Engineer patch notes:

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Didn’t see anything about non kit builds. Are they still not viable?

For a while there that’s actually what I was using because I couldn’t use kits, i couldn’t use elixirs so I was stuck using a rifle charge build. We’ll see what this is like now tho.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


So…Engineers…this is US RIGHT NOW…

Thank you, ANet, for giving us some love.

That link is broken and contains “kitten”. Hope I’m not missing something there.

Kittens? Here I’ll fix the link for you

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Ejiofor.4801



Fixed it!

Gearstrip Jones, Engineer, Borlis Pass, [KPUP]
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197



Fixed it!

Haha I was way off! :P

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Hmmmm… i’m pleased with the turret changes, except the 5 min duration… i hope that wont ruin anything for me…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


no dude this is us now. ….well…we’re getting closer.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


10second cooldown would still be too much for those attacks. 10 second cooldown between the SAME kit attack going off maybe but 20 for all sucks

5 second wait would have been better for unique kits, so you could use them together which doesnt suck for multi kit users

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Vuh.1328



Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Ejiofor.4801


no dude this is us now. ….well…we’re getting closer.


Gearstrip Jones, Engineer, Borlis Pass, [KPUP]
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Well a lot of bullet points. Mostly minor bugfixes and minor buffs. Turrets got buffed as expected, but not in a way they really shouldve. The limitation of immobility/downtime aswell as fairly vulnerable and being utterly stupid when it comes to targeting is what holds them back. None of this really fixed.

Elixir U was a good change. Atleast the effect you get both work towards a common purpose to mitigate ranged attacks.

Kit Refinement. The effects are pretty decent, but with a pretty long cooldown. And anyone that relies in switching between kits (any multi-kit build) will likely shoot himself in the foot with this trait frequently. You need your Toolkit now… but, you didnt really need the speedboost and would much rather have saved the cd for the reflect. Yah, well… nope.
The effects as far as i can say are fairly short lived aswell. Magnetic Aura lasts 2 seconds. Speedboost lasts 2seconds.

Or anyone that uses Speedy kits! Seeing as Magnetic aura procs OUT OF COMBAT. you will have to stop using Speedy Kits 20sec before you get into a fight (this might involved some fortune telling…) or you will not have access to Kit Refinement when the going gets tough.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


“Surprise Shot skill: Increased damage by 50%.”

It tastes so good when it hits the lips!!!

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Mehknic.2904



I really don’t get the rage on this. Wonky? Yes. Works? Yes. Glad they buffed mechanical stuff instead of just visual bugs.

Yes, I’m an Asura engineer too. It’s not that bad.

[Malum Factum] – Yak’s Bend –
Mehknic || Engineer
Merknerk || Guardian

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


It would seem to me that the flamethrower and elixir gun new effects last like 4 or 5 seconds.
Guess i can discard kit refinement now.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Silentsins.3726


The goal of this patch was to bring really good kit refinements (nade, EG) down, and bad ones up. (Bomb, med-kit, etc.)

Even money says that the patch simply swapped them in usefulness.

Everything is either a bug fix, or a buff that isn’t big enough to stuff no one cares about.

Hrm… I’d say it’s too early to say. Elixir U just got MUCH more powerful with a stunbreak and an on-demand projectile wall (even though I would’ve liked to keep quickening zephir instead of Frenzy).

Rifle turret just got interesting purely because of cooldowns. It already had niche uses in static discharge builds. Rifle + heal might be enough to justify turret traits by themselves, as heal turret is arguably our strongest heal since the bugfix last month.

The change to Kit Refinement is… awkward. The trait is fundamentally a defensive/support trait sitting on the bottom of an offensive traitline. The 20sec global cooldown is severely punishing to multi-kit builds. My initial impression is that it’s not going to play as well as it looks on paper, since it’s both awkwardly designed and placed. It’s also likely to push us further toward specialized builds.

Those are the only changes that I see making much of an impact.

As an aside:
“Throw Napalm skill: Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.”

