Engineer Elite

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


The only elite the engineer can now take is supply crate. Elixir X is awful, useless and lazy on the part of Anet . The mortar is also fairily useless…. maybe useful in WvW.

What I would liek t see is elixir X replaced with something useful. Summon Golem, become a golem, call in an artillery stroke. Something useful.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


My mortar has a dead zone, immobile and does less damage than grenades.

Only upside is the combo fields and the amount of knockbacks from skill 5.

But honestly, its not worth it.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


The only elite the engineer can now take is supply crate. Elixir X is awful, useless and lazy on the part of Anet . The mortar is also fairily useless…. maybe useful in WvW.

What I would liek t see is elixir X replaced with something useful. Summon Golem, become a golem, call in an artillery stroke. Something useful.

As far as copying Asura racial elites goes… Trust me, you don’t want the battle suit.

Personally, I’d like a kit elite along the lines of the Charrzooka.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


An elite kit seems like a good idea.

Works like every other kit, same mechanics, same 1s cooldown, but it just has bigger implications.

I’d go with the mortar, but redesigned essentially.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Nashun.7253


Elixir X is really good. You get like double your vit and toughness in the big form and your autos hit for 3x more than pistol attacks. Has something ridiculous like a 90sec CD when traited for it, and it’s just really ridiculous in an elixir build when you can stack a bunch of boons before using it.

Mortar seems the weakest but it might be okay in certain turret builds specialized in sieging.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Aflackduck.1835


What if we had an elite that changed how kits worked. Like if you had the grenade kit
equipped it would change it to a grenade launcher and fire grenades in a straight line.
Im not saying to should do full damage and be like underwater nades but just change it to suit
a different situation. Something like that.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I would much prefer an Artillery Strike ability much like Engineer from WAR.

Artillery Strike
Call in an Artillery Strike that strikes the selected area for 2 seconds. Enemies are launched backwards for the first strike, and dazed on the second strike.
Damage: 786(x2)
Launch Distance: 450
Range: 1200
Radius: 300

210 second recast.

This would be such a fun ability, but I know it’s just a dream.

Edit: This would replace Mortar.

(edited by Aristio.2784)

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


You mean similar to the char elite, artillery barrage?

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


Like coglin said, that’s a charr skill. I don’t think they’re going to let a class get a hold of a racial skill.

Seriously, I’m with Nashun that Elixir X is actually pretty good. On one hand, you turn into an enraged version of yourself, increasing health and toughness. On the other hand you turn into a whirling tornado that knocks people down when they touch you. Perfect for a finisher.

The negative of those two is that you don’t know which one you’re going to get. Again, the random effect that a lot of people who try to play engineers effectively don’t like.

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


Like coglin said, that’s a charr skill. I don’t think they’re going to let a class get a hold of a racial skill.

Seriously, I’m with Nashun that Elixir X is actually pretty good. On one hand, you turn into an enraged version of yourself, increasing health and toughness. On the other hand you turn into a whirling tornado that knocks people down when they touch you. Perfect for a finisher.

The negative of those two is that you don’t know which one you’re going to get. Again, the random effect that a lot of people who try to play engineers effectively don’t like.

They’re also ripped entirely from warrior and elementalist elites, so not only is Elixer X unimaginative, but other classes get the same exact effects without the randomness. Add the fact that lots of elementalists complain about how horrible Tornado is, and it seems the joke’s on us.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: draculthemad.6273


Mortar also does not require line of sight to target, unlike grenades.

This can be a substantial benefit if sticking your head out is going to get you shot in the face.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


I some times will use the mortar in dungeons, best when I can hand behind something that the boss cant see me and I can hit him from safety.

It just needs a range and damage buff to really feel elite.
Maybe once they fix the traits to actualy effect it and hopfuly they will get around to letting turrets scale off your stats, that would help it feel more elite.

Elixer X needs replaced no doubt. copy/paste powers from others is really lame.
Maybe with a Gadget type ability that deploys little steam punk robots that throw grenades, lay mines as they move and explodes when destroyed.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: JoxerNL.3752


I like my Call Warband

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


Ever tried elixir x underwater?
Whirlpool can dish out insane amounts of aoe damage, and the necro ability has a truck load of conditions.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: lepri.6504


elixir x is awesome underwater, but engineer grenades are already op underwater. when you use elixir X underwater and come to surface you maintain the underwater effect. Keeping that effect on surface skill would be a good change. It do not require a lot of work to implement, its already in the game in a sense.

