Engineer Fixes

Engineer Fixes

in Engineer

Posted by: FreekPalmer.2839


I am kinda hoping that if we can get enough views/replies that the Devs may see this.

Now I am all for balance. I honestly think they are doing a pretty good job so far. Every other class I have played seems to be able to hold it’s own pretty well.
Obviously you can tell that balancing so many different aspects of a game is going to be difficult.
I just feel personally Eng seems to be left behind. We have to work twice as hard for the same output, and if the other classes play poorly that’s fine. If they play at the same skill level we haven’t got room to improve it. I’m saying we have to work twice as hard for the same level.
We are under represented and I think that the players that stick with engineers are doing really well, especially the ones who venture out of the “OP” specs. The small numbers are meaning we are stuck with only with the top percentage of our class left. The lower percentage have left to roll another class. Meaning we seem to be in a good place.
Really we aren’t, we have to work hard. I think we have a lot more to learn overall, so we can’t just jump in and be taken to the top. So much management is required, lots of little things that once you learn it you will match every other class.

The Fixes.
Base weapons.
These are the pistol and rifle. To make the viable we have to trait so much into them. The options are too large to pick one. For example 1200 range, I believe that this is pretty standard among all classes (more noticeable in PVE, especially Jormag phase 2) now we have short range weapons. FT for one, Toolkit for punching. I like the idea of our rifle abilities being somewhat shorter (1200 overcharged would be way too powerful) but basic auto attack should be 1200. We are a ranged class after all.
Also Pistol damage is horribly low. I agree its a condi build weapon, but there are better options for it. Kits that put more into it and give better output.
Rifle is so weak it’s not even funny. 1.6k as a crit? please a little love.
I think to balance these we should get around a 10% increase and the range increase as standard. The range trait should be there for other weapons such as kits/turrets.

Turrets are so weak. There’s no punishment for blowing them up instantly and you can ignore them. They stand still. They are pretty much a waste. The toolbelt skills are nice. but as a unit terrible.
They have a 5 minute limit. So here is what i suggest to improve them.
They love the RNG of Eng. So each time you overcharge your turret, you buff it’s power, toughness, vitality and precision. with a small chance to explode. Each time you use it the chance for it to explodes increases. but so does it’s damage out put.
stage one: 0% chance to explode. Increased stats by 20%, 5% chance to proc free overcharge ability, (that wont increase stats)
stage two: 20% Chance to explode. Increased stats by 50%, 10% chance to proc free overcharge ability, (that wont increase stats)
Stage three: 40% Chance to explode. Increased stats by 100%, 20% chance to proc free overcharge ability, (that wont increase stats)
Stage four: 60% Chance to explode. Increased stats by 150%, 30% chance to proc free overcharge ability, (that wont increase stats)
Stage five: 80% Chance to explode. Increased stats by 200%, 50% chance to proc free overcharge ability, (that won’t increase stats)
Stage Six: 100% to explode.
This may seem OP but if there’s a 30 second CD on overcharge it will take you 3 mins to reach it. Meaning that for the next 2 mins it will be a great defence. This is if it makes it that far. If you can keep it alive you’ll do well. Also in pvp people can move out of range. If they have a short range as well like 900.

Our downed abilities.
In PvP they are beyond useless. Could we change the pull in knockdown to something more useful. Like elixir S. because pulling someone on top of you then having to sit and watch as they stomp you, 2 seconds before you can even use your next escape ability. We don’t even have a heal. It makes more sense than having a weird pull ability.

Obviously I would like for people to join in on this. Suggest some more.
I have picked these points because these are places where the Eng is being neglected. We NEED to break out of our only useable specs.
Please Don’t just add things such as “We are broken, Re-roll” , “Just play this build” or even “Why are you fixing the things people don’t play?”. It doesn’t help.

If we can approach this sensibly we may see some love.

Zipp Tinker
For my latest Videos and Builds

Engineer Fixes

in Engineer

Posted by: Ferum Flamebender.5910

Ferum Flamebender.5910

There are literaly thousands of ideas, suggestions and options the community offered here. Unfortunately the devs don’t see them.

But your ideas are good ^^!

Let’s get noticed!

Aetra Ironbender, Rated E for Engineer- [WoT] Warlocks of Tyria- Far Shiverpeaks

Engineer Fixes

in Engineer

Posted by: FreekPalmer.2839


I think we need to put them in a spot.
Maybe with bugs. Get more people involved.
Actually be productive and less moany

Zipp Tinker
For my latest Videos and Builds

Engineer Fixes

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591



You wouldn’t believe how many times this has been tried, I myself tried, sadly no… they won’t listen to our requests even if we get enough views/replies, they won’t listen
even if it was a huge bug matter.

For all it counts I’m in. though I suggest you should check also a couple of topics I made.