Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Neek.9531


As most know the engineers elite skills are severely lacking in there options for using an elite skill. Mortar is absolutely horrible and elixir x is a gamble to get the version of the elite you want. Supply crate is the only decent elite as it stuns on summoning but the fact that it only spawns half functioning turrets makes it also less favorable. I had an idea that would be very cool. On a 100-120 second cool down the engineer summons a mecha armor like suit with glowing lights and floating bolts and gears. The suit of gears would provide stability for 15 seconds as well as fury swiftness power and vigor for 10 seconds. It would have a 3 second summon animation and would look similar to the elementalist earth armor except around the body and the head piece armor skin would be replaced with the gadget head in the gadget trait line image with glowing red lines. This would finally solve the issue with having the ability of gaining stability without it being a gamble. Tell me your thoughts and maybe even what else it could do. I think the 15 second of stability is the key of the elite and the other boons could be swapped and switched with others.

[DI] Main Elementalist: Zepdo, Alts: Warrior, Mesmer,Thief.

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I like this idea. I have one reservation, though:

I’m concerned they’d do it like the Asura Power Suit Racial Elite. You know how many times I’ve used that?

Four. Because it sucks. It lasts longer than a few seconds, but it’s also not very good – everything it does triggers a very short global cooldown that’s just long enough to slow down the user’s actions, in particular.

Also, I’d really hope for this mecha-armor to have some good skills. The powersuit just ends up being kind of clunky, with long cast times on skills that makes the issue of the GCD even more annoying.

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


I would like a mecha suit. I think all games should have them. Still wondering why TF2 hasnt added one yet.

But… I just dont have much faith in the anet team to do anything right. The plan to have racial skills but purposely make them suck prove they haven’t a clue.

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Neek.9531


How about this then, what if this mecha/gear suit didn’t replace your skills. And it simply was strategic use for situations. Like if there are two guardians attacking you, you summon this gear suit that will help prevent nockback and burst attacks

[DI] Main Elementalist: Zepdo, Alts: Warrior, Mesmer,Thief.

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I actually wouldn’t mind if it replaced the weapon skills, but as the Engineer is more heavily reliant on their Utilities and Toolbelt than most classes…I think it’d be fitting for the Engineer’s Transform skill to allow continued access to Utility Skills and the Toolbelt.
The issues with the Power Suit, in my opinion, arise not from the skills being replaced, but from how the skills replacing them are handled (the global cooldown prevents fluid transition from one attack to another, the long cast times make most attacks terribly easy to predict and counter).

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Neek.9531


I actually wouldn’t mind if it replaced the weapon skills, but as the Engineer is more heavily reliant on their Utilities and Toolbelt than most classes…I think it’d be fitting for the Engineer’s Transform skill to allow continued access to Utility Skills and the Toolbelt.
The issues with the Power Suit, in my opinion, arise not from the skills being replaced, but from how the skills replacing them are handled (the global cooldown prevents fluid transition from one attack to another, the long cast times make most attacks terribly easy to predict and counter).

Maybe it could be a defensive kit with a little cool down. Idk really I think it could many different ways or the cool down could be reduced to 50 or 60 seconds

[DI] Main Elementalist: Zepdo, Alts: Warrior, Mesmer,Thief.

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


Ohh, What if it replaced your utility skills but with stronger vers that originate from the suit itself?
Such as Personal Battering Ram gets upgraded to a cone aoe knockback in front of you instead of just 1 target. Rocket boots would probably function as it does now, only leave a trait of fire a you leap. (like elem’s burning retreat) Stuff like that.
The Gear Suit (Love that name, btw) could vent the Elixirs as an aoe around you, much like the healing mist skill.
Not sure about turrets, its kinda outside the box but if they’re not already deployed the suit could mount them on it self. Something like for 20 seconds (cooldown of 30) the normal attack of the turret will originate from the gear suit. Like surprise shot, only constantly for 30 seconds. Wouldnt be as strong as having a turret out (no over charge), but the turret wouldnt be killable either. Maybe give improved attack speed or something to compensate.
If thats too complex the gearsuit could just come with the built in trait of Deployable turrets, and have a tube on its back where it launches them from. maybe deal damage when they land.
But the coup de grace, weapon kits would actually change the gearsuit’s weapon skills to improved vers of the weapon kits normal attacks as well as graphicly change how awesome it looks.

oh but the problem is all this just makes you a straight up better engineer, and most elite skills are crap, only offering slightly more than what a utility skill does.

So… forget all the upgrades, you just have access to all your normal utility skills and the base weapon skills of the gear suit take place of your normal weapon skills, probably genaric melee punches and the like, but you can use weapon kits to change (Flamethrower arms!). Stat wise the only advantage is improved hp and armor. But the Gear suit cant heal and it would use a separate HP like DS, and if it’s destroyed it explodes leaving you dazed. Open for whatever destroyed the suit to have a free shot at you. Oh and Elixir X is removed and Gear Suit takes it place. (lazy elite skill any way)
but thats still probably too strong.

kitten you Anet for setting such a low bar on “elite” skills!

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Neek.9531


I do like that idea of kits effecting the skills of the gear suit. Much how your utility effects your tool belt maybe your third utility effected the gear suit. So for your third gear suit lets say you have the flamethrower kit equipped when activating the gear suit you would have an upgraded more powerful version of the kit. For any elixir the gear suit would become a super buffer where you could throw elixirs at allies and give them a range of booms and support ( life would be increased with the use of elixirs in the suit so you could be useful for healing and aiding your allies). With any gadget equipped your suit would be installed with five supreme gadgets such as the number one skill would be a close up whip attack( much like the silvary attack you see npc’s use) and other interesting and useful skills (this would make an actual melee build without requiring a new weapon to be added to the class. Also with the gadget wired to the elite skill the cool down is decreased to 10 seconds and would function like an elite kit)
Kit#1- advanced level of kit with more damage. Cool down is pretty lengthy and multiple boons given on use.
Elixirs#2- advanced alchemist form where you would play the role of a support behind the line of fighting to add teammates giving them boons and health (would be perfect for wvw and gvg)
Gadgets#3- a little harder to put together can’t really solidify how this could work together with the new system

[DI] Main Elementalist: Zepdo, Alts: Warrior, Mesmer,Thief.

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Neek.9531


And perhaps for the sake of the elite having this adapting nature, the ability to change your skills could be activated so that the suit could be summons and simply provide you with stability, protection, aegis, retaliation, and fury. This way you could have a p/p p/s or rifle build and still have access to your weapon and utility skills

[DI] Main Elementalist: Zepdo, Alts: Warrior, Mesmer,Thief.

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


I’d like to see this happen. I had such high hopes for the asura golem suit and it’s rubbish. So slow, and engi are supposed to be a dynamic profession.

- Gear suit floating around us but not lose our 1-9 abilities so that we gain the boons but can still be us (sorta like ranger elite RaO).
- Change the skills a la necro’s Lich form but make them strong and fluid like the necro’s Lich. The asura golem is (as has been mentioned) clunky and slow and awkward so don’t base it off that design. I’d like to see us still being able to jump and dodge even in this form.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Why not just fix the Asura Golem? Since you know, it already exists and is already in need for a rebalance pass.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


That only helps Asura engineers, does not improve the class’s dearth of unique, useful Elite Skills (seriously, the only one I ever see used is Supply Crate, and that’s a pack of buggy Utility skills in a box – our other Elites are a conglomerate of three other class transformations, and a Mortar that gets outmatched by a strong throwing arm), and they pretty much wanted racial skills to suck anyway, from what I hear. If they did give it (the Power Suit) a rebalance and made it good, I might use it, but I’d hope for a unique Engineer Elite in any case.

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Xaviar.2468


i’d like to see a heavy barrage of serious artillery skill, or even a rocket call on a location that do some serious damage it would be more fun that way.

“How can you enslave people when their mothers bore them as free men?”
— ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (radiaAllahu ‘anhu)

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Neek.9531


Yeah I want this to be a better version then the asuran golem suit simply so every engineer can benefite it from not just simply asuras. (My engis a human)

[DI] Main Elementalist: Zepdo, Alts: Warrior, Mesmer,Thief.

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


i’d like to see a heavy barrage of serious artillery skill, or even a rocket call on a location that do some serious damage it would be more fun that way.

Charr have a call barrage skill, but like all racials it has weak damage, super long cooldown and no range.

That kind of things is more fitting for a charr skill than engi any way because a charr has a warband with access to weapons of war.

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


Really, every new Engi skill I want I could have (but weak) if I’d rolled Charr. I love my Asura and think Charr are hideous…but their racials are so fun!

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: MonMalthias.4763


I think that given the right pick of skills, this elite skill could very well replace the Rampager component of Elixir X, whilst providing a limited source of Stability that Engineer sorely lacks right now.

It would be fantastic, but I do think that there is a lot more work required with current skills before new skills for Engineer could even be contemplated.

Iva Malthias – 80 Engineer
Marellune Malthias – 80 Elementalist
Devil’s Dominion [DD] – Yak’s Bend

Engineer mecha armor elite skill.

in Engineer

Posted by: Neek.9531


Yes this would come after much of engineers problems are already fixed. Give it maybe a couple thousand years

[DI] Main Elementalist: Zepdo, Alts: Warrior, Mesmer,Thief.