Blacktide>>Yafes>>Asura Engineer

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


I dislike elixir X for a number of reasons:

RNG- you can’t know which one you are getting so using it, in place of your utilities, weapon skills, toolbelt skills and so on is a huge risk.

If I am ever in a situation where I can happily get both, then I likely am in no need of double health and lots of CC. But the point where I need tornado, or brute, I can’t tell which one I’ll get. So, you’re sort of stuck with a situation where its not really appropriate to use it.

I don’t feel transformations are really worth it honestly, unless they are game changing ones. The game changing one here, is Tornado, huge amounts of CC. Rampage? Not so much. Its mainly single target and does low damage. And, you don’t get your utilities and heal skill so… you might have double health, but is that really enough?

Only real reason I would use elixir X, is for the stability. Use it, toggle it off, keep the stability. Still not as good as supply crate then though.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

They’re also ripped entirely from warrior and elementalist elites, so not only is Elixer X unimaginative, but other classes get the same exact effects without the randomness. Add the fact that lots of elementalists complain about how horrible Tornado is, and it seems the joke’s on us.

Well to be fair engineers also get a lower cooldown on the skill for the added randomization. Both whirlwind and rampage have 3 minute cooldown, while Elixir X has 2.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Mongo.2490


Lots of engineer aspects feel like they just had an assortment of ideas and a couple gallons of super glue and just forced it all together rather than making sure the pieces actually fit.

I don’t see a scenario where a lot of this stuff won’t get addressed. I’m fine with ‘random’ factors, but maybe isolated randomness. If using an “oh kitten” ability, give protection, regeneration, or, idk, stealth. Three boons that will accomplish the same thing of staying alive.

This way, it does make a difference as far as play style goes which random effect you get, but they can all be used to accomplish the same goal in different ways.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


The mortar is extremely useful but only in certain specific settings.

The water field on the 3 ability does a tremendous amount of healing and has a fairly long duration. Making it one of the most effective forms of AoE healing in the game.

With + healing gear and a regen buff up it’s easy to get 1000 a tick healing on allies in the target area.

The duration on the cripple field and chill field are also very long duration. Putting both of these down in a choke point and then using the AoE knock back can be devastating in effect.

The damage from the 5 skill is also fairly decent decent 5-6k AoE.

The problems for the mortar are the fact that it has a dead range, the 1 ability is weaker than any other kit / weapon, it has a shorter ranger but higher arch than grenade kit, and it forces you to be stationary.

But in keep defense / assault situations, in certain dungeons / boss fights, and with support in WvW it can be fantastic.

I use it for the slows + healing in WvW.

I have found no use for elixir X however. I don’t like the skills it gives and haven’t really found a way to use them effectively.

The randomness gets in my way.

If base mortar range and damage was increased. So the #1 ability did closer to 2k and the range was 1600-1800 I think it would be much more effective.

I would like the supply crate to get the flame turret swapped for rocket as well. The supply crate is a lot more effective underwater as opposed to on land.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


Supply Crate: Great as is.
Mortar: Perhaps tweak it so it’s more useful in PvE. It can be good in WvW, but it’s more for other people to use not yourself.
Elixir X: Horrible — replace this with an elite kit please! (Yes, Elixir X underwater can do lots of damage, but that’s a very niche case and you’re still probably end up doing just as great damage using grenades underwater + Supply Kit)

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


If some of you guys want something new, then by all means, propose it. But please, stop demanding they change something just for you, because you dislike it. It gets old, reading 10 post of folks explaining how and when they like to use certain abilities, just to see 2-3 elitist ignore it all and state, “this ability is horrible-replace it” or “this ability sucks, change it to such and such.”

It is one thing to discuss an idea or a proposal, but it really gets old seeing a select few ignoring everyone else’s and making blunt demands.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


If some of you guys want something new, then by all means, propose it. But please, stop demanding they change something just for you, because you dislike it. It gets old, reading 10 post of folks explaining how and when they like to use certain abilities, just to see 2-3 elitist ignore it all and state, “this ability is horrible-replace it” or “this ability sucks, change it to such and such.”

It is one thing to discuss an idea or a proposal, but it really gets old seeing a select few ignoring everyone else’s and making blunt demands.

