Engineer Flamethrower 2

Engineer Flamethrower 2

in Engineer

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


This has been a fairly pervasive problem that so far has not been fixed in the many months patches, so I decided to let everyone know over here.

egnineer Flamethrower 2 shot constantly fall into the earth uselessly when no target is selected and sometimes when a target is selected, it also falls straight down into the floor when Skill target lock or auto target is on, oddly enough the skill can still be detonated with no effect, the shot itself simply falls into the earth and disappears into oblivion.

a normal player would expect an ability like this to simply explode when making contact with the ground but instead it simply falls into game oblivion uselessly and is lost forever

NOTE: this problem also happens when the Flamer 2 shot hits any form of obstacle, instead of exploding or anything at all it simply disappears, It does not pass through the wall but simply disappears even on the smallest of environment objects and architecture.

The shot also has a tendency to disappear even when you have something targetted especially when you are not directly facing the target you have

Engineer Flamethrower 2

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


you need a clear path and a clear target to hit someone with a great ball of fire.

the only part of this that I consider to be buggy is the firing straight in to the ground without a target, because it can make a double-tap melee range blast very difficult on thieves coming out of stealth.

Not passing through objects makes sense, especially since they changed other skills to no longer detect hits through the environment, such as flame jet.

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Engineer Flamethrower 2

in Engineer

Posted by: Drakkon.4782


This isn’t a problem with just FT2. Turrets also sometimes fall into the ground when deployed (ground-targetted). I’ve had to destroy my rocket and rifle turrets on numerous occasions when not on specifically “Ground” because they just fall into the terrain and don’t fire at the targets, or hit the inside of the terrain instead. I think this has something to do with the “jumping puzzle” mechanics where certain ground types are have an assignable “slipperiness”, and anyhting other than solid ground makes them permeable to any object, causing it to fall through. It’s very annoying with the turrets, but I see it a lot (in fact almost all the time) with FT2.

“People don’t hate Scarlet the way Game of Thrones
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.

Engineer Flamethrower 2

in Engineer

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


The thing is if the shot “clips” any sort of environment object no matter how thin and small it simply vanishes into thin air but the game still counts it in existence and not putting your Skill 2 on cooldown and still having your “detonate” function still on having you to annoyingly spam 2 in order to detonate it and fire another shot that hopefully works properly.

the skill also has a fairly long cast and and after cast with a short cooldown making this problem a constant pain

Engineer Flamethrower 2

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Please fix ft 2! It is really awkward to require a target so it doesnt fall thru the ground while ft 1 is best used without a target.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Engineer Flamethrower 2

in Engineer

Posted by: Binary Rain.4869

Binary Rain.4869

I have had no trouble using the flamethrower number 2 skill before…though I have auto target off and often manually aim it myself to hit more enemies…. As far as being sent to oblivion on objects….they probably should change it to automatically detonate or something, but it is just acting like a normal ranged attack: if it hits an object it is obstructed and disappears with no effect.