Engineer bugs compilation

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Cold Hearted Person.6154

Cold Hearted Person.6154

It would be nice if they changed the way u use throwable elixirs underwater cus as it is right now u cant tell wher u should throw them to get them to work on allys or urself. after all they need the ground or any terain object to be smashed against for them to work and if u r in the midle of ur way to the botom ther is nothing but water around u.
As im useing a build that use throwable elixirs to increase survivability its realy anoying during water fights.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Bolg.7936


As much as I love playing my broken class, It would be nice to at least have somebody step forward and say things are being worked on. A possible update as to when changes can be expected would be great as well.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Kalan.9705


This list needs to be stickied (and worked on).

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

It would be nice if they changed the way u use throwable elixirs underwater cus as it is right now u cant tell wher u should throw them to get them to work on allys or urself. after all they need the ground or any terain object to be smashed against for them to work and if u r in the midle of ur way to the botom ther is nothing but water around u.
As im useing a build that use throwable elixirs to increase survivability its realy anoying during water fights.

Actually, you can press the key again underwater to break them. The only thing I ever do with them underwater is immediately press the key again so they are used on myself. It’s the only way I consistently get a benefit.

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


I’m impressed that this post is still alive (I actually received a mail in-game a few minutes ago about it, thanks Zam). Well, time to update it.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


Here’s another one…

The healing turrets secondary ability doesn’t actually remove conditions.

As far as I know it does, but is applied the next time the regen effect from the turret is applied (approximately every 4 seconds).


1. Poison dart and blow torch (and as u mentioned incendiary ammo) don’t stucks duration, only 1 stack on target. Even if u use blowtorch close range.
2. Elixir Gun – Elixir F not’ working at all :S
3. Tools IV trait “Kit refiniment” not working with tool kit.

Checked in Heart of the Mists and everthing seems to be working normally, Kit Refinement with Toolkit works but isn’t very visible since it creates a Box of Nails zone without any animation (the nails just appear on the ground); the bounce pattern on Elixir F can sometimes be strange but seems to be working as well.

The forums bugs aren’t making this easy.

(edited by Minilys.4765)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


I’d also like to point out that:
-while equipped with a kit and you try to use the elite skill (elixir X) it has to unequip the kit first in order to work (you get delayed quite a bit) and even thought the casting is complete you might end up canceling it because you had a kit equipped.

-“fumigate” (elixir gun skill) does a lot lower damage (condition damage) compared to what intended, either doesn’t seem to display.

-“acidic elixirs” explosives trait does… well… puppy-damage and some elixirs don’t work with it (like elixir gun’s “super elixir”).

-I’d like to be able to see what “kind” of skills trigger the “kit refinement” tools trait, as I’m not sure if elixir gun’s “super elixir” counterpart is working as intended (with acidic elixirs).

-“kit refinement” doesn’t seem to trigger anything from “tool kit” weapon kit.

-Some skills are missing their skill-class in their description, elixirs got described as “elixir” but bombs and grenades from the kits aren’t, it’d be better if descriptions were complete, because in GW1 they were, just to understand if traits are working properly.

hope it helped

I’ll add the delay to unequip with Elixir X.

Fumigate’s damage seems fine over its duration, the problem comes from the tooltip that list the whole poison duration damage as done over 1 second (you can actually see a small 5 on the poison icon). I’ll add a general lack of consistency and readability of tooltips even though it’s not a bug.

I’ll change Acid Bomb and Super Elixir since they’re simply not working with any Elixir related traits.. For acidic elixirs it’s more feedback than bug since it doesn’t teel you the damage you’re supposed to do (I guess it was supposed to be bad)

Already aswnered, the problem is the visibility and isn’t really a bug.

Same as with fumigate.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765



this is more of an so called elite skill supply crate /slashed

As I already said feedback isn’t welcome.


I really think that this tool-belt skill is working as intended

Well I don’t think it’s a bug either but I wouldn’t mind being wrong and getting buffed a bit because of it.


It should be added that in addition to the weird obstruction issue the Flame Blast also disappears when hitting ground, walls, or objects causing the explosion to never happen. A good way to fix this would be to make the flame blast explode upon impact if it touches one of these things. As it stands Flame Blast is extremely finicky if it decides to work or not.