Lol… The cooldown was already 30 seconds.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Vuh.1328



I really don’t get the rage on this. Wonky? Yes. Works? Yes. Glad they buffed mechanical stuff instead of just visual bugs.

Yes, I’m an Asura engineer too. It’s not that bad.

Are you kittenting me?
Get out of your pve hole or start looking at your surroundings instead of your skill bar.

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Grackleflint.4956


*Turret AI: not fixed, targeting still random/broken
*Turrets: Survivability not addressed.
*Turret cooldowns: still too high
*Turret toolbelt abilities: Cooldowns still to high, damage still too low. (96 dmg increase on Shockwave)
*Kit Refinement: Cooldown too long. I understand that most kits have a signature ability that is on a 20 second (or longer) cooldown in some cases, but as an experienced kit user, I can say that the signature moves aren’t as useful as people might thing. I swap kits more often than 20 seconds for damage rotations, not because I’m dying to cast Smoke Vent. This needs to be dialed back.
*Gadgets: Not addressed. Cooldowns still not reduced, damage still low.
*Harpoon Gun: Not addressed. Travel time on Homing Torpedo is too slow, cooldowns on all abilities double or triple that of other profession harpoon traits. Still isn’t affected by Hair Trigger (firearms) trait.

I could keep going, but why bother.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: GoZero.9708


I use four kits for my utilities. All this does is stab me in the foot and further sidebench my Engineer by adding more cooldowns on the “no cooldown” kits. If that one global cooldown really hits every kit, every other buff the Engineer just received is moot to me. They hurt the OP Grenade Barrage on equip, I thought that was a band-aid until they thought up a better solution. I guess I was just assuming the guy doing Engineer was intelligent…

Why the hell did they work so hard on making new Kit Refinement if they were just going to make it worthless in the same move?

(edited by GoZero.9708)

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Monadproxy.3489


soo, can we still do 100 nades with explosive decent?

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


Why did they have to remove the Flamethrowers “Double pop” it was the only thing keeping the dream alive…:(

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Dual.8953


Flame Blast skill:

No longer double-detonates when the projectile expires naturally.
Turns off Detonate after the flame blast ball is gone.

Little confused here. Does this mean the ball will simply vanish (and not blow up) once it reaches 600 range or will it still detonate on its own once it reaches max range?

Still a shame that the Flamethrower was left untouched apart from fixing the double-detonate; especially after seeing so many threads with good suggestions on improving it.

It means that before if you didn’t detonate the Flame Blast it would detonate twice. Once for reaching max range and once for ending. Now it should only detonate once.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Pros: turret buffs, multiple bugfixes, cool new stuff for kit refinement
Cons: kit refinement is no longer poor man’s condi removal, turrets still can’t target, multiple kit builds punished by GCD

Looks like I have to find a new tournament build. Granted, I was probably the only engineer dumb enough to run all kits, but I liked it and the condition removal made me viable as a semi-bunker. Getting one effect every 20 seconds from only one of my four kits is not really going to be worth it.

Bomb kit refinement looks amazing.

Can’t really think of any way to get around needing 409.

Turret changes were better than I expected.

Using kit refinement plus speedy kits is going to be tricky. You can either keep up swiftness or have utility when you enter the fight. Interesting.

tl;dr: interesting changes and a lot of good stuff. Best builds will still revolve around kits and/or elixirs.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Overall those are some good changes for turrets, but I don’t get the point to add a 5Min duration to those? So now if I fight more than 5min during an event in Orr i’m gonna loose my rocket turret for 50sec and I can’t keep my turrets up in keeps (WvW) without showing to everyone where I threw it. It is realy an unnecessary change.

Also they still haven’t fixed some of the clunky turrets overcharge abilities, you still have to wait the turrets attack cycle to get their special effects, I realy hoped they would turn Cleansing Wave, Shockwave and Smoke Screen instant too, but it seems A-net only concerns are numbers and not broken powers.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Eviator.9746


Just testing the grenade LOS change. You get to see the green circle if you don’t have LoS on the target, but they will still impact walls so you have to pay attention to arc. Practically speaking it means you don’t have to stand up on a ledge to throw grenades while defending a keep, but you still have to be rather close to the edge to clear the lip.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



Yeah, if it’s only 2 second, it’s not really big, also because you auto use it when you switch to Toolkit.

