Engineer Grandmaster Traits

Engineer Grandmaster Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: GoZero.9708


I think most of us realize that the majority of our Grandmaster traits aren’t exactly rewarding. Aside from Grenadier or Juggernaut, very few of the Engineer builds I see have anything to do with going beyond 20 in any single trait. I’d blame this too Engineer requiring a good mix of everything to be effective but such pigeonholing should be discouraged. What I would like to do is see if you guys have ideas for what could make a good Grandmaster trait. I’ve been fumbling around a few ideas and I’d like to see what you guys think:

Explosives: Grenadier rebalance
Grenadier may be one of the single best traits in the game. In fact, it’s so good that it’s the reason why Grenades have been nerfed time after time. No other Traits pretty much says “Increase damage output by 50%”. However, I love the third Grenade not because of the damage but because of the additional proc. Any good Engineer using the Grenade Kit realizes the Vulnerability stacking potential of the Grenades is excellent (especially now that we can use the Sigil of Fraility alongside the Infused Precision trait). While it would look strange and pointless to someone who is first looking at the traits, I think the following would be a good balance for the Grenadier trait:
“Lower Grenade Kit damage by 25%. You throw an additional grenade with each Grenade Kit skill in addition to throwing grenades 25% further.”
Of course, if this were to be implemented, the Grenade Kit would be required to return to pre-December 14th damage. It would still inflict more damage when using the Grenadier trait but just not the 50% more it does now. It would also not sacrifice the multiple procs that I find very useful in the Grenades.

Alchemy: Corrosive Tranquilizer Darts
I feel like the main attack on the Elixir Gun is underwhelming. It’s better than the Pistol’s in terms of bleed but lacks the small AoE, it’s slower and barely has any more oomph to it. Replaces Automated Response.
“Apply a random condition (2-3 seconds) to enemies when hit with the Elixir Gun’s Tranquilizer Dart.”
A trait like this would make the Elixir Gun useful for more than switching to it briefly to use a single skill like Super Elixir or Fumigate.

Inventions: Homeosynced Turrets
One of the most common complaints I see about turrets is the lack of skill scaling that’s so important in any play style. With that in mind, I thought this up:
“Increase the attributes of your turrets by —% of your own attributes.”
This would serve as a way to make turrets more in line with whatever play style you use. While an Engineer with 30 points in Traits would be unlikely be extremely good at things other than taking damage, it would allow Engineer’s with Berserker gear to have turrets that deal much more damage or Engineers with Soldier gear to have turrets that can take many hits. While I do not know if that variable should be 20% or 50%, I do think this would be a good way to increase the practicality of turrets. Replaces Rifled Turret Barrels.

Tools: Tool Belt Variety Pack
This one is just so Tools has a single Grandmaster trait worth touching. While having the potential to be unbalanced, I think it would open many doors and really help the versatility that ANets bills Engineer to be capable of:
“Tool Belt skills can be selected regardless of Utility Skills.”
In other words, it would allow the Engineer to use Tool Belt skills separate from his or her Utility skills. Still limiting it to four skills but choosing them and accessing them like the Utility skills currently are. This would be gigantic in changing around the way Engineers could heal, deal damage, and respond to situations. Imagine having access to Surprise Shot without needing to set the Rifle Turret to its own slot or having both the Healing Turret and Bandage Self. Think about having access to Rocket Kick in a Flamethrower build without having to equip Rocket Boots. If you’re using Elixirs, no more being forced into ground targeting skills that have lackluster range and effect. Instead you could change those Toss Elixirs into techniques that actually have gravity in your party or just a nice switch from having to use Incendiary Ammo to having acces to Big Ol’ Bomb or Launch Personal Battering Ram. I think it would be incredibly door opening for the Engineer to have a Trait like this. Replaces Adrenal Implant or Armor Mod.

So those are just a few of my better ideas. I’d like to hear yours and don’t limit yourself to just the Grandmaster Traits or just Traits in general. I’d really like to see ideas for Elite skills too. Surely many of us have good ideas that would be worthwhile to read and consider.

(edited by GoZero.9708)

Engineer Grandmaster Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I’m of the opinion that the last two trait ideas should be how things work to begin with – turrets are annoying to use due to their general underwhelming effectiveness, and Toolbelt Skills are what we get when the dev team tries to make us spend Utility slots for a gimped Elementalist’s versatility, and then give us back the utility slots as preselected things.

The first two suggestions, though, seem interesting.

Just going to go ahead and post this link as far as my suggestions for Traits go, though:

It’s basically a set of Engineer-specific customization traitlines.

(edited by Anymras.5729)

Engineer Grandmaster Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: GoZero.9708


I’m of the opinion that the last two trait ideas should be how things work to begin with – turrets are annoying to use due to their general underwhelming effectiveness, and Toolbelt Skills are what we get when the dev team tries to make us spend Utility slots for a gimped Elementalist’s versatility, and then give us back the utility slots as preselected things.

The first two suggestions, though, seem interesting.

Just going to go ahead and post this link as far as my suggestions for Traits go, though:

It’s basically a set of Engineer-specific customization traitlines.

I read your ideas a few days ago and really liked them. As odd as it sounds, I do like the idea of making the Engineer more complicated because I tend to see that complication increases combinations and options, something that the Engineer should be excelling at. One thing your Preparation idea should feature is the ability to change the Trait Nodes on the fly (as in not having to go to a Engineer Trainer) to really bring out the “Preparation” thing. That way you could respec the Trait Nodes for turrets if you suddenly need to hold a point or put them into kits if you need to do increased damage. While giving the Engineer such an expansive overhaul would be very nice, I feel like it’s not something the developers would be willing to commit the time and effort to.

Engineer Grandmaster Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Yeah, I know it’s not likely the ideas will be used, but it’s a lot more likely-seeming than some of the other change ideas going around. I would, truth be told, like the Engineer to be more complicated, myself, without being the speed piano (kit-users)/frenetic tick (everybody else) gameplay it is now.

That’s a good idea. I think I’ll go add that, and if somebody reads it and decides they don’t like it, they can speak up and make a case.
Edit: And there it is, credited, of course.

(edited by Anymras.5729)

Engineer Grandmaster Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Amos.8760


No Homeo

My turret is so much better at this game than I am.