Engineer not finished class

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: maciora.9542


Playing engineer from the beginning I tend to think this class is not finished, there are some things that eng should have from the beginning: like rocket shoes + slick shoes should leave burning mark or burning field, lots of gadgets – like traits blinding (acid coating) have cooldown too long, which makes this class only for fun, as damage is pathetic, skills are not usefull (because of cc, traits in wrong tiers), all in one:

class was forgotten, there is no future for serious gaming, and as this year comes to an end it will deteriorate and dissapear from dungeon, pve, wvw -

the final year of the engineer, because of broken ideas. Now engineers are very often being kicked out from dung team – had it couple of times.

Is there a hope for our class? Do not think so…

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: P Fun Daddy.1208

P Fun Daddy.1208

Playing engineer from the beginning I tend to think this class is not finished, there are some things that eng should have from the beginning: like rocket shoes + slick shoes should leave burning mark or burning field, lots of gadgets – like traits blinding (acid coating) have cooldown too long, which makes this class only for fun, as damage is pathetic, skills are not usefull (because of cc, traits in wrong tiers), all in one:

class was forgotten, there is no future for serious gaming, and as this year comes to an end it will deteriorate and dissapear from dungeon, pve, wvw -

the final year of the engineer, because of broken ideas. Now engineers are very often being kicked out from dung team – had it couple of times.

Is there a hope for our class? Do not think so…

Engineers are awesome, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


Sure Gadgets have gone through quite a love drought, And turrets still preform very poorly even after several updates but I love the Engineer. I have 6 Engineers and I have actually gotten to the point where I make “joke” builds using the underused/ineffective Utility skills ect just to handy cap myself so I can have even more fun pushing this profession to the limits.

Although I have a few 80’s this opinion comes exclusively from a sPvP viewpoint. I haven’t left the Mists in a year. And besides, it’s my experience as long as you are aware of the other professions mechanics you can literally just stick to the basic/standard Tourney Engineer builds and be a viable asset to any team just by stacking Might and throwing Grenades mindlessly near a Red Name, It’s pretty simple and effective really. And fun until the carpel tunnel sets in..

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: maciora.9542


I am talking mainly about gadgets, i have fun build now – shrapnel mine, rocket boots, 0/20/20/15/15, which is fun and easy , but the main problem is cooldowns are too long and it makes this build not viable in dungeons, although it is ver yfun to play with.

They should improve cooldowns, move traits to lower tiers as engineer should be played as gadget master and some passive traits (equivalents of signets – like acid couting, protection injection etc – they are equivalent of signets afterall.). They would fix this it would be perfect…

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

Playing engineer from the beginning I tend to think this class is not finished, there are some things that eng should have from the beginning: like rocket shoes + slick shoes should leave burning mark or burning field, lots of gadgets – like traits blinding (acid coating) have cooldown too long, which makes this class only for fun, as damage is pathetic, skills are not usefull (because of cc, traits in wrong tiers), all in one:

class was forgotten, there is no future for serious gaming, and as this year comes to an end it will deteriorate and dissapear from dungeon, pve, wvw -

the final year of the engineer, because of broken ideas. Now engineers are very often being kicked out from dung team – had it couple of times.

Is there a hope for our class? Do not think so…

Hope? Engineer is already amazing. Hope for turrets…Now that’s a different story.

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


Playing engineer from the beginning I tend to think this class is not finished, there are some things that eng should have from the beginning: like rocket shoes + slick shoes should leave burning mark or burning field, lots of gadgets – like traits blinding (acid coating) have cooldown too long, which makes this class only for fun, as damage is pathetic, skills are not usefull (because of cc, traits in wrong tiers), all in one:

class was forgotten, there is no future for serious gaming, and as this year comes to an end it will deteriorate and dissapear from dungeon, pve, wvw -

the final year of the engineer, because of broken ideas. Now engineers are very often being kicked out from dung team – had it couple of times.

Is there a hope for our class? Do not think so…

you’re right, in the sense they should’ve kept the heavy armor design for the class. that and i don’t really see a place in dungeons for engineers(unless fractals)

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: bethekey.8314


I agree that the Engineer class does seem to lack some of the vision of other classes, but disagree with your conclusion that the class itself is ineffective.

