Engineer Glory Build?

Engineer Glory Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: dmt.3490


I just started playing engineer in sPvP as an alt out of boredom. Does anyone know a good build for racking up glory with an engi?

Engineer Glory Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: ajlee.2607


That’s a good build that stacks a lot of conditions on the enemy. The only thing that racks up glory is a good winning team.


Engineer Glory Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: dmt.3490


That’s a good build that stacks a lot of conditions on the enemy. The only thing that racks up glory is a good winning team.

Hey, thanks for the reply. That looks like a really simple and fun build to play. Do you find having only elixir B for swiftness gives you enough swiftness uptime? I’m just really used to either having speedy kits or the 5 skill on medkit for tons of swiftness.