I’ll add it.


Dunno if it was intended, but while using the Grenade kit underwater, the auto-attacking skill (n°1) is firing grenades at a crazy rate, like twice as fast (or more) than the fire rate on the gound…
(Making this kit an incredible weapon of choice underwater ! even more with Elixir U o.O)

The cast times are indeed different, 1 second normally but only 0.5 second underwater.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


Triple Post! And each a min apart.

Also Iv notice some times skills/traits that dont work in PvE/WvW will work in sPvP not sure why but they do. Maybe so they can balance sPvP with out screwing up PvE/WvW.

One thing I found while testing traits in sPvP was that the refined rifle barrel trait for more turret damage and range worked on giving the rifle turret more range, but it didnt display the new range on the tooltip. And when I over charged it for bleeding effects and faster cooldowns, the range was reset back to normal for the duration of the over charge.
I didnt test if the same problem affected the other turrets.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


Not sure if this is a bug, intended (but unmentioned) feature, or just plain bad dice rolls, but when using Elixir X I have observed a clear favouritism toward the Giant form. Since release, I have only gained the Tornado form once, and the Giant form every other time. I have probably used Elixir X upward of thirty times. I also noticed this favouritism toward both Giant form and the Plague form during Beta. Plague and Giant forms were both about equal, and Tornado was very rare.

The tooltip does not mention anything about Giant form being more common than Tornado form— unless I am missing something.
I will do a test sample in the morning drinking Elixir X one hundred times and record the data.

Noticed as well, I’ll add it just in case.


You can equip and use weapon kits in town clothes.

Well that’s a funny one, I’ll add it.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


You might want to add these three, the Jugggernaut perk bug really annoy me since we already pay a 50% selfcripple to have stability, yet I’m still getting crippled debuff is added and cripple animation triggers.

1. normal weapons and its sigils are not giving any stat when a kit is equiped.
2. Flame Blast will get “obstructed” almost every time if used in a target you just blew away with Air Blast, the idea of our combo is to blow them away then hit flame blast while they are at range for the explosion. I have tested it in different places it fails no matter my position. I know that there is absolutely nothing in the way since its an empty field. (note that it will get “obstructed” only if used right away after using Air blast, seems to bug when the npc is performing the animation of standing up after been knocked away)

3. Stability from the juggernaut perk seems to be broken, even though it says I cannot be cripple, chilled, knocked bacl, pushed, or launched. I’m still getting crippled, I see my character moving slower than usual and the animation for your crippled character.

1. I already noticed it and I’m not sure this is a bug but I’ll add it.
2. Added.
3. I’m not sure this is a bug either, from the Guild Wars 2 wiki Stability: Ignore control effects (stun, knockback, launch, knockdown, sink, float, fear, daze) and doesn’t list crippled in the effects ignored but I’ll add it as well.

I’ll talk about the 3rd point : Simply because Stability does not Ignore Conditions but Crowd Control abilities. Cripple is a condition ability … then it’s totally normal to be crippled while under Juggernaut.


Well, snares and roots are generally considered crowd control, soft crowd control but crowd control nonetheless.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


Tested all the list as above and can confirm all bugs present and repeatable.

also, i did not see this on the list

Auto Attack is enabled ( for skill 1 ) when Engineer equips Grenade Kit underwater but not on land.

On purpose since you have to target a zone normally but go straight for your target underwater and I don’t think they can add auto attack to a zone targeted spell.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Helevorn.2953


Not sure if was mentioned before, did a quick scan but didn’t find it.

Backpack Regenerator is not working. I don’t get a regeneration boon when I equip a kit.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


A few more bugs:

General: Multi-purpose toolkit back slot item often appears while transformed into another form, and often appears to be floating around the area (i.e. try transmuting into snow leopard form with that back slot item equipped and visible).

General: Movement impairing effects (i.e. chill) can cause skills with movements involved to have a reduced effect. For instance, using Acid Bomb (Elixir Gun Skill #4) will generally cause you to leap back a fair distance, but using it while chilled also reduces the amount of distance you jump back. I have not personally tested this with other movement skills, such as Overcharged Shot (Rifle Skill #4), Jump Shot (Rifle Skill #5), and Rocket Boots.

