Engineer bugs compilation

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


Very nicely done on compiling this list. Hopefully, A-Net will notice how extensive this list is and make the class playable again.

About the “Deployable Turrets” Trait bug (Tools line, Trait #5), It only applies to my healing turret, though I have all turrets except mortar and rocket turrets. I poked around a bit, and the trait only seems to apply to healing turret and turrets you buy after you purchase the trait.

Changed it to be more accurate, thanks.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Minilys.4765


Seems like the forum is bugging a bit as well. The first post can’t be edited anymore, I’ll add additionnal bugs here instead.


  • All movement skills with a specific distance (Overcharged Shot, Rocket Boots, Acid Bomb) have a reduced effect when chilled.
  • Kits can be used in town clothes.
  • Lack of consistency and readability in tooltips.
  • We can sometimes lose our target when the camera is rotated.

Weapon Skills

  • Rifle’s Overcharged Shot doesn’t always remove Immobilized. And Overcharged Shot cooldown is sometimes used without any effects when the target moves out of range/reach of the attack.

Utility Skills

  • All toolbelts with a different functionality on ground and underwater don’t share a cooldown.
  • Bomb Kit’s Big Ol’ Bomb doesn’t trigger its Combo Finisher : Blast.
  • Elixir Gun’s Fumigate cannot be cancelled by using others skills from the Elixir Gun.
  • Elixir Gun’s Super Elixir and Acid Bomb don’t work with any Elixir related traits even though they’re listed as Elixirs.
  • Elixir Gun’s Super Elixir remove all conditions from the engineer but isn’t mentioned on the tooltip.
  • Using Elixir H underwater gives a cooldown to Med Kit when going back over ground.
  • Elixir X is delayed at the end of its cast and favours the Rampaging Brute form a lot more than the Tornado Form.
  • Flamethrower’s Flame Blast will often be obstructed after using Air Blast and will not explode when hitting the environment.
  • Flamethrower’s Flame Jets will often miss targets and destructible objects (when the player and its target are at even slightly different elevations)
  • Grenade Kit’s cast times are shorter and the grenades go down instead of straight without a target when underwater.
  • Mines from Throw Mine and Mine Field stay even after changing skills.
  • Slick Shoes’s tool belt Super Speed doesn’t work as the tooltip says (Run at double speed) but allow the engineer to run at Swiftness speed without being hindered by movement slowing conditions (chilled, crippled and also works with Juggernaut’s self slow)


  • Automated Response (XII) doesn’t make you immune to already applied conditions.

Zone Specific

  • Thrown Elixirs don’t work in the clocktower in Battle of Khylo.

(edited by Minilys.4765)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Sentinel VX.1392

Sentinel VX.1392

How the heck they haven’t looked at this. There is another bug with flamethrower skill which flameblast(skill 2) often got obstructed after using airblast(skill 3) which causes the projectile vanishes even before coming out the flamethrower.
EDIT: nvm I saw you already have it

Sea of Sorrow since BWE.

(edited by Sentinel VX.1392)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: theoriginalaks.4159


Here’s another one…

The healing turrets secondary ability doesn’t actually remove conditions.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: FrOzZy.6391


my 5 cents =)

1. Poison dart and blow torch (and as u mentioned incendiary ammo) don’t stucks duration, only 1 stack on target. Even if u use blowtorch close range.
2. Elixir Gun – Elixir F not’ working at all :S
3. Tools IV trait “Kit refiniment” not working with tool kit.

And, meh, i sick of being owned by thieves. Almost ALL skills have cast time and thieve just pwn me, not allowing to cast anything except auto-attack. :S

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


I’d also like to point out that:
-while equipped with a kit and you try to use the elite skill (elixir X) it has to unequip the kit first in order to work (you get delayed quite a bit) and even thought the casting is complete you might end up canceling it because you had a kit equipped.

-“fumigate” (elixir gun skill) does a lot lower damage (condition damage) compared to what intended, either doesn’t seem to display.

-“acidic elixirs” explosives trait does… well… puppy-damage and some elixirs don’t work with it (like elixir gun’s “super elixir”).

-I’d like to be able to see what “kind” of skills trigger the “kit refinement” tools trait, as I’m not sure if elixir gun’s “super elixir” counterpart is working as intended (with acidic elixirs).

-“kit refinement” doesn’t seem to trigger anything from “tool kit” weapon kit.

