Engineer Guild??

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Also the other guild ad I made for this idea was moved to guild forums. I was hoping it would stay under here so more people who do play engineers could see it but oh well :/

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Phuriocity.9218


Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: tempus.6570


I’ve been looking for this. Not in currently in FA, but I will transfer.


Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


I don’t think we should have a Server name in the guild, i think it would be pretty awesome if all of us server changed often, since it’s free

and find the worst server that’s being whooped right now, and help them win


and I think having Squadron sounds better then Regiment, just imo

Im thinking that even if we start off in fa, when the guild grows we should go visit low ranking servers and just help them out. Help out those servers that only have like one or maybe even no wins! So yeah for that we could use as many engies as possible, no matter what server theyre from

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Current update for that group:
9 Members with 5 more who asked and have been invited but haven’t accepted yet.

Its a decent start, and thanks for your efforts in working towards this goal!

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

With the inevitible slaughter before co-ordinated SD burst and the sorts, how ’bout :You Need A [BUFF] ? Or would we rather have the guild name and tag separate?

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


With the inevitible slaughter before co-ordinated SD burst and the sorts, how ’bout You Need A [BUFF] ? Or would we rather have the guild name and tag separate?

Name set too late now :/ lol

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Goliathus el Raven.5740

Goliathus el Raven.5740

Count me in , just dinged 80 on my engy and got my exotics today

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Ejiofor.4801


Fort Aspenwood, you say?

… Thinking about it…


Imagine a crapton of Engineers coming up on a Tower, AND ALL LAY DOWN MORTAR AT THE SAME kitten TIME!

Gearstrip Jones, Engineer, Borlis Pass, [KPUP]
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Rascabuches.5914


Send me a invite im in ….

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Revan.6259


Lol, I’m just hoping that if we do manage to pull off something awesome, it won’t result in another nerf…..

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: jrdnjms.8703


if this guild spreads over US servers then it would officially go from guild to cult.

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Playing the Engineer class and loving it is like a cult, yes.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Helcor.9527


Ill be making the jump in the morning when I can transfer again. Any update on number of members so far?

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


While the recruitment has been going alright, there was a major obstacle blocking the path. While half the current people are in fa, we have like a person in server x, one in server y, and so forth. Plus the limitation of mostly being in fa prevents a lot of people who want to give it a try from joining in. I thought it would have been best to try to get as many engineers in one server as possible, but It is then that I realized that to solve this issue, the only way to make this happen is to make the guild cross server. This will help in maximizing the number of people who can try this idea. For example even if in the end there is like 5 people in a server who don’t want to switch, but still do it, that’s a full flamethrower rampaging party right there. There are 24 servers and a maximum guild capacity of 500, so if the engineers were spaced out evenly across servers that’s still 20 people per server, 4 full engineer parties each. The thing is, this idea still has a lot of room to grow, and it is in a unique situation among guilds.

So for now, lets say if you are interested in doing this, just say you wanna do it, doesn’t matter what server you are on right now, there are probably others on your server who want to do it too. So lets guild up together and figure out any other problems as we go along

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

If you want to transfer, its not going to kill you, you can just transfer back to your old server if thats what you want(if its not full), I think it would be a good idea to set a deadline or date for us to get together(via trasfering or just guild chat) and talk or have some sort of event.

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Coltz.5617


Sanctum of Rall dedicated static discharge main, if this works out in SoR im so in ( don’t really want to change servers )

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

(edited by Coltz.5617)

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: izzac.4821


Count me in! Izzac Z from SBI

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Baraell.5723


Count me in too! Won’t be up for transferring at this stage, but it would be great to get to know everyone in the engineer community.

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: JabLock.8490


I’m down….

Where do I sign up!?

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


I’m down….

Where do I sign up!?

Tried sending you an invite but max guilds reached

Also here is the current progress:
Total: 16
Fa server:9
Henge of Denravi: 1
Seafarer’s rest: 1

And waiting response from 6 people.

Fa can have about two parties ready to go soon.

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Regarding being a cross-server guild, if nothing else, it’s a great way to get to know other engineers. And we’ll be ready organizationally if anything changes with regards to guesting and the like.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Charles.9480


I’d love an invite. Gizmo Puff — Gates of Madness

(edited by Charles.9480)

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Revan.6259


I’d love an invite. Gizmo Puff — Gates of Madness

Edit: what does “max guilds reached” mean? That doesn’t make sense to me.

There’s a maximum number of guilds that you can join with your account. When he says “max guilds reached” it means that he tried to invite that person, but got a message telling him that the person was already a part of the maximum number of guilds that they’re allowed to be.

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Quick project status update:
While we are still growing on people in other servers, I started to send out mail to those in fa, where I ask for their best time to play. Once I find what the best time is for most people we will get this ball rolling.

Edit: Also if anyone has any ideas to get those engineers that do not read these forums, please do tell

(edited by Penguin.5197)

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Specterryu Quipter.8412

Specterryu Quipter.8412

Great idea, send me an invite.

Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live, as well as think.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: XerxesBlack.5892


Engineer is my first and main class. i will soooo join this guild.

Never done WvWvW, one match of PvP. and don’t know half those builds your all talking about but i would love to learn and go nuts with a team of engi’s!

send me an invite! I am currently on GoM but will swap when my swap dates are done (just switched).

Beaks N Talons [NERF] – Engineer of the great and mighty Fort Engineer guild!

(edited by XerxesBlack.5892)

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: King Jackal.9740

King Jackal.9740

I’m still very new to this game and yes, Engineer is my first and main class, so I’d like to join this awesome-sounding guild! Then again, I AM still new so I’ll probably be useless during WvW, and I also don’t know these builds.

I’m in Darkhaven now, send me an invite! Will eventually swap to FA.

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Moocattle.5463


Im in, send me an invite!

I’m a FA’er as well

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Ejiofor.4801


Ran with Penguin and Charrbucks the other day. Loads of fun! I think we did quite well, especially when we rolled up on the EB CD zerg…Three of us against all of them…We definitely made an impression, considering we were just messing around. I can’t believe we lasted that long against that zerg! Wait…I can believe it…

All in all good times to be had. I’m going to enjoy rolling in Fort Aspenwood under the NERF Banner

Gearstrip Jones, Engineer, Borlis Pass, [KPUP]
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Kawa.5873


This is awesome! count me in!
I am in SOS now.

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Invite send to people on top.

Also were trying for first real run for FA wvw this sunday at 9 a.m. pst/gametime, there was seemingly no objections for that time. I hope somehow everyone gets the memo >.>

And Ill be posting up the total number of people per server soon.

(edited by Penguin.5197)

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Linc.6834


Count me in! Been rollin engi since beta and have yet to team up with another engi so shoot me an invite ill xfer over. What’s the max guilds you can join?

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Ejiofor.4801


Came across this gem of a ‘theme song’ for NERF when we ‘Load Out’ into a BL…

Gearstrip Jones, Engineer, Borlis Pass, [KPUP]
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: XerxesBlack.5892


so what is the main server we’re on again? i just got the invite but people are all over the place. it looks to be fort aspenwood, but i don’t want to get it wrong and have to wait another week before i can engineer together lol.

Beaks N Talons [NERF] – Engineer of the great and mighty Fort Engineer guild!

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Choops.3710


so what is the main server we’re on again? i just got the invite but people are all over the place. it looks to be fort aspenwood, but i don’t want to get it wrong and have to wait another week before i can engineer together lol.

Yeah, Fort Aspenwood is where most of us are, I think. I just transferred over a few days ago, and now I actually have a reason to get my Engi to 80 lol

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Hawkeye Tredlite.9341

Hawkeye Tredlite.9341

Sign me up, please. I have been wanting to see this happen for a long time!

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


If you’re transferring over to Fort Aspenwood for this, we have a server-wide forum at There’s also a Teamspeak 3 server we could use. Welcome to the party!

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Moocattle.5463


Had a lot of fun tonight, spamming supply crates and net shots, the group I played with did pretty well against zergs that came our way and we all had a blast as we knew what each other could do. Look forward to the next engie partae!

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Ejiofor.4801


Had a lot of fun tonight, spamming supply crates and net shots, the group I played with did pretty well against zergs that came our way and we all had a blast as we knew what each other could do. Look forward to the next engie partae!

It’s amazing what a few Engies can do. Heck, even the past two times running with NERF, just ‘doing what we do’ was so much fun! I spoke with some of the people on FA Teamspeak, and let them know we’ll be “Loadin’ Out” Sunday Morning.

Team ideas:

Thumper Team – Demolitions, Explosives, Mortars, Knockbacks, Thumper Turrets(I’ll swap from TankCAT to a Thumper to join this team). They are meticulous when it comes to their timing.

Tanks- TankCAT takes punishment, then ‘shakes it off’. Prefers to pulverize their opponents with Prybars and Wrenches. Will often deploy a Net Turret to keep their enemies from escaping…oh the horror…

Torchers- Anything and Everything Flamethrower. Having sustained injuries that have left most disfigured and somewhat unstable, a Torcher is a steady, walking Inferno on the field of battle. Some men just want to watch the world burn…

Corpsmen- Rifles and Support types. Elixirs, Med Kits. These are the soldiers that can run into heavy enemy fire and get you back on your feet. They are undaunted, and fearless.

Gunslingers- Superior Speed and Agility make these pistoleros dangerous foes. More often than not, you can find them wandering alone. They unleash precise shots from their pistols, and most simply try and run away…try, until they realize they are stuck to the ground with a glue like substance…

This is just me goofing around, hehe. Had to

Gearstrip Jones, Engineer, Borlis Pass, [KPUP]
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Riojin.2649


I take a break from engie to level other classes and I peek in to find this awesomeness! I feel like the engineers are rising up in a revolt against everyone right now. Riojiin SoR Dedicated flamethrower engineer at your service! If I dont want to change servers can I still join in? Even if I cant I would still want in on this just because the idea is pure gold.

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Riojin.2649


Just transfered into FA send me an invite

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Kulam.6514


My 80 Eng is an alt and is languishing in the junk heap simply because I have to use my 80 ele for my guild(WvW). I would love to use my Eng somewhere else for fun if nothing else however I am concerned about my current membership in my guild.

If I transfer my Eng, do I transfer ALL of my toons? This I can’t do because I really like my current guild.

Dragon Bizkit

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Helcor.9527


Last night was a very good run

I sent out invites to those who asked above. Let me know if I missed you.

Kulam you can join as a alt guild. We are inviting any Engineers on all servers. And yes it would transfer all your toons.

(edited by Helcor.9527)

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Amos.8760


Penguin, send me an invite! Name is Emeritus Flame, and I’m on Sanctum of Rall.

My turret is so much better at this game than I am.

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Kulam, we have no requirement for you to transfer servers or provide full guild representation. You can still join and we’ll help you try to find more engineers on your server. It just means you may have to wait longer until you get enough guild members on your server before you can start to experiment with this idea.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Oxstar.7643


lol people often seem to overlook what ferocious pack animal Engys make XD

Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


We had a cross-server dungeon party going today, it went well here’s a screenshot I took of a full engineer cof run
So yes with about 40 people in so far this group is advancing and working out quite well, even if we all cant wvw together, we can still do dungeon runs and what not ^^


Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Since I don’t know how to add multiple pics on these forums, here is another screenshot of a wvw we quickly made up yesterday. We were able to push them back in eb dredge tunnels, where they made the mistake of choosing a dead end tunnel and resulted in lots of badges. Good times.


Engineer Guild??

in Engineer

Posted by: Choops.3710


Since I don’t know how to add multiple pics on these forums, here is another screenshot of a wvw we quickly made up yesterday. We were able to push them back in eb dredge tunnels, where they made the mistake of choosing a dead end tunnel and resulted in lots of badges. Good times.

lol, good times. If only we had more Elixir X’s lol

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood