Packaged Stimulants trait:
No longer increases the recharge time on the Drop Bandages skill.
No longer reduces the recharge time on the Drop Stimulant skill.
No longer applies incorrect fury and swiftness durations to the Drop Stimulant skill.
No longer prevents acquisition of the Drop Stimulant pick-up while the player is under the effect of swiftness or fury.
Rifled Barrels trait:
No longer applies incorrect bleed and weakness durations to the Tranquilizer Dart skill.
No longer reduces the recharge time on the Elixir F skill.
Forceful Explosives trait: No longer reduces the radius on bombs dropped by the Evasive Powder Keg trait.
Fireforged Trigger trait:
Correctly lowers the recharge on Elixir F and Super Elixir if the Rifled Barrels trait is also equipped.
Correctly lowers the recharge on Acid Bomb.
Grenadier trait: No longer removes the recharge when the player stows the Grenade Kit.
Super Elixir skill: Displays the correct tooltip information when the Rifled Barrels trait is equipped.
Toss Elixir H skill: Displays the correct boon duration on the tooltip while the player is underwater.
Throw Mine skill: Correctly turns off the Detonate skill if the mine times out.
Automated Response trait: Grants immunity to conditions when the inflictor has over 100% duration.
Removed Quickening Zephyr from the base elixir.
Removed Veil from the toss mechanic.
Now casts instantly and breaks stuns.
Stabilized Armor trait: Reduces incoming damage by 5% while endurance is full.
Super Elixir skill:
Increased both impact base healing and scaling with healing power by 100%.
Increased base heal multiplier by 50% and healing power scaling by 100%.
Tool Kit skill: Increased potency of skills that heal turrets by 100%.
Acidic Coating trait: Now has its intended 10-second cooldown.
All utility turrets now detonate after 5 minutes.
Thumper Turret skill:
Damage from base attacks increased by 66%.
Base attacks now cripple for 3 seconds.
Self-destructs after 5 minutes.
Shockwave skill:
Increased damage by 66%.
Cooldown reduced from 90 seconds to 45 seconds.
Rifle Turret skill: Increased damage from this turret’s base and overcharged attacks by 50%.
Surprise Shot skill: Increased damage by 50%.
Rocket Turret skill: Reduced recharge from 60 seconds to 50 seconds.
Net Turret skill: Increased turret’s health by 25%.
Net Attack skill: Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 45 seconds.
Flame Turret skill:
Reduced recharge from 40 seconds to 25 seconds.
Increased main attack’s arc from 30 degrees to 60 degrees.
Throw Napalm skill: Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.
Flame Blast skill:
No longer double-detonates when the projectile expires naturally.
Turns off Detonate after the flame blast ball is gone.
Grenade Kit skill: Grenades no longer require the player to have line of sight of the target area to throw them.
Kit Refinement trait: Reworked kit skills to balance their effectiveness. All kit skills are now on a static global recharge (20 seconds). The changes are as follows:
Med Kit: Equipping this kit applies Magnetic Aura.
Bomb Kit: Equipping this kit creates a Magnetic Bomb that pulls enemies toward the center after a brief delay.
Elixir Gun: Equipping this kit activates a Glue Trail that follows the player for a short time. Enemies that step in the glue are briefly immobilized.
Tool Kit: Equipping this kit grants the user Super Speed for a brief duration.
Flamethrower: Equipping this kit grants the player Flame Aura for a time.
Grenade Kit: Equipping this kit drops a mine at the player’s location that deals damage and removes a boon.
Skills that activate this trait can now activate in midair.
Blowtorch skill: No longer displays “miss” on attacks that connect at medium and far distances
Engineer patch notes:
Some drastic changes here.
I’m not going to pass judgement until I get in game and try them out.
This really opens up some additional build possibilities. At first glance I really like the change to Kit Refinement.
This is going to require a lot of in game testing to see how it impacts the effectiveness of each build I use.
Tons of buffs, fixes, and a rework to Kit Refinement that is much nicer then internal cooldowns on top of internal cooldowns.
I really like this list.
