Engineer build

Engineer build

in Engineer

Posted by: qtdogewof.8746


I’ve been playing warrior and now I’m looking to build an engineer class. I’d like to make use of pistols and flamethrower. Can anyone suggest any build tips? Thanks

Rstk Darkblade ~ Maverick Lifekeeper ~ Pious Fervour ~ Scar Fireshot

Engineer build

in Engineer

Posted by: Yobculture.5786


Flamethrower works better as a power/prec weapon, imo, as it can only spread one condition.

Likewise, Pistols works better as a condition weapon.. which leaves you with the other viable option of a rifle, which scales well with power.

Far Shiverpeaks

Engineer build

in Engineer

Posted by: Ink.9058


It’s worth pointing out that with the Sharpshooter minor trait from Firearms which most FT builds will probably have, a decent crit chance, and a sigil of earth, the flamethrower can spread quite a lot of area bleeds. That being said, I agree that the FT is basically a power weapon.

Engineer build

in Engineer

Posted by: Dropper.9176


Depends if you want to play PVE, sPVP or W3

At the Moment i play mainly W3.
I was using Tool Kit (instead Flamethrower) before with 20 points in Tools but due to the new Juggernaut Trait position i m trying some Flame Thrower builds.
Mainly quite tanky builds but 10 + stacks of might ( Rune of Altruism + Juggernaut) and 25x Bloodlust (250 power) grant enough punch to actually kill your enemy :-)
The Endurance regen. (50 % endurance sigil + Alchemy I Trait) + Blind in 3 Kits + Shield Block + 2x Knockback gives your more than decent defence options.

For mainly solo with Flamethrower ( Missing Firearms Trait is VIII Juggernaut)

For running with the Big laggy Zerg or keep defend ( Missing Firearms Trait is VIII Juggernaut)

After stacking 25x Bloodlust I change Pistol (Superior Sigil of Bloodlust) with Pistol (Superior Sigil of Accuracy)

(edited by Dropper.9176)

Engineer build

in Engineer

Posted by: qtdogewof.8746


Im mainly going to be playing PvE, would it be a good idea to combine a pistol with a shield or just stick with two pistols for more dps?

Rstk Darkblade ~ Maverick Lifekeeper ~ Pious Fervour ~ Scar Fireshot

Engineer build

in Engineer

Posted by: FreekPalmer.2839


That’s pretty much my build atm (obviously it’s a little out of date.)
The idea is to balance between power and condition damage.
When you can stack every condition and then run round with 25 stacks of might you can reach around 2.5k power and condition damage, so ticks are high and damage is awesome.
You pretty much use every pot on CD elixir U can be swapped with any other elixir you want.

Balance rampager and rabid gear and get the most might duration. You should laugh and kill most things with no issue.

All the buffs and condi damage is enough to kill most things, the flamethrower will give you surviability and the power to burn things in no time.

This is PvE

Zipp Tinker
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