Engineer Racial Elites

Engineer Racial Elites

in Engineer

Posted by: TJV.6239



Will the Engineers be receiving tool-belt skills for the racial elites?

I am just curious.

Tyler Joe

Engineer Racial Elites

in Engineer

Posted by: Tor.1365


I hope so! As a few other posters have mentioned, I’d be happy with just a generic ‘racial’ toolbelt skill, thats the same for all races. At least then it would make elite racials a potential (albeit rare) option for engineers.

Given many of the racial elites tend to summon something, a AoE boon type skill would be suitable.

Engineer Racial Elites

in Engineer

Posted by: Are.1326


I hope so! As a few other posters have mentioned, I’d be happy with just a generic ‘racial’ toolbelt skill, thats the same for all races. At least then it would make elite racials a potential (albeit rare) option for engineers.

Given many of the racial elites tend to summon something, a AoE boon type skill would be suitable.

Or just a copy of one of the three existing toolbelt skills would be better than what we currently get.