-Some skills are missing their skill-class in their description, elixirs got described as “elixir” but bombs and grenades from the kits aren’t, it’d be better if descriptions were complete, because in GW1 they were, just to understand if traits are working properly.

hope it helped

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Dragoon.9536


this is more of an so called elite skill supply crate. It would be nice if we could pick n choose what turrets we want I really do not want that healing turrets since its useless when you dont have that 2nd skill on it. If you will change that to rifle turret and put the added turret the rocket or thumper onto is would be greatly appriecated. Two healing turrets does nuthing for u. Id like to also add that the healing turrets on elite supply crate does not heal u just give u a small regen but your skill healing turrets does and provide regen. so this turrets is utterlly useless in the supply crate.

Basically remove healing turret from supply crate and replace it with a more meanful turrets like thumper or rocket or rifle

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Tallman.5193


Thrown Elixirs don’t work on the point in the clocktower (with the exception of Elixir R).

If you throw Elixir S, U, C, H, or B on the point in clocktower, nothing will happen. Super Elixir and Elixir Gun Kit Refinement (creating super elixir) also does not work on point in the clocktower. This has been a huge issue for me since I run a defensive elixirs build, but I can’t defend a critical point in the final tournament map. Very frustrating.

This might affect others classes too but could you give me the name of the map? I’m afraid I don’t pvp much. Added Kit Refinement not working underwater with Elixir Gun.

Woops! Sorry. Battle of Khylo, in structured PvP. Thrown Elixirs don’t work in the central Clocktower point. Still true as of an hour ago.

Briggs – Wolf PvP-Tier Engineer, Champion Genius, Mercenary

Representing Legit Guild [LG] for life on Fort Aspenwood. Send me a tell in-game!

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: CptCosmic.3156


I have new one: traits that are supposed to work with explosions do not work with abilities that “explode” like pistol “explosive shot” or flamethrower “flame blast”

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Dunno if it was intended, but while using the Grenade kit underwater, the auto-attacking skill (n°1) is firing grenades at a crazy rate, like twice as fast (or more) than the fire rate on the gound…
(Making this kit an incredible weapon of choice underwater ! even more with Elixir U o.O)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


The Grenade Kit is throwing out 2 grenades for me – both on land and underwater – even though I’m only level 11 and in PvE.
It’s not a case of Grenadier still being ‘on’, as I’ve never taken this character to The Mists or WvW – a completely fresh new character.

Also; should the Grenade Kit have a tool belt skill underwater?
None is showing up.

2 Grenades is the norm now?! Gracious!
Sorry then, Minilys – not a bug, just a very happy surprise for me.

Right, but the tooltip still mentionning that you are firing ONE grenade not TWO. Then its a tooltip description problem, that is worth mentionning even if its not as game breaking than all those real bugs.

(edited by Battlewill.5614)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Toss Elixir B only gives one boon, and is listed to give all four (and as mentioned, Might’s duration is incorrect).

Changed, thanks.

I really think that this tool-belt skill is working as intended, i mean if you check all your elixirs tool-belt skills, while the “Elixir” itself is giving a bunch of properties, “Tossed” ones always give you only 1 part of those properties. I just think this is a TOOLTIP description problem more than anything else. Even more convinced when you check the cooldown of the “tossed” version compared to the duration of the buffs (boons).

For the duration of the might buff i’m agreeing that its a bug

(edited by Battlewill.5614)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Asytra.8172


It should be added that in addition to the weird obstruction issue the Flame Blast also disappears when hitting ground, walls, or objects causing the explosion to never happen. A good way to fix this would be to make the flame blast explode upon impact if it touches one of these things. As it stands Flame Blast is extremely finicky if it decides to work or not.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Not sure if this is a bug, intended (but unmentioned) feature, or just plain bad dice rolls, but when using Elixir X I have observed a clear favouritism toward the Giant form. Since release, I have only gained the Tornado form once, and the Giant form every other time. I have probably used Elixir X upward of thirty times. I also noticed this favouritism toward both Giant form and the Plague form during Beta. Plague and Giant forms were both about equal, and Tornado was very rare.

The tooltip does not mention anything about Giant form being more common than Tornado form— unless I am missing something.
I will do a test sample in the morning drinking Elixir X one hundred times and record the data.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Toss Elixir B only gives one boon, and is listed to give all four (and as mentioned, Might’s duration is incorrect).