But if it has 3-4 second, it would be so useful in WvW. Might not be so much in tPvP.

But I’m a roamer, and a lot of time I have to run from zerg and Super speed saved me so many time. Now if I have another super speed every 20 second.

5 sec super speed +
5 sec super speed from 25% hp reset +
3-4 sec super speed

Is a lot for me. Especially since it’s not affected by chill/cripple.


For everyone saying we didn’t get all our bug fixed, and didn’t get exactly what we wanted. I agree Arena Net usually overlooked us and some other classes bug.

But this time, I don’t think we have anything to whine about.

We have like 2x time more fixed/buff then any of the other classes. It would be insulting for others to cry about this patch not having enought content for us.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


what does this means :

Automated Response trait: Grants immunity to conditions when the inflictor has over 100% duration.

example, a scepter wielding necro can get 133% bleed duration.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


By the way, is the super elixir buff really working? I can’t seem to see noticeable changes.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: houndmd.4360


Although I am glad for Elixir U changes (reliable projectile defense? yay!), will definitly explore the possibilities of ne Kit Refinement and turrets, I am still somewhat dissapointed.

- Elixir build were very popular already, they are (arguably) even more powerful now
- No love for Flamethrower
- No love for gadgets
- KR rework seriously hit my build (thats personal!). For a full berserker 0/30/0/10/30 3-kit SD engi instant Super Elixir was a very handy condition removal.

Still, we cannot say we are neglected anymore. Definitely a lot of work was put into this patch and I hope that we’ll continue getting much needed attention.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Sukor.1236


Was just in game and the throw able versions of turrets from the Deployable Turrets trait don’t have any of the buffs.


Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: ArcticWillow.2758


Why did they have to remove the Flamethrowers “Double pop” it was the only thing keeping the dream alive…:(

Oddly, I was expecting a Flamethrower buff, even if just a little one. So I’m especially disappointed. It sure seemed like they were trying to make it a legit option, but that’s a really big chunk of burst damage they just took away.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Advent Leader.1083

Advent Leader.1083

Was just in game and the throw able versions of turrets from the Deployable Turrets trait don’t have any of the buffs.


Oh dear.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


It would seem to me that the flamethrower and elixir gun new effects last like 4 or 5 seconds.
Guess i can discard kit refinement now.

Laying down a trail of immobilize for 5 secs is pretty awesome. (EG)
5 secs Fire aura granting might and burning is awesome. (FT)

I’m actually quite excited to test the new KR out. Not thrilled about a 20sec CD but I can have fire aura up 1/4 of the time if I want. That’s pretty sweet.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Surprise Shot being buffed, Super Speed on the ToolKit, Reflects on the Med Kit. Interesting.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


You guys should check this

If you want to know what happened to Kit Refinement.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: athuria.2751


Are we assured that FT’s fire aura still won’t remove a condition? That was honestly the main reason I took it because I don’t have much room for removals and Med Kit only drops one. I could probably work around the long cooldown, but I guess it’s time to bounce between Saffron Poultry soup and Rare Veggie Pizza for my food buffs. B(a

Magnetic Aura on Med Kit’s not bad, but it’s got a real short duration (unless it magically lengthens in-combat, but I kinda doubt that).

I did like the Elixir U change when I heard it—having a guaranteed projectile reflection on my Engi like my Mes is gonna be great for fights that need it, now I just need some sort of teleport ability like every other class I play…

I probably won’t turn back to turrets at this point, but I’m glad to see them recognize and addressing the ridiculous cooldowns related to them, since that was my deal-breaker. Here’s hoping gadgets and some of our other toolbelt skills are next.

Syrlya | Sylvari Mesmer
Arabelle Jones | Human Engineer
Stormbluff Isle

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Knightmare.8634


By the way, is the super elixir buff really working? I can’t seem to see noticeable changes.