Tool Belt: Some tool belt skills (possibly all) have a land and underwater version, both of which operate on separate cooldowns (I have personally observed this with elixir skills) For instance, it is entirely possible to use Toss Elixir B (Elixir B Toolbelt Skill) on the land, jump into a nearby lake, and use the Toss Elixir B skill again after being submerged. I have not tested this rigorously, but it appears that they are considered two completely separate skills, and thus have two completely separate cooldowns. I assume this is the case with all “Toss Elixir” type skills underwater, but it may affect other toolbelt skills whose functionality changes underwater. This behaviour has not yet been observed with utility slot skills or kit skills.

Healing Turret (Skill Slot #6): It seems to be possible to sit in the AoE of the turret and continually build up duration on the regeneration boon, making it easy to build up several minutes (or potentially hours) of regeneration before heading off elsewhere (i.e. one can place one down and sit in the field while afk, coming back to find they have a 10 min regen boon on). Haven’t tested this fully to observe any limitations on this.

Healing Turret (Skill Slot #6): Regeneration boon seems to be applied two times in quick succession when the healing turret normally applies the regeneration during its cycle. If this is unintended, it may be the cause of the previous issue.

Healing Turret (Healing Skill Slot #6): The tooltip indicates “Combo Field: Water”, but attempts to make use of said combo field have failed. Have only tested this with Magnetic Shield (Shield Skill #4), which has “Combo Finisher: Blast” and is known to work with other combo fields consistently.

Super Elixir (Elixir Gun Skill #5): Ability seems to clear conditions (seems to be all conditions) on self (likely on others in AoE) but this is not mentioned at all in the tooltip. Either the skill is not supposed to do this or it is simply not mentioned in the tooltip.

Elixir X (Elite Skill Slot #10): If the “casting” animation gets interrupted (the moment when the timed “start-up” bar is filling up), the skill is put on a short cooldown and can be used again when that is over. After this “start-up” bar has finished, there’s an additional animation that lasts about 1 second before the character transforms into one of the forms. If the animation is interrupted at this stage, Elixir X is put on cooldown for its full amount instead of a shorter amount. As such, dodging or being dazed/stunned/knocked down while the “start-up” bar is filling will not punish you harshly, but doing so in the small bit of animation in between the two will effectively waste the skill completely.

-Can also happen with every kit but it’s a relatively minor graphic bug.



-The regen effect is capped at 1 minute.

-Nothing to say on that.

-That on is a bit tricky, the combo field only last 0.5 to 1 second everytime the regen boon is applied.



Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


Not sure if was mentioned before, did a quick scan but didn’t find it.

Backpack Regenerator is not working. I don’t get a regeneration boon when I equip a kit.

It doesn’t show but you still get the regen effect.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


Juggernaut got changed.

200 Toughness still, lost the stability, lost the movement reduction, and every 3 seconds a might stack is added that lasts for 15s. Suppose you can cross that off the list.

I guess that’s a way to fix bugs. Removed.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


I don’t like crossposting, but in case you don’t check the other thread regularly, I’m posting this here as well:

- Med Kit on 6 while out of water and Elixir H on 6 underwater.
If you use Elixir H underwater, triggering its cooldown, and get out of water, you now have the cooldown of Elixir H on your Med Kit and can’t equip it.

Added, thanks.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


Big Ol’ Bomb combo finisher blast does not work.

It was working just a few days ago but not anymore, added.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


Grandmaster trait Automated Response from alchemy line doesn’t work and it’s a big issue when comes to spvp.
Also I like to see a anet post about all this bugs on eng profession becouse this game isn’t on beta anymore.


Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


There’s a bug which increases every skill’s cooldown by a certain percentage. The skill’s look as if they were off cooldown, but I can’t use them for a few more seconds.