Changed, thanks.

I really think that this tool-belt skill is working as intended, i mean if you check all your elixirs tool-belt skills, while the “Elixir” itself is giving a bunch of properties, “Tossed” ones always give you only 1 part of those properties. I just think this is a TOOLTIP description problem more than anything else. Even more convinced when you check the cooldown of the “tossed” version compared to the duration of the buffs (boons).

For the duration of the might buff i’m agreeing that its a bug

Either way a problem exists. Sad that no developers have mentioned they are looking into this thread, because the size of this bug list is absurd compared to every other class combined.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Weresentme.2089


You can equip and use weapon kits in town clothes.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Tomahorc.9607


Great job Minilys, I’ve just started trying out different traits, and made a list to post here, but you got them all down already. Nice one!

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


You might want to add these three, the Jugggernaut perk bug really annoy me since we already pay a 50% selfcripple to have stability, yet I’m still getting crippled debuff is added and cripple animation triggers.

1. normal weapons and its sigils are not giving any stat when a kit is equiped.
2. Flame Blast will get “obstructed” almost every time if used in a target you just blew away with Air Blast, the idea of our combo is to blow them away then hit flame blast while they are at range for the explosion. I have tested it in different places it fails no matter my position. I know that there is absolutely nothing in the way since its an empty field. (note that it will get “obstructed” only if used right away after using Air blast, seems to bug when the npc is performing the animation of standing up after been knocked away)

3. Stability from the juggernaut perk seems to be broken, even though it says I cannot be cripple, chilled, knocked bacl, pushed, or launched. I’m still getting crippled, I see my character moving slower than usual and the animation for your crippled character.

1. I already noticed it and I’m not sure this is a bug but I’ll add it.
2. Added.
3. I’m not sure this is a bug either, from the Guild Wars 2 wiki Stability: Ignore control effects (stun, knockback, launch, knockdown, sink, float, fear, daze) and doesn’t list crippled in the effects ignored but I’ll add it as well.

I’ll talk about the 3rd point : Simply because Stability does not Ignore Conditions but Crowd Control abilities. Cripple is a condition ability … then it’s totally normal to be crippled while under Juggernaut.


Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Bloody.8769


Tested all the list as above and can confirm all bugs present and repeatable.

also, i did not see this on the list

Auto Attack is enabled ( for skill 1 ) when Engineer equips Grenade Kit underwater but not on land.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Sentinel VX.1392

Sentinel VX.1392

Tested all the list as above and can confirm all bugs present and repeatable.

also, i did not see this on the list

Auto Attack is enabled ( for skill 1 ) when Engineer equips Grenade Kit underwater but not on land.

Probably because grenade kit use ground targeting system on land but not underwater.

Sea of Sorrow since BWE.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


A few more bugs:

General: Multi-purpose toolkit back slot item often appears while transformed into another form, and often appears to be floating around the area (i.e. try transmuting into snow leopard form with that back slot item equipped and visible).

General: Movement impairing effects (i.e. chill) can cause skills with movements involved to have a reduced effect. For instance, using Acid Bomb (Elixir Gun Skill #4) will generally cause you to leap back a fair distance, but using it while chilled also reduces the amount of distance you jump back. I have not personally tested this with other movement skills, such as Overcharged Shot (Rifle Skill #4), Jump Shot (Rifle Skill #5), and Rocket Boots.

Tool Belt: Some tool belt skills (possibly all) have a land and underwater version, both of which operate on separate cooldowns (I have personally observed this with elixir skills) For instance, it is entirely possible to use Toss Elixir B (Elixir B Toolbelt Skill) on the land, jump into a nearby lake, and use the Toss Elixir B skill again after being submerged. I have not tested this rigorously, but it appears that they are considered two completely separate skills, and thus have two completely separate cooldowns. I assume this is the case with all “Toss Elixir” type skills underwater, but it may affect other toolbelt skills whose functionality changes underwater. This behaviour has not yet been observed with utility slot skills or kit skills.

Healing Turret (Skill Slot #6): It seems to be possible to sit in the AoE of the turret and continually build up duration on the regeneration boon, making it easy to build up several minutes (or potentially hours) of regeneration before heading off elsewhere (i.e. one can place one down and sit in the field while afk, coming back to find they have a 10 min regen boon on). Haven’t tested this fully to observe any limitations on this.