Tirydia – Scrapper
LOVE THE NEW KIT REfINEMENT ( exept for the 20s cool down) but lots more utility! love it love!
Rifle turret and Flame turret are usable now!
thats about it!
Holy crap…..and we were all talking like there wouldnt be big changes. Very pleased with the changes. Keep up the pace arenanet.
Removed Quickening Zephyr from the base elixir.
Removed Veil from the toss mechanic.
Now casts instantly and breaks stuns.”
lol kitten
Also cheers for so many bug fixes ^^
A 5 minute time limit on turrets? :/
And 20 secs for kit refinement is a lot..we’ll see how this works out…
(edited by Penguin.5197)
I thoroughly enjoy the Kit Refinement skill change. Adds extra utility for kit builds.
that new kit refinement looks sexy
engie roaming vids:
Hmm, a magnetic bomb when equipping a the bomb kit, that could be entertaining if the range is wide enough. Bomb kit, glue bomb, concussion bomb, pry bar, watch person commit suicide
Rragar Ragehammer – Charr Warrior
Achilles Adrastos – Human Warrior
“Kit Refinement trait: All kit skills are now on a static global recharge (20 seconds)”
A good Engineer should be changing kits very often. A trait that makes you want to wait to change kits is just plain dumb.
LOVE THE NEW KIT REfINEMENT ( exept for the 20s cool down) but lots more utility! love it love!
^That, the prospect of putting down a big ole bomb, then the magnetic bomb mass pull near a cliff in WvW, sounds super fun!
Yeah Bomb Kit with Kit Refinement could be pretty good. Big o’ Bomb, swap to Bomb Kit, then Glue Bomb…
Seems like the Kit Refinement changes towards utility ended up looking pretty good. We’ll have to see what we can make out of it.
Tirydia – Scrapper
“Kit Refinement trait: All kit skills are now on a static global recharge (20 seconds)”
A good Engineer should be changing kits very often. A trait that makes you want to wait to change kits is just plain dumb.
you can easily time it tho naturally or by checking on skill’s recharge
i wish it was 10s tho
Yeah, I’m actually surprised by how many changes we got in comparison to the other classes. Overall not a bad patch I will be interested to see what new builds come out of it. Although I will still be surprised if any of it can match the current HGH condition build.
Zaragoz[SS] – 80 engineer
Kit Refinement looks good save the change to grenade…which is stupid and goes against the theme of grenades.
They need to leave the current one in and not go with this half baked mine.
“Kit Refinement trait: All kit skills are now on a static global recharge (20 seconds)”
A good Engineer should be changing kits very often. A trait that makes you want to wait to change kits is just plain dumb.
Pretty much. And now you can’t hop to avoid triggering the effects, either.
I think our profession made up 1/3 of the changes across all professions. Cant really say they’re neglecting us.
Cant wait to try some of this out…lawl, at everyone claiming rifle was getting 10% increase in damage…..
“Rifle Turret skill: Increased damage from this turret’s base and overcharged attacks by 50%.
Surprise Shot skill: Increased damage by 50%.”
like…gonna be fitting this into a LOT more builds.
edit: i have to admit i did not see this coming
“Flame Turret skill:
Reduced recharge from 40 seconds to 25 seconds.
Increased main attack’s arc from 30 degrees to 60 degrees.
Throw Napalm skill: Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 30 seconds”
(edited by Zinwrath.2049)
“Stabilized Armor trait: Reduces incoming damage by 5% while endurance is full”
Isnt that how it has always worked already?
so is it me or elixir gun got a massive boost ? flamethrower could still use some love tho, every ther kit looks pretty good right now.
engie roaming vids:
“Stabilized Armor trait: Reduces incoming damage by 5% while endurance is full”
Isnt that how it has always worked already?
It was worded differently, maybe they just changed the wording? have no idea though
Rragar Ragehammer – Charr Warrior
Achilles Adrastos – Human Warrior
Is the Scope trait still not fixed?
Its still only been like since game release.
Is the Scope trait still not fixed?
Its still only been like since game release.