I’ve done some testing, here are the results:
Skill —-—————— CooldownBugged CooldownDifference
Poison Dart Volley --——— 10 —-————— 13 —-———— +3
Static Shot——————— 15 —-————— 19 —-———— +4
Magnetic Inversion —-—— 30 —-————— 35 —-———— +5
Static Shield —-————— 40 —-————— 47 —-———— +7
Elixir H —-——————— 25 —-————— 31 —-———— +6
Elixir S —-———————- 60 —-————— 71 —-———— +11
Elixir B —-———————- 40 —-————— 47 —-———— +7
Toss Elixir U —-————— 60 —-————— 70 —-———— +10
Acid Bomb —-—————- 15 —-————— 19 —-———— +4
Napalm —-——————— 30 —-————— 38 —-———— +8
Warband Support (charr)— 240 —-————- 297 —-———— +57 (!!!)

It seems that the longer the cooldown the longer the bugged cooldown is.

I’ve created a new lvl1 engineer and the cooldown on Elixir H was correct.

I took all of my gear off and it didn’t help. So my conclusion is that it must be a trait bug. I’ve changed all the major traits — no difference. I think it’s one of the minor traits, but I don’t want to waste gold experimenting. Here is my spec:
Explosives: 25
Firearms: 15
Inventions: 7
Alchemy: 10
Tools: 0

Are you sure it’s not just lag? I tested it why your spec but couldn’t reproduce it.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


not sure if anyone before has mentioned this.
1. grenade kits underwater, if fired without having a target they head straight “down” in relation to where the character is facing.
2. “Fumigate” cannot be cancelled mid cast by using other abilities (with the exception of dodge). Other channeled abilities like “flame jet” and “poison dart volley” can be cancelled


2. Added. It can be cancelled by utility skills but not by other skills from the elixir gun.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


couple more i dont think i saw

1) Explosion effects do not work at ClockTower location in PvP (grenades, mines) they land on control point and do not detonate

2) Mines can be placed and then a different skill can be selected in its place while the mines remain on the ground

3) Mines often remain on the map after detonation

1. Already added.

2. Added.

3. Couldn’t reproduce it, it could be a graphic bug from you.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


The Elixir Kit sometimes looses the target when the camera is rotated.

I don’t think it’s specific to the Elixir gun. I’ll add it in the general category.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


I’d say this is on the borderline of a bug/functionality of what was intended. If you place a mortar you can’t take back control of it if someone else takes control like siege weapons. Too often in WvWvW, I’ll place it just for it to immediately be taken by someone else…whoohooo best use of my elite skill.

Not a bug no matter how you look at it.

Also when using mortar while standing on a wall/ledge the rounds will explode immediately as I launch them. There doesn’t look like anything is in the way but apparently there is. No other spell effects are going on around me.

I guess the mortar could use a higher trajectory at short range and when shooting lower but it’s not really a bug.

Noticed when I sometimes use Jump Shot the landing can take a few extra seconds if the person/monster I’m using it on seems to move directly under where I am to land. It’s like my character is stuck for a brief moment in the landing phase trying to figure out where to go.

Seems to be a server synchronisation problem.

Overcharged Shot doesn’t all the time cure being immobilized. Trying to figure out if it’s a certain spell that’s causing this. I get knocked down but I’m still stuck in place and the immobilization is still going. Also noticed that if a selected enemy player moves out of range/to the side of me just as I hit overcharged shot nothing happens but I get a cool down.

Couldn’t reproduce it but I’ll add it.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


Triple Post! And each a min apart.

Also Iv notice some times skills/traits that dont work in PvE/WvW will work in sPvP not sure why but they do. Maybe so they can balance sPvP with out screwing up PvE/WvW.

One thing I found while testing traits in sPvP was that the refined rifle barrel trait for more turret damage and range worked on giving the rifle turret more range, but it didnt display the new range on the tooltip. And when I over charged it for bleeding effects and faster cooldowns, the range was reset back to normal for the duration of the over charge.
I didnt test if the same problem affected the other turrets.

Tested a bit, the problem seeems to come only from the tooltip.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


Looks like Anet isn’t fond of lists.

Feel free to disregard this post in the future and post your bugs in new threads instead. And if you really want this class fixed follow the other guidelines as well.