Healing Turret (Skill Slot #6): Regeneration boon seems to be applied two times in quick succession when the healing turret normally applies the regeneration during its cycle. If this is unintended, it may be the cause of the previous issue.

Healing Turret (Healing Skill Slot #6): The tooltip indicates “Combo Field: Water”, but attempts to make use of said combo field have failed. Have only tested this with Magnetic Shield (Shield Skill #4), which has “Combo Finisher: Blast” and is known to work with other combo fields consistently.

Super Elixir (Elixir Gun Skill #5): Ability seems to clear conditions (seems to be all conditions) on self (likely on others in AoE) but this is not mentioned at all in the tooltip. Either the skill is not supposed to do this or it is simply not mentioned in the tooltip.

Elixir X (Elite Skill Slot #10): If the “casting” animation gets interrupted (the moment when the timed “start-up” bar is filling up), the skill is put on a short cooldown and can be used again when that is over. After this “start-up” bar has finished, there’s an additional animation that lasts about 1 second before the character transforms into one of the forms. If the animation is interrupted at this stage, Elixir X is put on cooldown for its full amount instead of a shorter amount. As such, dodging or being dazed/stunned/knocked down while the “start-up” bar is filling will not punish you harshly, but doing so in the small bit of animation in between the two will effectively waste the skill completely.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: splatomat.9370


sigh. hoping many of these issues get addressed soon.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Spart.6578


Juggernaut got changed.

200 Toughness still, lost the stability, lost the movement reduction, and every 3 seconds a might stack is added that lasts for 15s. Suppose you can cross that off the list.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


I don’t like crossposting, but in case you don’t check the other thread regularly, I’m posting this here as well:

- Med Kit on 6 while out of water and Elixir H on 6 underwater.
If you use Elixir H underwater, triggering its cooldown, and get out of water, you now have the cooldown of Elixir H on your Med Kit and can’t equip it.
(- Sigils on the Rifle don’t work for me also.
- Rifle stats are ignored when a kit is equipped.)
The last two are known, just posting them to confirm that they’re not working for me too.

Edit: I just read the juggernaut ‘fix’. Loosing stability is really unfortunate…. there is no other way for us to gain it, I think…. but what can we do?
Edit2: Doh, Elixir S gives stability. My bad…

Red Guard

(edited by Pannonica.5378)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


I’d also add to the list the fact that targeting AoE skills don’t have an “auto” function… this makes grenades so difficult to manage (especially in pvp… they are useless) it’d be cool if, given a target, u could actually auto-attack with at least the basic move instead of spamming 1111.

Another bug about grenades, now… I know there’s 2-3 launched grenades per skill, but those that (while targeting) are showing their basic radius, often end up hitting just once, so either change the skill or the description (as each grenade got its small AoE).

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Elesmod.6790


Big Ol’ Bomb combo finisher blast does not work.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Mev.4156


I’m not exactly sure what is causing this bug, I am guessing something with the “Autotool Installation” (Turrets are self-repairing), but a couple of times I’ve run across loosing the overcharge skills of my turrets after they sit for a while.

Their overcharge skills will turn back to the build/deploy turret skills. The turrets will still be there and function normally, but if I activate a turret’s build skill, the old one will disappear (fall through the ground/dismantle animation) as the new one is built.

This had become a problem in a long event where you have to run down an enemy group’s moral, and my Healing Turret’s overcharge skill reset to it’s build skill, so instead of activating Cleansing Burst when I needed it, I had built a new one where I was. The second time I noticed is laying down turrets and being AFK for a while and coming back to the skills being flipped over.

Granted, this would be bad if you need to overcharge a turret that is away from you, only to instead build a new one, not getting the effect you wanted and/or messing up your turret formation. Although, the skills seem to flip back after 20-30 minutes of sitting there, so I guess this would effect Engineers trying to hold a spot for a good while. Also, both times have been in the Iron Marches, in case the bug is area-based. Just trying to give as much info as I can.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: LOKI.2384


Not sure if anyone else already mentioned this but the underwater skill “net wall” doesn’t seem to do anything and when you shoot it just depoys past your target. This essentially makes the skill unusable.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Elesmod.6790


There’s a bug which increases every skill’s cooldown by a certain percentage. The skill’s look as if they were off cooldown, but I can’t use them for a few more seconds.