  • Our class mechanic is just extra skills. To me, this is not very interesting and is full of lost potential.
  • Every viable build depends on a kit. We should be able to have full gadget or turret builds, but those skills are so subpar or niche comparatively that it just does not work currently. However, when played correctly, the builds we do have can be used to to great effect in almost every avenue of the game.
  • Those that have played the game since launch might remember the lack of “engineerish” armor choices available for medium armor users. Since then, a few have been released as purchasable skins from the gem store. Still, other cosmetic issues remain like shotgun-esque animations with rifle and hobosacks.

I am hopeful that these will be addressed in the future though; Anet has been improving by listening to player feedback as of late.

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: maciora.9542


I have one full gadget build, which is quite nice and fun to play, but as I mentioned because of broken cooldowns its more difficult to play then it should be. Also again: trats , passive boons (precision injection , acid couting) should be better.

My build :
I use gadgets (healing gadget, rocket boots, shrapnel mine and slick shoes or throw mine for interrupting – i prefer this second as with gadget recharge it is inc fast).

Sometimes if u dont care about trait 15 (toobelt recharge after being hit at 25%) u can choose 20 in alchemy and get additional bonus to cond dmg.
Armor is one with bleeding duration runes / cond duration and dmg , armor and trinkets type: dire. In total there is something around 26k hp and 3000 armor.

If only cooldowns and passive traits could be fixed maybe something new added this would be one annoying build.
I am using buffs like 40% cond duration + crystals, and it gives me lots of bleeding from shrapnel + trap , shot, also quite a lot of burning here and a little bit of poision.

In WvW i owned thief pretty easily (few times), had problem with guardian but there is a need to kite a lot. You can always runaway with power shoes, and if u fight with mobs around kick moa or two, and after being down when they die from cond u will resurrect if being dmged heavily by enemy.

Healing gadget is quite nice as it heals u 2x (90sec cooldown – again tooo long), and being structed at 25% ur toolbelt recharged so again kick and trap (additional 6k from burning + 500 dmg, and from trap 300-400dmg and 7k from bleeding ).

(edited by maciora.9542)

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


A class mechanic with extra skills is not just extra skills it is your having 20 cooldowns to someone else’s 8. It is having all those options and combinations.

Kits are probably one of the best mechanics I have seen on any class frankly. But that is my humble opinion.

Gadgets are spotty in the sense that some are incredible and fairly timed (rocket boots) and others are lacking compared to alternatives (mine).

Turrets, well, just like ranger pets, the idea is amazing but there is only so much you can count on AI for help against players. Still, if they ever get them to par, I may be in love.

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


My biggest problem with the profession, is that we have kits in replacement of weapons swap, but were never given stun breakers or condition removals for those slots in which other professions use in those slots.

In order to have a weapons swap we have to sacrifice a stun breaker or solid condition removal. Unless we use EG, which is solid for a its utilitarian benefits + stun breaker, but we are left out in the cold if we chose other kits.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: Mishva.9416


Gadgets are spotty in the sense that some are incredible and fairly timed (rocket boots) and others are lacking compared to alternatives (mine).

May I remind you that Mine is a 5 people knocback + boon removal with a potential 25 people boon removal tool belt on a short cooldown?

Mishvya Of Abyss [Abys] – SBI
engineer and commander.

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: Cold Hearted Person.6154

Cold Hearted Person.6154

Well, post like this keep appearing here and ther but its only cus a lot of people dosent see Engineer profession so optimistically, i mean hardcore fans that can squeeze out of the Engineers some miracle builds can and will stand tall with their opinion that ther is almost nothing wrong with the profession but people that are more neutral will create post like this.

As for me, i play Engineer as a main from the 3-day head start, and even tho i really love this profession i will also admit that this profession looks like it wasnt thought throu well.
You have things that dosent make sense, like Gadgets haveing only 1 trait to work whit or Trait line being tied to specific build or kit along with its stat atribute almost forceing players in to a specific kit if they want to use that stat in their build, if you want to build around condition duration you have only explosive trait line which revolws around granades and bombs traits…oh and its also power/con duration mix so it push even more in to granades and bombs…what about Elixir gun then, its also condition kit!!??

