Engineer easymode
I think people are coming to engineer from the other classes and expecting more straight damage options, when we’re really a class that relies on kits and is great at support.
In the level 80 zones in PvE, I do get an “Oh crap” feeling when more than two monsters come after me. Soloing is… not impossible, but you have to be strategic about when and where you engage the enemy. On the other hand, if you find just one other player, suddenly you’re laying down combo fields left and right, throwing out buffs like a maniac, and doing a decent amount of damage when the other player has the aggro.
Overall, I love engineer, and I definitely won’t abandon it as my main.
From the limited experience I’ve had with the Engineer, is that it’s basically a glass cannon by default. It’s extremely good at being a supporter, but it simply cannot tank as far as I’ve seen.
fanboys are really cute, especially when they did not even hit max level and play some pub games with some cookie cutter pubstomp builds they saw on youtube.
yeah lets not point at the engineer bug list that is longer than the list of all other classes put together…
Im not really a fanboy mate, I just like the class …. Anyway, I think the Engineer (pistol/shield) build is quite tanky if played correctly. Obviously not as tanky as a Warrior or Guardian but I can definetly hold my own in sticky situations.
It’s not that engineers wouldn’t be viable or competetive. I main one and yes, I can kill people quite easily. The problem, though, is, that you have to put so much effort into it when compared to others.
There is a steep learning curve to the engineer and you will have to use everything at your disposal and come up with a well thought out trait tree. If you do that: great. If not: you’ll have a hard time.
The engineer’s lack of burst damage potential, the random elixirs, the buggy and weak turrets and finally the huge amount of bugged skills and traits is making the engineer way more complicated than would be necessary.
The engineer is also missing a niche. We can do many different things, but we have to heavily trait into the task and will still often be slightly less effective than another class built for the task.
For now, ANet should focus on fixing all the bugs. We are heavily hamstrung by them and only once the bugs are fixed will we be able to see, how useful our abilities actually are. For example, I expect kits to become considerably more useful once the sigils and weapon damage are fixed. With a proper sigil, flamethrower and toolkit might actually start doing some nice damage. We’ll see.
Rather a steep learning curve over a 3 button faceroll 100b build anyday.
But yeah, I do like n love the Engi as it is currently, minus the bugs ofc. So yeah once they fix the bugs it’s gonna be alri… Correction IF they fix the bugs it’s gonna be alright.
Januk Monkeydoodle: 80 Engi
Knowledge is your friend: 1 of every class for sPvP except Ele.
Grenadiers = fanboys
For the rest of us, let’s discuss improvements
Grenadiers = fanboys
For the rest of us, let’s discuss improvements
You mad my grenade barrages crit for 7k?
yeah lets not point at the engineer bug list that is longer than the list of all other classes put together…
You have obviously never visisted the necro forum…
Lvl 80 engineer- I have tried all the specs- there is only one viable pve spec and that’s going full heal/support- very low dps but you can survive atleast 3 mobs- any other spec and you will die to 3 mobs!
We need a fix end of!
Lvl 80 engineer- I have tried all the specs- there is only one viable pve spec and that’s going full heal/support- very low dps but you can survive atleast 3 mobs- any other spec and you will die to 3 mobs!
We need a fix end of!
uhhhh what?
I’m going the grenadier spec and its easy as hell too.
fanboys are really cute, especially when they did not even hit max level and play some pub games with some cookie cutter pubstomp builds they saw on youtube.
yeah lets not point at the engineer bug list that is longer than the list of all other classes put together…
Besides the bugs the class if fine. No offense to all the people who can’t play with the Engineer.
Dinged 80 with Engineer 2 weeks back or so. And I am rank 20 in PvP with just a Engineer. Doing great in tPvP.
slaters, im going to assume you havent 1v1 a competant thief who one hits you into your elixer S then "steals’ and hits you for an aditional 5k after your immunity ends, and thats with max toughness/vitality in SPvP.
ill bet you havent had to fight a guardian sword/shield spec while doing basically no damage. engineers are a good class, but engineers are a 5/10, while guardians, warriors, and theives are closer to 9/10. i honestly dont have an opinion on how to make engineers better, but even using all the tricks ive picked up on the boards, killing one of the 3 above is near impossible.
keep in mind this is all an opinion of SPvP. In world pvp we have our uses, and i have no clue about PvE, as im only level 50 and havent entered into any instances.
Lvl 80 engineer- I have tried all the specs- there is only one viable pve spec and that’s going full heal/support- very low dps but you can survive atleast 3 mobs- any other spec and you will die to 3 mobs!
We need a fix end of!
Perhaps we should link you to an online dictionary. Clearly your some what confussed about what “viable” means.
