Engineer healing

Engineer healing

in Engineer

Posted by: masterdesh.8943


Is there a viable group healing build for engi if so what does it look like?

Engineer healing

in Engineer

Posted by: PWNcakesAndROFLs.8263


Most that I’ve seen and personally run, usually involve the trait Elixir-Infused Bombs, in the invention line, and/or Elixir Gun; making use of Super Elixir with or w/out Kit Refinement. Healing Turrets is another form of group healing via Regeneration. The good thing about all that I mentioned is that they all stack on top of one another and can be used to pump out fairly decent amounts of healing to you and your group.

Just as a note: Regen isn’t worth investing in for ticks below 300. In other words, you’ll probably want to have roughly 1400 Healing Power if you want to be effective. Viable is a subjective term, so don’t expect much out of healing spec from Engis.

Engineer healing

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Maybe something like this for group healing and condition removal:

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Engineer healing

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


If you want to tank/support here is my tanking build.

Make sure you go to the link as this is where most of the info will be found.

I find tank build’s are still not needed but I run this from time to time in pugs as it opens up a little more room for error. The 10 in Fire Arms traits could be moved to another 10 in Tools but I find my self using bombs the majority of the time. Don’t forget that you have a fair amount of utility when using just your pistol/shield as well as a blast finisher.

Skills used: Med Kit/Bomb Kit/Elixer Gun/Elixer R/Supply Crate

Med Kit: If you do not run med kit then you WILL need to use different runes and different food. The primary purpose of this kit is condition removal via food, fury via runes, and fury via medkit5. Most of your healing is from your tool belt skill in addition to EG tool belt regen.

Elixer Gun: If you can not manage the internal cool down on Kit Refinement you WILL want to drop this skill and the trait points placed in tools in place of something else that suits your play style better. In this situation you would also want to replace some of the Clerics gear with Knights gear. I would recommend a lot of practice with EG as the heal and condition removal are very strong. There is a blast finisher here but keep in mind that using it takes you out of melee meaning you are no longer healing your melee so you may need to adjust with super elixer(s).

Bomb Kit: Decent damage + healing + combo fields +CC. This also brings stealth to your party via blast finisher + smoke bomb. Don’t use Big Ol’ Bomb if its going to mess up your groups AoE on trash.

Elixer R: This slot is the most subject to change but I find being able to to toss this to rez and controlling mobs while it gets them up is very strong and allows you to maintain some damage. Another option would be Elixer U for the super speed in conjunction with stealth for a speedy rez.

Supply Crate: Place it where the heals are more accessible/needed. Its more important than the stun considering you could just immobilize or knock back or both with bombs. Don’t forget that it is also a blast finisher though.

Game Play: Dodge liberally for damage reduction + damage + heals. You have perma-vigor AND Elixer R. Bombs do not HAVE to be dropped as damage and can serve the purpose of just healing things(although I wouldn’t recommend it). I carry a second pistol to build up bloodlust stacks as well although this is not shown in the link.

Again, I almost never run this build unless the pug I’m with is just rough. It sounds like it is what you are looking for though.

This build does work well while leveling. The order you take traits in are just personal preference really. Bombs and weapons are flexible while leveling as well. I’d recommend trying everything out.



Engineer healing

in Engineer

Posted by: Lite.3819


The base for a group healing build is just Healing turret + Elixir Gun with some healing power. Healing Turret stack regeneration boon and Elixir Gun removes conditions and provide a healing field. Everything else is preference.

Engineer – Street Rag (Black Gates)
Current Build