(edited by Minilys.4765)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: kirtle.4590


The “Short Fuse” trait for engineer does not work for grenades. Grenades do not get the 20% cooldown reduction as stated in tooltip.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

the trait rifled barrels when used with an elixir gun grants the increased range BUT ALSO changes the weakness duration from 1s to 3s, changes the bleed duration from 4s to 3s, changes the cripple to 5s from 3s(tool tip only, still just a 3s cripple), the swiftness from 3s to 5s(also only a tooltip change still only grats 3s boon), and the 2nd skill gets a 5s cool down from 8s, 5th skill changes the numbers on the heals(tooltip change only, still heals normal amount) and no longer lists the combo field or radius. this trait also adds slightly more base damage to the auto attack for the pistol: perhaps working as intended such as a further flying shot has more force.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: stelterazor.6320


@Firearms Trait VIII – 20% faster recharge for flame thrower & elixir gun – does not work with all of the elixir gun skills!

@"Traits for increasing healing abilities": I tried a lot of trait combos to increase my healing abilities with medikit or elixir gun equipped – no Traits really work here (increasing +heal through points spent in Inventions-section works)

increasing blessing duration( e.g. trough points spent in Alchemy) increases duration of a lot of regeneration buffs – but not the Elixir Gun Super Elixir regeneration.

@Autoshot Elixir gun: The Autoshot(Strg +Mouse2) for the elixir gun has to be renewed everytime the Elixir gun is getting equipped (if you swap to normal weapon and then back to Elixir gun, changes are lost)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


You might want to add these three, the Jugggernaut perk bug really annoy me since we already pay a 50% selfcripple to have stability, yet I’m still getting crippled debuff is added and cripple animation triggers.

1. normal weapons and its sigils are not giving any stat when a kit is equiped.
2. Flame Blast will get “obstructed” almost every time if used in a target you just blew away with Air Blast, the idea of our combo is to blow them away then hit flame blast while they are at range for the explosion. I have tested it in different places it fails no matter my position. I know that there is absolutely nothing in the way since its an empty field. (note that it will get “obstructed” only if used right away after using Air blast, seems to bug when the npc is performing the animation of standing up after been knocked away)

3. Stability from the juggernaut perk seems to be broken, even though it says I cannot be cripple, chilled, knocked bacl, pushed, or launched. I’m still getting crippled, I see my character moving slower than usual and the animation for your crippled character.

1. I already noticed it and I’m not sure this is a bug but I’ll add it.
2. Added.
3. I’m not sure this is a bug either, from the Guild Wars 2 wiki Stability: Ignore control effects (stun, knockback, launch, knockdown, sink, float, fear, daze) and doesn’t list crippled in the effects ignored but I’ll add it as well.

I’ll talk about the 3rd point : Simply because Stability does not Ignore Conditions but Crowd Control abilities. Cripple is a condition ability … then it’s totally normal to be crippled while under Juggernaut.


Well, snares and roots are generally considered crowd control, soft crowd control but crowd control nonetheless.

Stability is all about preventing the character to be unable to act, which is not the fact with snares and roots you can still attack or cast spells.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: DaveK.1023


What ? Not even one word from ANet yet ? No word of appreciation ? No thank you to the guys here for compiling (which means a lot of painful testing) the much-needed buglist ? Honestly.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: CptCosmic.3156


the explosive shot from pistol does not apply bleed on the explosion (which the tooltip claims it does)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Daidados.4360


Utility Skills

  • Auto-attack settings are not kept when switching kits.

most annoying bug to me atm. should get hotfixed today!

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: gravekeeper.8352


it is ridiculous that they dont answer. if we create a single topic for every single bug, as they ‘prefer’, we will flood this forum section and nothing will be replied.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Orissa.1872


Elixir gun + firearms:
Trait IV and VIII are excluding eachother, maybe it’s because of changes mentioned by Khezekiah Bellamy. Usually range trait (IV) is working and cooldown trait (VIII) is ignored. Sometimes it happens that VIII is dominating over IV, but it’s pretty rare. I think both of those traits should work exactly like description says, no additional changes on skills

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: draculthemad.6273


Can anyone confirm “incendiary powder” has an unlisted internal cooldown perhaps?
The trait in explosions.