I do not have a spec anywhere near what your suggesting and I can takeon more then 3 mobs.
Perhaps it is how you, personally are playing the various builds?
It’s not hard ( at least not harder than it would be with SOME other professions ) to take on three mobs with a pure damage grenade kit build. Probably kill each mob within 5 seconds.
We are just lacking other “decent” builds comparable in damage or usefulness as grenade and bomb kit.
I’m tanking in instances fairly often and I have traits/gear for pure DPS. It’s mostly about dodge/kiting. Just saying. Although I’m planning to get the tanking gear in the future and create some crazy shield/toolkit tanking build.
The engi in Pve is pure joy. I can do whatever I wish. Pulling 5 mobs and veteran? No problem. Running around the Cursed Shore surviving the mining while being attacked by horde of zombies? No problem. Perma swiftness? No problem. Big versatility? Yes. I will neber abbandon my asura engi. Everyone who thinks, that engi is weak in Pve should reconsider their play styles.
Go full inventions / turret build.
Find an area with relatively good number of mobs who do not aoe/range.
Set up Rocket, Thumper, Rifle turrets.
Ctrl Mouse 2 on thumper.
Now you are semi-afk farming. Best to do it in pairs with another engineer.
Alt tab, do whatever you want, alt tab back occasionally to collect loot.
-Sorrow’s Furnace-
I’m tanking in instances fairly often and I have traits/gear for pure DPS. It’s mostly about dodge/kiting. Just saying. Although I’m planning to get the tanking gear in the future and create some crazy shield/toolkit tanking build.
The engi in Pve is pure joy. I can do whatever I wish. Pulling 5 mobs and veteran? No problem. Running around the Cursed Shore surviving the mining while being attacked by horde of zombies? No problem. Perma swiftness? No problem. Big versatility? Yes. I will neber abbandon my asura engi. Everyone who thinks, that engi is weak in Pve should reconsider their play styles.
Fanboy warning…again with the “l2p idiots”. Pay attention kid, or can you see anything at all through the grenade smoke? I DON’T WANT TO PLAY A GRENADIER!!!
@Violator, sorry to say but then you must be pretty bad at the game to say only 1 spec and support/heal works.
I have soled entire orr 100% of it. I used many specs for it and every spec was good. So it’s clearly L2P issue on your end.
Go full inventions / turret build.
Find an area with relatively good number of mobs who do not aoe/range.
Set up Rocket, Thumper, Rifle turrets.
Ctrl Mouse 2 on thumper.Now you are semi-afk farming. Best to do it in pairs with another engineer.
Alt tab, do whatever you want, alt tab back occasionally to collect loot.Enjoy.
And the purpose of it? You lose bonus experience very fast. This is also boring and unimaginative.
Go full inventions / turret build.
Find an area with relatively good number of mobs who do not aoe/range.
Set up Rocket, Thumper, Rifle turrets.
Ctrl Mouse 2 on thumper.Now you are semi-afk farming. Best to do it in pairs with another engineer.
Alt tab, do whatever you want, alt tab back occasionally to collect loot.Enjoy.
And the purpose of it? You lose bonus experience very fast. This is also boring and unimaginative.
You can multitask, do other stuff while you earn gold.
-Sorrow’s Furnace-
Does getting banned fall into the term “multitasking” because if you are reported, that is what will happen.
You can get banned for using in game mechanics which has a chance of failing causing your death while killing mobs?
Where no terrain bugs or any sort of bugs/exploits are used?
You get banned when no external programs were used either?
What is this? " I am jealous so you get banned" game?
Do you even understand how turrets work ?
-Sorrow’s Furnace-
(edited by PinkRage.5120)
It’s not that engineers wouldn’t be viable or competetive. I main one and yes, I can kill people quite easily. The problem, though, is, that you have to put so much effort into it when compared to others.
There is a steep learning curve to the engineer and you will have to use everything at your disposal and come up with a well thought out trait tree. If you do that: great. If not: you’ll have a hard time.The engineer’s lack of burst damage potential, the random elixirs, the buggy and weak turrets and finally the huge amount of bugged skills and traits is making the engineer way more complicated than would be necessary.
The engineer is also missing a niche. We can do many different things, but we have to heavily trait into the task and will still often be slightly less effective than another class built for the task.
For now, ANet should focus on fixing all the bugs. We are heavily hamstrung by them and only once the bugs are fixed will we be able to see, how useful our abilities actually are. For example, I expect kits to become considerably more useful once the sigils and weapon damage are fixed. With a proper sigil, flamethrower and toolkit might actually start doing some nice damage. We’ll see.
This is a great summary of my own feelings about my engineer. I enjoy my character, but my time in game (especially my time in sPvP) is filled with “WTF !!?! moments” where the bugs, randomness and inherent complexity of the class can be very frustrating.
