Engineer graphical changes

Engineer graphical changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Coltz.5617


I went back to engineer lately having forgot why i left it int he first place until i start using kits.. Since the first month the game was out we’ve been screaming

take away the annoying boyscout back packs plz .

Can’t take this class seriously i feel like that gadget guy from the goonies =_=/..

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

Engineer graphical changes

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


I went back to engineer lately having forgot why i left it int he first place until i start using kits.. Since the first month the game was out we’ve been screaming

take away the annoying boyscout back packs plz .

Can’t take this class seriously i feel like that gadget guy from the goonies =_=/..

his name was Data and you should notice that some of your gadget powers are indeed based off his gadgets. Like Slick Shoes and the Personal Battering ram (that was originally a boxing glove just like Data’s).

The backpacks dont bother me at all, but they do bother others. And with the increase of back items such as the karka shell, jetpack and quaggan dolls. Having not only our weapon being replaced but our back as well its becoming a major problem.

Engineer graphical changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


take away the annoying boyscout back packs plz .

I’m sorry, but I have to ask that you please use the proper and official name for these backpacks.


Engineer graphical changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Coltz.5617


Now that I think about it.. all “Data” influences of the engineer is not just dam right annoying but utterly tasteless. Who thought it would be funny to have an engineer run hobosacks. It’s like having a kitteny racist 12 year old calling you a kid with an kitten/ arrogant demeaner.

everyday across the NA server 4/5 artistic youths facepalm themselves over the design foundations of engineers, this must stop!~ lol

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

Engineer graphical changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


They probably meant them as a tell for what kind of weapon skills are available – as Engineers and Elementalists are the only two classes without weapon swap, due to special skillsets replacing weapon swapping, they need special tells. In the Elementalist’s case, the tell is the ring of energy around their wrists, and the Engineer’s tells are the hobosacks.

That said, they suck for that, even, but so does the Elementalist’s wristband (both are too indistinct in the heat of battle, as opposed to the difference between sword and axe), alongside which come the issues of “So…what if I have a fancy back item? Is there any point using it if I have a kit build?”

There was something in another thread about the hobosacks that Colin Johanson is working on doing something about them, due to them clipping through his 8-bit backpack. Only took them until the Adventure Box came out to bother.

Engineer graphical changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Aleksander.2965


Please take the time to take a look at one of these threads and give a reply with your ideas as this is something important which needs to be addressed imho.

There’s always one or two threads popping up with the same issue of the kits’ backpacks but it’d be nice if we could manage to focus everything into one huge thread that might get their attention finally.