It looks like the interaction between elite supplies and the mortar elite skill still won’t be fixed either, judging from the patch notes. we’ll see in a bit though, i guess.
Yeah, I’m actually surprised by how many changes we got in comparison to the other classes.
Half of them are bug fixes worded to sound like buffs.
The core problem of turrets is the massive downtime. Until that is adressed, turret builds will not be viable.
Good thing they decided to clean up the mess they made of kit refinement. I’ll reserve judgement of the outcome until I actually get it to test in game though. Wouldn’t be the first time the wording in the patch notes is … euphemistic.
Same goes for Super Elixier, that buff looks to good to be true. ( Note it says Impact base healing though, i.e. not the ticks )
So hopefully Giver’s weapons are working now. Getting +50% condition duration naturally, or +100% with Pizza is feasible again.
The Super Elixir changes might be a mistake, those changes look identical to last patch. We’ll have to test it.
Tirydia – Scrapper
No new condition remove possiblity
I’m really excited to try out Kit Refinement with Bomb Kit! I really hope the pull is the similar to Guardian Greatsword #5.
Yeah, I’m actually surprised by how many changes we got in comparison to the other classes.
Half of them are bug fixes worded to sound like buffs.
True but I do like the kit refinement changes, will have to test it but medkit and bombs are looking kinda sexy now.
Zaragoz[SS] – 80 engineer
Bummer that they knocked Flamethrower down again. Trading the lame firewall for the double-pop is a huge net loss for the kit.
I’m not sure how I feel about Kit Refinement now. My engineer that was built for mainly using the Elixer Gun will be losing a free source of healing (though the standard Elixer Gun heal was buffed to about double the base effectiveness) in exchange for a glue trail every 20 seconds. Will the glue trail be worth it? Doubtful.
Yet my engineer that was built around other kits will be loving Kit Refinement. It seems that the changes will either work very well for you or very poorly for you.
“Grenade Kit: Equipping this kit drops a mine at the player’s location that deals damage and removes a boon”
So my 1500 range kit drops a bomb at my feet?
Well that’s “useful”…. /facepalm
what does this means :
Automated Response trait: Grants immunity to conditions when the inflictor has over 100% duration.
“Grenade Kit: Equipping this kit drops a mine at the player’s location that deals damage and removes a boon”
So my 1500 range kit drops a bomb at my feet?
Well that’s “useful”…. /facepalm
Well it used to drop a Grenade Barrage at your feet so I don’t see much difference in that functionality. I’m curious to see if this Mine launches like the Mine does.
what does this means :
Automated Response trait: Grants immunity to conditions when the inflictor has over 100% duration.
It means they fixed a bug where if someone had over 100% condition duration they could still get conditions on you.
Tirydia – Scrapper
what does this means :
Automated Response trait: Grants immunity to conditions when the inflictor has over 100% duration.
I’m assuming that when an attacker had boosted his/her condition durations over 100% that Automated Response wasn’t working.
The thing i wounder about is will the 20sec Global CD make it so you cant use medkit to allways sprint?
“Grenade Kit: Equipping this kit drops a mine at the player’s location that deals damage and removes a boon”
So my 1500 range kit drops a bomb at my feet?
Well that’s “useful”…. /facepalm
Not tooo much less useful than a grenade barrage that only hits @ 0 range when you’re at 1500. Heh. At least the mine sticks around.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Speedy Kits wasn’t changed, Kit Refinement was. So Speedy Kits still has its own 5s cooldown and Kit Refinement has its own 20s one.
Tirydia – Scrapper
I’m not sure how I feel about Kit Refinement now. My engineer that was built for mainly using the Elixer Gun will be losing a free source of healing (though the standard Elixer Gun heal was buffed to about double the base effectiveness) in exchange for a glue trail every 20 seconds. Will the glue trail be worth it? Doubtful.
Yet my engineer that was built around other kits will be loving Kit Refinement. It seems that the changes will either work very well for you or very poorly for you.
Yeah, definitely gonna miss having the choice of two fields healing simultaneously, or 100% up-time for the condition removals.
