Engineer Turret Build + Rifle

Engineer Turret Build + Rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: ibkillin.9610



I’ve noticed a lot of Engineers don’t like Turrets, and have said that they are not useful. I’m here to tell you otherwise.

Check out my video I made showcasing it, a very fun build.

My Build:

Turret Video Gameplay

Engineer Turret Build + Rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


Video could benefit from being edited to show more meaningful fights, otherwise not bad.

I have some comments/questions on the trait choices. For your build don’t you think Fortified Turrets would be more useful than RTB? I just don’t feel RTB really adds that much. Turrets already have a very low DPS (even if they did hit hard they’re so slow), adding 15% to that isn’t very significant.

Do you find you get a lot of use out of SD in this build? Only your rifle turret toolbelt skill will target SD at your opponent, all the others are essentially wasted unless you’re right on top of them. I would think this build could benefit more from Explosive Turrets (don’t forget that trait not only adds knockback but a lot more damage to the detonate as well).

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Engineer Turret Build + Rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: ibkillin.9610


My apologies for the video this was my first one and I wanted to showcase a match from start to finish. Next time i’ll edit a good 3-4 different match fights into it. I do not find Fortified Turrets that useful because it’s only 4 seconds of shields at the start. I mainly pick RTB because of the range and not so much the added DPS. Now that turrets actually fire on your targets, its useful for keeping targets off cap points.

SD is hit or miss TBH. I’m probably going to respec again into the explosive turret trait, giving me some extra power for the turrets and my rifle. The knockbacks are great if used correctly. The SD was just a variation I tried while filming to see how the increased crit dmg and the SD bounce effect would do on my targets.

Engineer Turret Build + Rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


I agree the range is nice. In WvW I would consider it in place of the bubble, but in sPvP you don’t need 1500 range to keep someone off a point. You barely need half that.

Also the bubble may only be 4 seconds, but you have 4 (!) turrets. As long as you’re sure to space your turret placement out by at least 4 seconds each you can render yourself practically immune to projectiles for 16 seconds.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Engineer Turret Build + Rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: ibkillin.9610


I’ll definitely try that and let you know how it is.

Engineer Turret Build + Rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Llanowar.1603


Another plus to speccing explosives over tools is the added damage from bomb on dodge. Which I find to be very helpful added DPS.

Looking forward to seeing more of these videos, so I hope you’ll keep it up.

Engineer Turret Build + Rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Locuz.2651


There are a few issues i have when playing this build.

- Less healing overall than a cookie cutter condi engi due the lack of backpack regenerator.
- Relatively weak vs condi bombs due to the lack of blocks or CC chains and that extra healing from backpack regen.
- Lack of real CC/burst chains. So if people dispell your rifle 2 a big part of your damage is gone.
- The most important one imo: no swiftness or + speed traits so youre not really suited to move between points or able to kite as well when.

I created an alternative that works really well for me so far. I wanted to create something with a bit more healing, control and defensive abbilities without sacrificing the tankiness of the build you posted.

This is what ive come up with:

Only played it for a few hours, but its seems quite beastly so far.

- Absurd control with accelerant packed turrets, toolkit magnet pull and the rifle ofc. You can wombocombo anyone from 100% to 0 if they have no stunnbreaker ready (incl soldiers rune warriors)..
- Perma swiftness due to speedykits, + Box of nails and the block from toolkit give you the necesarry kiting an defensive tools.
- The combination of Valk amu and intel sigil gives you a high non RNG crit rate and crits that are on par with zerker amu crits due to the ferocity. While maintaining sustain due to the toughness and extra healingpower.

(edited by Locuz.2651)