I’ve done some testing, here are the results:
Skill —-—————— CooldownBugged CooldownDifference
Poison Dart Volley --——— 10 —-————— 13 —-———— +3
Static Shot——————— 15 —-————— 19 —-———— +4
Magnetic Inversion —-—— 30 —-————— 35 —-———— +5
Static Shield —-————— 40 —-————— 47 —-———— +7
Elixir H —-——————— 25 —-————— 31 —-———— +6
Elixir S —-———————- 60 —-————— 71 —-———— +11
Elixir B —-———————- 40 —-————— 47 —-———— +7
Toss Elixir U —-————— 60 —-————— 70 —-———— +10
Acid Bomb —-—————- 15 —-————— 19 —-———— +4
Napalm —-——————— 30 —-————— 38 —-———— +8
Warband Support (charr)— 240 —-————- 297 —-———— +57 (!!!)

It seems that the longer the cooldown the longer the bugged cooldown is.

I’ve created a new lvl1 engineer and the cooldown on Elixir H was correct.

I took all of my gear off and it didn’t help. So my conclusion is that it must be a trait bug. I’ve changed all the major traits — no difference. I think it’s one of the minor traits, but I don’t want to waste gold experimenting. Here is my spec:
Explosives: 25
Firearms: 15
Inventions: 7
Alchemy: 10
Tools: 0

@LOKI: it’s not a bug, you have to click the “net wall” skill again at the right time to deploy the net.

(edited by Elesmod.6790)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Erllun.3278


Grandmaster trait Automated Response from alchemy line doesn’t work and it’s a big issue when comes to spvp.
Also I like to see a anet post about all this bugs on eng profession becouse this game isn’t on beta anymore.

(edited by Erllun.3278)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: BradersVal.1708


not sure if anyone before has mentioned this.
1. grenade kits underwater, if fired without having a target they head straight “down” in relation to where the character is facing.
2. “Fumigate” cannot be cancelled mid cast by using other abilities (with the exception of dodge). Other channeled abilities like “flame jet” and “poison dart volley” can be cancelled

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Timeslice.9027


the ‘cripple targets when you immobilize them’ trait does not work with the Net Turret or the Throw Net toolbelt skill.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: awalloftext.7130


  • Attributes and Sigils from equipped weapons aren’t applied when a Kit is used.

Just giving this thread a bump, because I feel like this is something that desperately needs to be addressed.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Kusumura.8642


Toss Elixir B only gives one boon, and is listed to give all four (and as mentioned, Might’s duration is incorrect).

Changed, thanks.

I really think that this tool-belt skill is working as intended, i mean if you check all your elixirs tool-belt skills, while the “Elixir” itself is giving a bunch of properties, “Tossed” ones always give you only 1 part of those properties. I just think this is a TOOLTIP description problem more than anything else. Even more convinced when you check the cooldown of the “tossed” version compared to the duration of the buffs (boons).

For the duration of the might buff i’m agreeing that its a bug

Either way a problem exists. Sad that no developers have mentioned they are looking into this thread, because the size of this bug list is absurd compared to every other class combined.

  • Attributes and Sigils from equipped weapons aren’t applied when a Kit is used.

Just giving this thread a bump, because I feel like this is something that desperately needs to be addressed.

Well, we all knew this class was going to require the most amount of TLC to make sure things were working and were balanced right. I’d love to know, too, whether there was anybody actively keeping an eye on this thread, but I think I’d have better luck finding a sober Irishman in a pub.

I know for sure there are non-drinking Irishmen that exist. It’s just a matter of luck trying to find one. I don’t know at all that anybody is even looking at class bug lists such as this… and, with everything else on the Developers’ plates, I can’t blame them for having a little of the TL;DR syndrome.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Pietoro.2014


The flamethrower targeting issue is a real pain. I was having this problem in terrain that wasn’t very uneven (fighting spiders in Gendarran near one of the fields) and on drakes in Hirathi Hinterlands.

The flame cone hit area needs to be expanded upwards more, for sure. I took some screens during one of the fights I was having obvious issues with (the drake was at point-blank range the entire time, but the flame spray was just blowing straight into the ground and missing it):

+Gaura Havocshot – Engineer
+Felzza – Elementalist
+Roienna – Guardian

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Reveaux.5720


couple more i dont think i saw

1) Explosion effects do not work at ClockTower location in PvP (grenades, mines) they land on control point and do not detonate

2) Mines can be placed and then a different skill can be selected in its place while the mines remain on the ground

3) Mines often remain on the map after detonation

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: gravekeeper.8352


The Elixir Kit sometimes looses the target when the camera is rotated.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


I love tons of features in this game but, there are a lot of Game Breaking issues, especially (but not only) with this Profession that is such buggy …
Please guys, take a look at it and fix it as soon as possible !