A lot of this is my own fault. I chose an engineer because I wanted a straightforward ranged attacker (I’ll wait until you stop laughing). There are times when my mistake feels like a stroke of luck, but there are definitely times when I wish I had chosen a ranger or a rifle warrior instead. Fewer bugs would keep my mind happily on my engineer instead of making me daydream about the ranger or warrior I never made.
yeah lets not point at the engineer bug list that is longer than the list of all other classes put together…
You have obviously never visisted the necro forum…
well I play necro often myself and imho necro is in a much better shape.
power necro does abit less damage then power engineer BUT is way more durable.
and dont let me start about condition necro, pistol condition engineer looks like a welp compared to him. being able to manipulate conditions in such a way is incredible.
Grenadiers = fanboys
For the rest of us, let’s discuss improvementsYou mad my grenade barrages crit for 7k?
you can avoid the barrage just with running around with normal movement speed without dodging, you mad?
@ Evilzombie.
ALl those other players who were utilizing exploitable game abilities used that exact ideology as justification for what they were doing at well.
And yes it is botting. Any time you are playing the game, or utilizing utilities and skills while you are AFK is botting.
Argue it with me all you like. I never claimed to have an opinion on the matter either way, I was simply pointing out what happens to those reported for doing it, to the best of my knowledge.
If he is not AFK, then there isn’t an issue to the best of my knowledge
I am sorry if sharing the facts with you hurt your feeling to the point thatyou felt the need to make underhanded comments.
It’s not that engineers wouldn’t be viable or competetive. I main one and yes, I can kill people quite easily. The problem, though, is, that you have to put so much effort into it when compared to others.
Compared to everything but a Mesmer perhaps. My main used to be a mesmer and it by far is much more “fiddly” than Engineer. I switched to Engineer because Mesmer was just not doing it for me in RvR. Credit for all the support is just not there so rewards are just not there.
The thing I like the most about engineer? I love all the kits, so many weapons to use. Fun fun!
Fanboy warning…again with the “l2p idiots”. Pay attention kid, or can you see anything at all through the grenade smoke? I DON’T WANT TO PLAY A GRENADIER!!!
Argumentum ad Hominem. If you have a problem with his opinion, argue that, do not just insult the guy. He’s posting his opinion and you’re attacking his character for it, and that makes you a bad person.
Grenade builds are not the only viable Engineer builds. Throughout beta and release I have been using an Elixir build to great success. I’ve completed 100% of the overworld solo with my Engineer (just need one more bugged skill point).
And just because we think the Engineer is currently good, that does not mean we’re blind to all the bugs and flaws of the class. It just means we’ve found a way around them, we’ve adapted our play styles to something that works.
If you look at all the other classes I think you’ll probably find that not every build is viable or as effective as other builds either.
From the limited experience I’ve had with the Engineer, is that it’s basically a glass cannon by default. It’s extremely good at being a supporter, but it simply cannot tank as far as I’ve seen.
Try going Pistol/shield with a defensive trait set and pushing Vit/tough. My buddy rolled an Engineer with this build and he is loving it. According to him it’s pretty hard to get killed especially with magnetic shield against ranged classes.
A bot requires the use of an external program FYI.
>Any time you are playing the game, or utilizing utilities and skills while you are AFK is botting.
Not if the skills are automated in nature.
-Sorrow’s Furnace-
@ Evilzombie.
ALl those other players who were utilizing exploitable game abilities used that exact ideology as justification for what they were doing at well.
And yes it is botting. Any time you are playing the game, or utilizing utilities and skills while you are AFK is botting.
Argue it with me all you like. I never claimed to have an opinion on the matter either way, I was simply pointing out what happens to those reported for doing it, to the best of my knowledge.
If he is not AFK, then there isn’t an issue to the best of my knowledge
I am sorry if sharing the facts with you hurt your feeling to the point thatyou felt the need to make underhanded comments.
tsk tsk …. personally i felt you really aren’t fully utilizing, following mainstream tactics non-creativity ideas.
Thing is, I use other kits, but nothing seems to be able to touch the damage of ‘nades. Plus I love big explosions and bombs just don’t do it for me. Are you trying to tell me I’m a bad person for wanting to blow things up with a weapon I love AND applying so much vulnerability for all my friends?
Im not really a fanboy mate, I just like the class
…. Anyway, I think the Engineer (pistol/shield) build is quite tanky if played correctly. Obviously not as tanky as a Warrior or Guardian but I can definetly hold my own in sticky situations.
Your right. At 80 I play pistol/shield, if your running elixirs with the correct traits you can be a decent tank.