I have been testing with ~70%-90% crit in mists and never seem to see it refresh itself like I would expect. I was hoping to make a build that could keep the burn rolling from grenade-spam or flamethrower crits.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Spart.6578


Looks like Anet isn’t fond of lists.

Feel free to disregard this post in the future and post your bugs in new threads instead. And if you really want this class fixed follow the other guidelines as well.

Since Jon mentioned in his post regarding the necro bugs in this thread, that he encourages other professions to do the same as necros did. Might be worth throwing a list in the engineer forums to hopefully get it noticed/stickied by a dev to keep track of what’s currently wrong with the class regarding bugs.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


I’ll just state the ones I know off the top of my head:

Grenadier lowers the cooldown of freeze grenade to 15s
Grenadier is incompatible with grenades and short fuse, it doesn’t lower their recharge, but without grenadier short fuse works
Toss Elixir Bs tooltip very wrong
Elixir S does not work with Fast Acting Elixirs, the tooltip changes to reflect a 48s cooldown but in reality, it remains 60s
Toss elixir C gives a random boon regardless of whether or not you remove a condition
Double tapping to get throw shield, and magnetic inversion often leads to no effect but a full cooldown
Elixir gun does not fully benefit from the trait “fireforged trigger”, it only reduces the cooldown of fumigate, and acid bomb. This is very inconsistent since some of the abilities are listed as “elixirs” but are not reduced by ‘fast acting elixirs’ either, and ‘acid bomb’ itself is listed as an elixir, but benefits from fireforged trigger, while fumigate is not and benefits as well. Very weird and inconsistent.

All turrets, if deployed and immediately picked up (within 1 second or so), get picked up but do not benefit from the 25% cooldown reduction. This is particularly annoying on the healing turret.

Healing turret+ deployable turrets trait, loses the toolbelt skill of the turret. It gets replaced by the “deploy healing turret” command.

In PvE, grenade barrage is disabled underwater, but enabled in PvP.

Elixir X has two cast times (might be intended)

Mine field (toolbelt skill of mine) does not benefit from ingenuity (though this might have changed, haven’t tested it recently)

Big ole bomb does not act as a blast finisher.

Explosive shots description suggests AoE bleeding but it does not. This might mean the tooltip is wrong, or that it is bugged. I can never tell with the engineer.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

(edited by Lyuben.2613)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: MeVe.2856


When you control the Mortar the camera reset, pretty annoying.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: JonPeters.5630


Game Design Lead


Thanks, we will try and monitor this. Once again a reminder that fixes take time to make and test.


Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


Flamethrower auto attack sometimes misses every hit.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Elshagan.6342


Explosive shot is a VERY very close ranged AoE, they literally have to stand almost ontop of eachother for it to hit as an aoe.

Ezrael Curzeblood: 80 Necro
Januk Monkeydoodle: 80 Engi
Knowledge is your friend: 1 of every class for sPvP except Ele.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Taco Knight.9418

Taco Knight.9418

“Swap to this weapon” sigils don’t work when swapping from kit to weapons.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Bargaw.4832


In PvE when you use healing kit, you don’t get “drop kit” skill on original keybind(like in pvp), instead you keep you healing kit skill, forcing you to use “`” to drop kit instead of pressing “6” again. Other kits work same as in pvp.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


I’m not really sure if you can call it a bug, but the trait Cloaking Device in the Inventions tree really doesn’t seem to be working as intended.
When it activates, most of the time you’ll be pulled out of stealth almost instantly, making this trait useless.
I think it might have something to do with auto attack not disabling right when you cloak.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Keelin.5781


Flamethrower auto attack sometimes misses every hit.

I find that it tends to always miss if your target is above you.
Imagine you and your target are both standing on a ramp, your target is further up – It seems to always miss in these cases (especially if you are close to your target).

(edited by Keelin.5781)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Netherside.6793


We really, really need weapon stats while in kits.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: JoxerNL.3752


Mortar scaling is non-existant, for an elite skill it does less damage and has less range then the simple grenade kit.
Weapon kits such as flamethrower and grenade etc, do not seem to scale properly with weapons.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Xanatopsis.2137