Overall, some really good changes and much needed fixes there. Perhaps a turret build is not impossible anymore!
“Grenade Kit: Equipping this kit drops a mine at the player’s location that deals damage and removes a boon”
So my 1500 range kit drops a bomb at my feet?
Well that’s “useful”…. /facepalmNot tooo much less useful than a grenade barrage that only hits @ 0 range when you’re at 1500. Heh. At least the mine sticks around.
The grenade barrage did a huge amount of damage. One mine won’t.
It simply isn’t worth the effort.
Kit-Refinement, Med Kit:
Equipping this kit applies Magnetic Aura.
A 5 second reflection, how cool is that!!
And … no more boom boom boom
I’m actually surprised how much of a buff turrets got, but again I still don’t see them being that viable in tpvp due to their lack of mobility same goes for wvw net turret is really the only one I’ve seen people use to much success… although who knows I may end up being surprised, but I doubt it.
Zaragoz[SS] – 80 engineer
Sad they didn’t work on the Flamethrower beyond fixing Flame Blast, but I look forward to trying out turrets and the new Kit Refinement.
Super Elixir got even more powerful, too.
Elixir U:
Removed Quickening Zephyr from the base elixir.
Removed Veil from the toss mechanic.
Now casts instantly and breaks stuns.
Got rid of the useless effect from tossing and is a stun-breaker now, I love it!
MED KIT MAGNETIC AURA! this alone is incredible. I was thinking it’d be some lousy heal but more reflect is great. Also Elixer U is going to be my new go too stun break.
A little sad that gadgets didn’t get any love, but am certainly happy to see these changes.
Still not happy about the hidden kit refinement cooldown, but keeping track of a global 20 seconds should be better than trying to remember the last time I triggered it for each kit.
I really hope the patch notes correspond to what we see in game. Lots of new options just opened up. I expect to see lots of engi’s in the mists beating the hell out of golems.
Just thought of this one, SUPER SPEED PRYBAR TO THE FACE!
Kit-Refinement, Med Kit:
Equipping this kit applies Magnetic Aura.A 5 second reflection, how cool is that!!
And … no more boom boom boom
Yes magnetic aura every 20 seconds sounds awesome!
Kit Refinement trait: Reworked kit skills to balance their effectiveness. All kit skills are now on a static global recharge (20 seconds). The changes are as follows:
Skills that activate this trait can now activate in midair.
These two properties combine discourages builds that uses lots of kits. Like someone said earlier, we will have to wait and see how this changes playing styles.
Kit-Refinement, Med Kit:
Equipping this kit applies Magnetic Aura.A 5 second reflection, how cool is that!!
And … no more boom boom boom
Yes magnetic aura every 20 seconds sounds awesome!
Something tells me the reflection is going to be 1s long similar to Mesmer’s old healing skill: Mirror.
Overall, don’t get used to the changes, this might be similar to Elementalist’s Evasive Arcana changes where it was overbuffed, then overnerffed, then overbuffed again, and then nerffed. In the end, it was only a shadow of what it originally was.
(edited by Lite.3819)
Didn’t see anything about non kit builds. Are they still not viable?
“Grenade Kit: Equipping this kit drops a mine at the player’s location that deals damage and removes a boon”
So my 1500 range kit drops a bomb at my feet?
Well that’s “useful”…. /facepalmNot tooo much less useful than a grenade barrage that only hits @ 0 range when you’re at 1500. Heh. At least the mine sticks around.
The grenade barrage did a huge amount of damage. One mine won’t.
It simply isn’t worth the effort.
Effort. It’s probably going to be better as passive, not active ability, really. It seems to be just like free damage, that doesn’t require you to position yourself or anything. If it hits as hard as the throw mine ability, it’s possible to get like 3.6k crits in an offensive HGH grenade/explosion power build. But everything remains to be seen, it might be too early for a snap judgement.
The goal of this patch was to bring really good kit refinements (nade, EG) down, and bad ones up. (Bomb, med-kit, etc.)
New Twitter: @chaithhh