Engineer Turret Redeployment

Engineer Turret Redeployment

in Engineer

Posted by: Spaztwit.8972


Currently, the cooldown for placing turrets is the same regardless of whether you pick up the turret or detonate it. Doesn’t it make better sense to halve the cooldown if the turret(s) are picked up before they’re destroyed? It’s odd that anet gives us 2 options to move a turret with the same cooldown. Maybe even 0-5 second cd if turrets are picked up. Would that be game breaking? To balance out such a change, redeployed turrets could have the same health they had when they were picked up. I.E., pick up a turret when its at 30% health, its still at 30% when you redeploy it. Detonating a turret would have the normal cd but would be full health when deployed. Can I get any official feedback on this ?

Engineer Turret Redeployment

in Engineer

Posted by: Zeus.2384


I would love to see this implemented. Great idea . It make sense DOOO IT

Engineer Turret Redeployment

in Engineer

Posted by: PHAtSTAKz.1268


Very well said Spazz! +1 for this wonderful idea!

Engineer Turret Redeployment

in Engineer

Posted by: Rillifane.9654


Great idea man. Definitely quality of life for the Engineer class.

Engineer Turret Redeployment

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


…Is this something new, or…? Turrets got a 20%-25% (can’t recall) cooldown reduction if they were picked up, last I recall.

This idea’s also been kicked around before. It was generally well-received.

Engineer Turret Redeployment

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


Here is your feedback:
Picking up a turret already reduces its cd by 25%.
Healing turret f.e. goes down from a 20sec cd to a 15sec cd if you pick it up.
Rocket and thumper go down from 50sec to 37.5seconds.

Also a “re-deployment” option, where the turrets go on a really low cd but get deployed with the same health will break the fortified turrets-trait, allowing for infinite reflect from picking a single turret.
I don’t like this idea, and the current iteration of our new traits, along with the announced turret-nerfs makes this option obsolete anyways.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.