It’s all well and good to say that, but Elixer X is horrible. Even if it were effective, ripping off other classes elites is just bad design for a game where we’re supposed to feel attached to our characters.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


That is your opinion, and I disagree. On land, either way I get a form with it, both of which are extremely control oriented. There is that elitist attitude again, where you claim it is definitively bad just because you do not like it.

As far as utilizing abilities between classes, is not a bad design if you ask me. There are several elites that are very similar or the same between classes, several classes have utilities that do the exact same thing as well.

DO I use elixir X,….absolutely. It is very handy to have stomp or the ability to tornado toss foes when a force catches your force off guard in WvW, or when your a smaller force against a larger force, you turn and take on that form and take one for the team while your mates get away.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Destroyer Bravo.5391

Destroyer Bravo.5391

That mortar’s a godsend in WvW, Supply Crate’s good, didn’t opt for it, I took Artillery Barrage instead. Charr invented guns anyway, they’d be the best race to roll an engi.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


As far as utilizing abilities between classes, is not a bad design if you ask me. There are several elites that are very similar or the same between classes, several classes have utilities that do the exact same thing as well.

Having the same mechanics and being the exact same skill are completely different things. There is no angle in which copying a skill is better for a player or class than creating a new skill with its own style, even if the mechanics are the same.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Asuran Engineer here.

Mortar: sometimes a blast in wvw!
The range is horrible if you ask me even if you trait for it, at least allow it to be picked up to vastly reduce the cool down. I would take a range boost any day over a damage boost to this.

Supply Crate: pretty dam good, not so sure about the flame thrower though.

Elixir X: rarely used it, still making my mind up. I know in wvw I was not impressed by it.

The 2 Golems: not too sure about them, they suffer from melee AI just like the melee AI for Heroe’s in GW1 made them useless. If this were fixed I would take a look at them again. At this time I would prefer if they were changed to purely ranged instead of melee.

Golem Suit: never used it in actual combat, only jumped in it while in a safe place. Cant jump with forms. 1 needs to be auto, always, or make the suit last longer so we can kitten around with getting it auto casting. Are there any traits that even help with this thing?

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuruptz.4782


They need to fix Mortars ranged then it would be Great

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Zeebie.5937


I must admit other then the asuran attack golem the elite skills are useless. The Asuran golem can hit for 4-5K at a time (or about 20K damage all up), while supply crate gives you nothing, maybe a few more useless turrents. Randomness on an elite is silly, they are suppose to be the get out of trouble card if you have no idea what your going to get it’s not worth using

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: SixSins.7610


I only ever rock Supply Crate, here’s why: up front damage is ok (More damage is always a good thing), 2 second AoE stun, multiple turrets, multiple healing bandages. The turrets are ok to boost damage, but my favortie part is the combo of stun and healing bandages. With Elite supplies this thing is a monster. I don’t run Elixir X because it replaces 9 of my skills, including my heal skill, with 5 random ones that IMO are only good in certain situations. 1v1 do I need to become a tornado? 1v3 do I need to be a giant target? I don’t like it. It’s not just the randomness, I could live with that, it’s the fact that it removes my EVERYTHING for the duration and gives me skills that I might not want on top of it. I also don’t use mortar for 2 reasons. Number one, it’s stationary, it makes me a VERY easy target for anything with half a brain. Number two, I’m a Condition Damage build so it doesn’t do the damage an Elite should in my hands. Maybe if I were Power, I would consider Mortar in some situations, but I highly dislike Elixir X.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


Elixir X should just be made a normal, buff elite. No transformation. The RNG and the loss of so much is not worth it.

I don’t know many elementalists who slot it, nor warriors who slot theirs, and we have it worse than them.

And underwater… is just even worse. Yes tornado can be powerful, and so can plague… but its a 50/50 chance. I use a power build. Nothing describes feeling useless like getting plague underwater.

Furthermore… why haven’t they given something viable for underwater condition damage? Grenades and speargun are power based…

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: SixSins.7610


@Lyuben I use my Elixir Gun underwater, I know it’s not the best, but I’m condition spec and it’s either that or Grenades…

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


@Lyuben I use my Elixir Gun underwater, I know it’s not the best, but I’m condition spec and it’s either that or Grenades…

Indeed, but the trouble is, grenades are so much better, and they benefit from a power spec, while the speargun, which you are forced to take, is useless to you, in half of engineer builds.

IF you have a rifle above ground, then YAY! You get to be great underwater.
If you have pistols? Not so lucky.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara