Engineer Needs These Things

Engineer Needs These Things

in Engineer

Posted by: Nova.7509


I truly believe the Engineer class needs these things:

~ Fix Flamethrower miss rate: Won’t go into this, actually reported as a bug but if you play a FT Engineer you know what I’m saying.

~ Fix Flamethrower auto attack: Same as above.

~ Grenades option for NOT ground target: Grenades needs the option to have it turned from Ground Target Area of Effect (GTAoE) to a simple Target Area of Effect (TAoE). The thing is, grenades are already TAoE underwater and they work great. They need to work in the same way on land. At least the very first repeatable basic grenade attack needs to be able to select target and just fire with out mouse targeting.

~ Flamethrower needs a non-combat run speed: I think the only two classes which can not switch weapons are Elementalist and Engineer, and it’s fair enough cause we have lots of utilities. However no matter what element the Elementalist is using, he or she can still get into non-combat mode and run a bit faster. The flamethrower and other kits which replace your weapon as a main should have this ability also.

~ Turrets needs to have the option for ground target: There’s actually a skill that gives turrets the ability for ground targeting but it only works for the rocket and healing tower I believe. They should all be able to do that with that skill (not including Mortar).

~ Dual pistols should fire out of both pistols: It’s kind of stupid to hold two good looking guns and only fire out of the right hand one while the other one sits limply at your side until you use a specific skill. They should both fire like any other dual pistol.

~ Rifle needs one AOE skill: The rifle just needs 1 skill that allow it to hit more then 1 enemy. I think all the weapons I’ve come across so far has at least 1, even if it’s on a small 4/5s cool down.


Engineer Needs These Things

in Engineer

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


Every time someone suggests grenades get an auto-target, I wonder if they realize the only way they’ll get it is if it gets nerfed. It’s inconvenient, yes, but it’s also stronger than the vast majority of 1 skills in the game—and that’s BEFORE you consider the trait that gives you 50% more damage and on-crit effects (on crit effects like constant bleeding, burning and 15-20% vulnerability).

Besides, if grenades had autoattack, you’d have enough time on your hands to realize that it’s also [become] the most boring weaponset in the game, with five different attacks (or four and one) that are all the exact same thing with different conditions thrown on.

It’s perfectly manageable, effective and engaging as it is, so please, stop asking for a nerf.

Engineer Needs These Things

in Engineer

Posted by: Thagyr.4136


I’m pretty sure even Thief dualists only fire out of one gun until they use a skill, it’s just their Unload skill is the only one that uses both in tandem. The 2nd weapon is more of a tool-gun.

Engineer Needs These Things

in Engineer

Posted by: troptop.9781


~ Grenades option for NOT ground target:

Wow are youkitten It is a GTAOE kit, keep your mouth shut before you get out kit even more nerfed than it is currently. wow learn to aim before you spit out brown matter all over this forum

Engineer Needs These Things

in Engineer

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

I fully agree with Weirwynn.

The grenade kit is very effective and engaging as is.
Timing when to throw your grenades to get a hit is hard to master and it should be.
The conditions and damage is worth mastering the kit.

I really don’t see the point of having an auto-attack.
Who actually uses the first grenade skill anyway?
If you are one of those people who run around in grenade kit all day, I’d suggest switching up your tactic. It’s not that effective in most situations.

Engineer Needs These Things

in Engineer

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

Signed for the dual pistol..

object against: The thing is, grenades are already TAoE underwater and they work great.
They work great yeah, by which is mean fapping way to strong….. areatarget is the only from that keeps grenades from being overpowered on land

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

Engineer Needs These Things

in Engineer

Posted by: Mif.3471


~ Dual pistols should fire out of both pistols: It’s kind of stupid to hold two good looking guns and only fire out of the right hand one while the other one sits limply at your side until you use a specific skill. They should both fire like any other dual pistol. .

Skills 1, 2 and 3 are main hand, skills 4 and 5 are off hand.
This is the same for every class.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

(edited by Mif.3471)

Engineer Needs These Things

in Engineer

Posted by: Haralin.1473


Rifle has 3 Skills which are AE

  1. 1 Autoshot pierce hit more than one target
  2. 3 Hits more Targets
  3. 5 Hits more Targets

Slikshoes has super sonic speed in combat so why not use this with Flamethrower?

Haralin Engineer

Engineer Needs These Things

in Engineer

Posted by: Deathwhispr.8210


Agree with OP… When we equip 2 Pistols then we should use both on all skills, makes more sense than having the Off hand lay around like a wet noodle.

Revenge Is A Meal Best Served Cold

Engineer Needs These Things

in Engineer

Posted by: Haette.2701


I don’t know about you guys, but my glue gun doesn’t shoot bullets that well