Engineer needs some work

Engineer needs some work

in Engineer

Posted by: Craven.9462


I started as an engineer and decided to re-roll as a ranger and the difference is massive.

Now I know there are people who will say l2p but I think he needs some love, even the warrior has better rife skills than this dedicated rife class.

Just to backup the idea that the engineer needs some love my current guild roster of active players:

6 Guardians
17 Warriors

3 Engineers ( highest level is 67)

12 Rangers
9 Thief
10 Elementalist
8 Mesmer
7 Necros

Now this isn’t a big enough sample to be statistically significant but even other places such as GW2Census shows that nobody loves the Engineer because he is a jack of all trades king of nothing.

Who wants to be “sort of ok” in most scenarios? They should give him some focus.

Engineer needs some work

in Engineer

Posted by: Kentaro.6571


The reason the number of Engineers are low is because they’re the second most complex class just under Memeser (as stated by ArenaNet as the professions were being introduced) and because they don’t push out “super” high DPS, but there are a ton of people who are happy with the Jack of All trades.

I know people love to bring me along on my server and in my guild to Agony level fractals because of all the utility I bring to the table with my build including the ability to combo with myself to give out AoE might stacks of 12+ for 20 seconds on a 30 second cooldown.

Besides ArenaNet has been buffing us. Recently, with the sigil to kits change and soon the weapon stats to kit change.

(edited by Kentaro.6571)

Engineer needs some work

in Engineer

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


jack of all trades would be nice and all, except I find that the engineer really can’t do anything more than 1 thing at once. because you can only bring 4 swapped skills into combat.

if you want to be doing CC, you bring out the cripples and nets
If you want to be annoying, you bring out the turrets
If you want to be beefy, you bring out some elixirs and CC breaks
If you want to do damage you reroll

Whatever you pick for a fight you’re going to be lacking in something else. If you were truly a jack of all trades you would never be lacking in anything.

But people are sticking to it for the playstyle. It can still suck terribly and people will still play it for the playstyle. Some people call it individualism and “whatever works for them” but others would call it stubbornness and stupidity.

(edited by Chickenshoes.6250)

Engineer needs some work

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


The Engineer has nowhere to shine – every traditional niche (damage, mobility, versatility, boons, condition damage, and pets) has already been filled by other classes. I wrote up an idea a while ago on how to give them a unique niche (Preparation), via use of a custom set of additional traitlines; not a lot of feedback on it, but here’s the link.

I still play it because I’m stubborn and like the class, but I find myself playing others simply because I can’t stand how it’s being handled as a result of a lack of clarity of vision on Anet’s part. I pretty much only play it when running with my girlfriend’s level 80 Guardian.

(edited by Anymras.5729)

Engineer needs some work

in Engineer

Posted by: Craven.9462


Well actually I am a little surprised by the responses in that they are constructive and balanced backed up with knowledge. If this was the Diablo 3 forum the topic would have been locked for abusive comments ages ago.

Really glad they did a good job with GW2 for the majority, just need the little fixes like brining the engineer up to par

Engineer needs some work

in Engineer

Posted by: mikeson.7605


if you want to be doing CC, you bring out the cripples and nets
If you want to be annoying, you bring out the turrets
If you want to be beefy, you bring out some elixirs and CC breaks
If you want to do damage you reroll

Waaa waaa weeee waaa. King in the castle, king in the castle…
this made me laugh good. Thanks a ton, its all needed since our class damage is like throwing paper airplanes at our enemies. Doesn’t hurt, but its annoying.