A lot of traits is also messed up, questionable benefits on long cd or on low activation % chance, example that mentioned Acidic Coating trait have 10s cd, well it wouldnt be bad if not the fact that it have only 50% chance to activate, 1 miss(blind) on 10s cd and on only 50% chance to activate and it work only on melee hits to both….

So yea, even if i have fun playing Engineer i also think that its a messed up profession.

(edited by Cold Hearted Person.6154)

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Playing engineer from the beginning I tend to think this class is not finished, there are some things that eng should have from the beginning: like rocket shoes + slick shoes should leave burning mark or burning field, lots of gadgets – like traits blinding (acid coating) have cooldown too long, which makes this class only for fun, as damage is pathetic, skills are not usefull (because of cc, traits in wrong tiers), all in one:

class was forgotten, there is no future for serious gaming, and as this year comes to an end it will deteriorate and dissapear from dungeon, pve, wvw -

the final year of the engineer, because of broken ideas. Now engineers are very often being kicked out from dung team – had it couple of times.

Is there a hope for our class? Do not think so…

Engineers are awesome, I don’t know what you’re talking about.


kitten thats single-handedly the worst Elite skill in the game. Even out does Warrior’s Juggernaut in that category. and the Engineer happens to have that skill AS WELL!!!

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


Ok, engineers and rangers seem to be a bit of a mix and match of great ideas that are not always well coordinated or implemented. But the engineer is relatively, on whole, solid despite this mix and match.

As for throw mine, I agree it has its uses. But the key is that when you play a gadget over a kit you have to have 1 skill and 1 cooldown that has equal or better value than getting 5 skills on 5 cooldowns and that is a tough hoe. And, yes, not having used throw mine for a long time I did forget it removes a boon. Might have to play with it again.

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: maciora.9542


Its not only about gadgets, but why rocket shoes does not have knockback? In general pathetic dmg of some skills force u to play grenadier, ft or power engineer, when u want to play gadget engineer (lots of gadggets, passive boosts) they are to weak. Dmg is to pathetic, of course there is a lot of stacks like bleeding etc, but dmg – dmg is sooo weak. Its almost funny.

Thats the major issue, and lets not be fanboys here we all know when we got sigils on kits – almost after 1 year, what was a joke. Not finished class, that forces u to play one or to builds, where good funny build have dmg output so pathetic that it is a sad joke…

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Its not only about gadgets, but why rocket shoes does not have knockback? In general pathetic dmg of some skills force u to play grenadier, ft or power engineer, when u want to play gadget engineer (lots of gadggets, passive boosts) they are to weak. Dmg is to pathetic, of course there is a lot of stacks like bleeding etc, but dmg – dmg is sooo weak. Its almost funny.

Thats the major issue, and lets not be fanboys here we all know when we got sigils on kits – almost after 1 year, what was a joke. Not finished class, that forces u to play one or to builds, where good funny build have dmg output so pathetic that it is a sad joke…

We got sigils on kits in October or November 2012, if I recall correctly.

Try using traited damage boosts for low-dps utility builds like gadgets (i.e. static discharge and/or modified ammo and rifle dps increases). You’d be surprised how much damage 3 gadgets can pump out.

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


You know, I’d rather say ‘jury rigged’ instead of unfinished. The engineer’s signature strength used to be the lack of complete synergy between everything it has in exchange of the ability to do whatever the hell you want in terms of performance. Extreme power? Okay. Condition spam? You have it. Undying? Done. And support all you want if you feel like it. It was all up to you to make regulations between these 4 things.

Some nerfs were justified but certain nerfs looked like “Hey, you can raise your DPS to the max if you want, but you’re not supposed to deal as much damage as a Warrior!” Which becomes somewhat contradictive toward the class’ main aspect.

The class now looks ‘tenderized’. Still powerful but tenderized, there aren’t alot of things you’re free to do anymore and some other features became a ‘get it or die’ problem.

