just copy and paste from another class

Copy class specific ability from another profession and subtract 20% or greater from effect. When it comes to the engineers skills not a whole lot of orignality truly exists. Toolkit is warrior hammer skill number 1, plus weak version of caltrops, prybar is unique, gear shield is just warrior shield number 5, magnetic pull is scorpion wire without an animation. One of our elite skills a 50/50 chance at a profession elite that most people that play that profession do not even use. It feels like engineers were an afterthought. Turrets are the only thing unique about the engineer and they blow.

I enjoy having the utility. But when much of what you do is just a reduced effectiveness version of something another class has readily available access to it really kills you in a game where only a limited number of skills can be used. I find it causes us to constantly be falling behind….

Engineer Copy And Paste -20% or greater

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


More then that, because there are so many bugs and because we’ve been nerfed (the idea to nerf the one class that doesn’t do much damage as it is) there doesn’t seem to be much reason to play one.

Sure people will make arguments that oh you can be a very skilled player to get around those bugs and if you knew what you were doing the bugs wouldn’t affect your gameplay but that’s actually not true. The bugs that are present now affect every build.

It’s literally impossible to play this class in anything other then WvW at this point. Have you tried soloing something in Orr for example?

I have I’m decced out in exotics and still I can’t three shot anything. It’s ridiculous.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Engineer Copy And Paste -20% or greater

in Engineer

Posted by: Istarien.3147


More then that, because there are so many bugs and because we’ve been nerfed (the idea to nerf the one class that doesn’t do much damage as it is) there doesn’t seem to be much reason to play one.

Sure people will make arguments that oh you can be a very skilled player to get around those bugs and if you knew what you were doing the bugs wouldn’t affect your gameplay but that’s actually not true. The bugs that are present now affect every build.

It’s literally impossible to play this class in anything other then WvW at this point. Have you tried soloing something in Orr for example?

I have I’m decced out in exotics and still I can’t three shot anything. It’s ridiculous.

I have a lot less trouble running around Orr and Southsun on my engineer than I do on my guardian (with which I am admittedly a rank novice). You’re right, I rarely three-shot anything, but nothing can three-shot me, either. By the way, what is the significance of being able to three-shot something? Put it this way, even in a completely tanky support build, it only takes me 5 shots to kill a young karka in Southsun. If you’re building and gearing properly for a glass cannon damage build (and using your skills right), you shouldn’t have any trouble killing most monsters efficiently.

Isti (Engineer) | Niphredyl (Guardian) | Istra Ironfang (Necro) | [LotD] | Blackgate

Engineer Copy And Paste -20% or greater

in Engineer

Posted by: Unakrynj.4956


More then that, because there are so many bugs and because we’ve been nerfed (the idea to nerf the one class that doesn’t do much damage as it is) there doesn’t seem to be much reason to play one.

Sure people will make arguments that oh you can be a very skilled player to get around those bugs and if you knew what you were doing the bugs wouldn’t affect your gameplay but that’s actually not true. The bugs that are present now affect every build.

It’s literally impossible to play this class in anything other then WvW at this point. Have you tried soloing something in Orr for example?

I have I’m decced out in exotics and still I can’t three shot anything. It’s ridiculous.

You should’nt expect to 3 hit things anyway. Engineers a versatile class that can be used at every fashions; you want a glass cannon? you have it. a tanky/DD? yup. a tanky/support, a full support, a ranged dps, a DoT DD, a burst dmg DD, you name it, we have it. There have been multiple builds running around the forums, and if you pay attention you will see how your class can shine on every single aspect of the game. Theyre arguably the best HoT/support healers for dungeons, they wreck in WvW, they do theyre share in sPvP and honestly, if you do have trouble in PvP environment in full exotics, you have to be doing something wrong.