Cheers, and keep up the good work on this game.

ps: Can we have a sticky on this thread plz ?

(edited by Battlewill.5614)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Sentinel VX.1392

Sentinel VX.1392

I must agree that engineer is the most buggiest profession in the game…

Sea of Sorrow since BWE.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: CptCosmic.3156


another bug: automated response is supposed to make you invulnerable to conditions but conditions arleady applied to you will still proceed to do damage on you.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Elesmod.6790


An update on my bugged cooldown problem, after 2 more levels and 2 more points spent in Inventions, the issue disappeared.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: StarFreeze.3812


I’d say this is on the borderline of a bug/functionality of what was intended. If you place a mortar you can’t take back control of it if someone else takes control like siege weapons. Too often in WvWvW, I’ll place it just for it to immediately be taken by someone else…whoohooo best use of my elite skill.

Also when using mortar while standing on a wall/ledge the rounds will explode immediately as I launch them. There doesn’t look like anything is in the way but apparently there is. No other spell effects are going on around me.

Noticed when I sometimes use Jump Shot the landing can take a few extra seconds if the person/monster I’m using it on seems to move directly under where I am to land. It’s like my character is stuck for a brief moment in the landing phase trying to figure out where to go.

Overcharged Shot doesn’t all the time cure being immobilized. Trying to figure out if it’s a certain spell that’s causing this. I get knocked down but I’m still stuck in place and the immobilization is still going. Also noticed that if a selected enemy player moves out of range/to the side of me just as I hit overcharged shot nothing happens but I get a cool down.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


Great thread, I am experiencing many of these issues as well. In particular I was disappointed to see the bugs with the deployable turrets trait since that was important for my planned build.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: splatomat.9370


These issues need addressing, or at least acknowledging. There is so much stuff broken with the engineer class; I love it but I want it to be fixed!

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Neb.5347


Blowtorch can only hit 3 targets at most.
Explosive Shot explodes at the end of its range instead of when hitting a target

I think these two are intended. The blowtorch because it would be pretty crazy powerful if it hit everything, and the explosive shot because if you distance yourself well, you can fling it through multiple mobs then have it explode right behind them, dealing even more damage. However, if you are tanking a mob then the explosive shot is pretty useless. Esp. since the push back bugs it out.

It should however explode on contact with walls, because it is also a pain when firing at a target near a wall or object, as it goes through it and does no damage.

(edited by Neb.5347)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Very good work minilys, Keep going on !

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Briefs.5312


Anyone know if Explosive Powder affects Launch Mortar Shot? It says in the text you launch and Explosive Round, the tool tip damage text does not update that is for sure.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Hammerfist.2019


so am i right in thinking that the tool belt recharge rate bonus is not working? also dose the napalm specialist trait work right? dose it increase 20% too all fire skills, ie skill 4 dual pistols “blowtorch” and flame turret? and the tool belt skill "throw napalm? cos i doesn’t show an increase time in the description the only time i have seen the time increase is under the explosives trait line, but i am not investing into that my trait lines are firearms and tools. dose any one know if these skills are working correctly?

(edited by Hammerfist.2019)

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Rocket Turret under water and above water share the same skill use where as every other turret used under water and above ground do not

Also Rocket turret can’t be self detonated under water for some reason.

a few mortar skills don’t have damage confirmation inside of the AoE. the missle has to hit, and the size of the missle doesn’t take up the whole AoE

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: BlindedPeace.8736


I would love to see the deployable turrets skill fixed ASAP. It’s really breaking for most turret users, and it’s just sad having to deploy thumpers at my feet and lure mobs into it, especially considering that engies are rather squishy and should be staying away from direct action.

Also, having to manually reset the auto-attack when swapping kits is ridiculously frustrating, and an auto attack on the ’nade kit would be so useful.

It’s sad that this obviously broken class has gotten so little attention. Hopefully, A-Net’ll notice how extensive this thread is and hop on it by tonight!

Reyson Aedric, Engineer
“Sure, if by “diplomacy” you mean “pry-bar-to-faces.”