I don’t exactly know where I’d be at if I wasn’t playing the Engineer, living the Engineer and literally BREATHING the Engineer since the release. It’s pretty much close to a way of life. :P

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


Its not only about gadgets, but why rocket shoes does not have knockback? In general pathetic dmg of some skills force u to play grenadier, ft or power engineer, when u want to play gadget engineer (lots of gadggets, passive boosts) they are to weak. Dmg is to pathetic, of course there is a lot of stacks like bleeding etc, but dmg – dmg is sooo weak. Its almost funny.

Thats the major issue, and lets not be fanboys here we all know when we got sigils on kits – almost after 1 year, what was a joke. Not finished class, that forces u to play one or to builds, where good funny build have dmg output so pathetic that it is a sad joke…

I find that hard to believe since my rocket kick does over 7k damage. You by no means have to use grenades. If you truely believe that, you need to explore more builds and learn more about various aspects of the profession, because your statements are a good deal factually inaccurate.

Granted they need a condition removal option. SS and UG could both use a recast reduction, mine and rocket boots do grat damage. Considering they are the only gadgets that are designed with a damage aspect, they are fairly solid and very useful.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Playing engineer from the beginning I tend to think this class is not finished, there are some things that eng should have from the beginning: like rocket shoes + slick shoes should leave burning mark or burning field, lots of gadgets – like traits blinding (acid coating) have cooldown too long, which makes this class only for fun, as damage is pathetic, skills are not usefull (because of cc, traits in wrong tiers), all in one:

class was forgotten, there is no future for serious gaming, and as this year comes to an end it will deteriorate and dissapear from dungeon, pve, wvw -

the final year of the engineer, because of broken ideas. Now engineers are very often being kicked out from dung team – had it couple of times.

Is there a hope for our class? Do not think so…

Engineers are awesome, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Coming back and looking at this class anew, I’ve done alot of reading watched alot of gameplay of other builds and even I have come to the same conclusion. This class was in an Alpha for the first year it was out, it’s now in a beta, and it needs alot more work, work it should have received before it was rush released. Sure they’ve made some serious changes but they’ve got a long long way to go before it actually receives the kind of care it needs to make it’s skills flow naturally as seen in other classes. I think that’s what the OP meant.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: Lippuringo.1742


We don’t need con removal, we already have options for it. What we actually need is stun-breaker with curing immobolized and crippled. Or at least trait to make or con removal skills as stun breakers.

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: Kontrolle.3514


We don’t need con removal, we already have options for it. What we actually need is stun-breaker with curing immobolized and crippled. Or at least trait to make or con removal skills as stun breakers.

A stunbreaker with stability would be more important.
Rocket boots , rifle 4 , legmods help against soft cc.

I will never forgive anet for destroying kit refinement, never ever.
This was the most awesome trait we had, it killed so much builds that i enjoyed.

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


We don’t need con removal, we already have options for it. What we actually need is stun-breaker with curing immobolized and crippled. Or at least trait to make or con removal skills as stun breakers.

Actually we do need condition removal, specifically related to kits. As far as a stun breaker that cured immobilize, we already had one. on an extremely low cool down. Rocket boots. It was a stun breaker that broke immobilize, did AoE direct damage, applied burning, and was on a low cool down. Then our $%#!*& community made several threads complaining because it launched you backwards and away from the trouble, group, or mob that was immobilizing you. Now it lost 1/2 its great value and functionality, simply because some complainers wanted it for mobility instead.

I will never forgive anet for destroying kit refinement, never ever.
This was the most awesome trait we had, it killed so much builds that i enjoyed.

This as well.
They destroy all of our cool toys. Remember how juggernaut was originally? As you said, they destroyed kit refinement. Remember using kits when invulnerable via Elixir S, and there is more to the list.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Gadgets are spotty in the sense that some are incredible and fairly timed (rocket boots) and others are lacking compared to alternatives (mine).

May I remind you that Mine is a 5 people knocback + boon removal with a potential 25 people boon removal tool belt on a short cooldown?

I think that is a little too unrealistic to say as an argument

Engineer not finished class

in Engineer

Posted by: Cabpoint.5826


…..I miss kit refinement too!!!

Still love my awesome Engi. Unfinished class is a good thing btw. That means they will always get some sort of wacky buff change for a trait/skill.

I think Elite supplies should drop more turrets and OVERCHARGE on arrival. That and make Mortar work on its own (my suggestion / opinion :P)

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