Looks the same to me as well.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


It would seem to me that the flamethrower and elixir gun new effects last like 4 or 5 seconds.
Guess i can discard kit refinement now.

Laying down a trail of immobilize for 5 secs is pretty awesome. (EG)
5 secs Fire aura granting might and burning is awesome. (FT)

I’m actually quite excited to test the new KR out. Not thrilled about a 20sec CD but I can have fire aura up 1/4 of the time if I want. That’s pretty sweet.

If the cooldown was per kit it would be fine. But since it is global…meh. If i need more power, i’ll simply get it instead of something that requires me to be hit to get might and burn the foe.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: irakai.6891


So the devs heard we didn’t like the global cool down on our awesome KR procs, and thought the right thing to do was to replace all the useful KR effects and keep the horribly long global cooldown while applying it to everything, thus completely missing the point that it is impossible to control what procs when you’re using many kits and THAT IS A BAD THING.

They’re not that strong now devs! Good job, you’ve certainly seen to that! Can we please have individual cooldowns back?

Turrets are still mostly bad because they still die very quickly and are piloted by drunk kittens. They need to give us a ‘Throw Ball of Yarn’ skill or something to make our turrets pay attention. The 5 minute self-destruct is pretty funny because I’d like to see a turret last 5 minutes in any fight, even with a engineer hitting it constantly with a wrench.

At least there were some bugfixes. Too bad that also nerfed the Elixir Gun for me, but on the bright side, the new KR is making me rethinking using a EG in my build anyway. Grenades firing without LoS is nice too.

Well, time to test out everything in-game. Then probably go play something else until the next engineer patch hits.

(edited by irakai.6891)

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: blurps.2340


First impression: Big nerf to multi-kit-builds and if you’re using an Enhance Performance might stacking build like me you’re completely screwed with the KR change.

Add the death of 100Nades and the bug fix to flame thrower and HGH elixier builds will be even more prevalent than they already were.

Mixed signals by ANet again: They actively discourage flexible multi-kit-builds, yet keep the hybrid tax in place, because Engineers are so flexible. In less favourable terms that is schizophrenic design.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


I will say that I don’t know if so much has been said about a 10-pt trait before. One single trait change…not a straight nerf/buff. A complete rework. And we are totally focused on it. Think it was put at the bottom of our list on purpose?

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Cero.5132


Fixed a bug that caused several pieces of gear to not apply their bonus boon or condition durations.

does this apply to giver´s weapons and/or condition duration runes like lyssa´s? o.o
If so I think many engineer condition builds got pushed in the right direction

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


So the devs heard we didn’t like the global cool down on our awesome KR procs, and thought the right thing to do was to replace all the useful KR effects and keep the horribly long global cooldown while applying it to everything, thus completely missing the point that it is impossible to control what procs when you’re using many kits and THAT IS A BAD THING.

They’re not that strong now devs! Good job, you’ve certainly seen to that! Can we please have individual cooldowns back?

Arenanet logic at it’s finest. It most certianly is a 10 point trait now!

The effects seem to last 3-4 seconds at best. The range on Magnetic bomb looks rediculously short, though I have yet to actually test it.

Time to respec, I suppose.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


  • Turns off Detonate after the flame blast ball is gone.

Not fixed. Still does not turn off if the ball collides with the environment (like walls and ground).

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: darkace.8925


I didn’t notice anything about a fix for the Scope trait in the patch notes. Did I just miss it? Or are those of us wanting to use this trait still out of luck?

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


aaand the Flame Turret’s cooldown is bugged. welp.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


“Automated Response trait: Grants immunity to conditions when the inflictor has over 100% duration.”

So has anyone noticed a difference with this trait? I haven’t

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Silentsins.3726


I will say that I don’t know if so much has been said about a 10-pt trait before.

Mug would like a word with you…

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Was just in game and the throw able versions of turrets from the Deployable Turrets trait don’t have any of the buffs.


Oh dear.

Why am I not surprised… I’d wager a guess that the turrets in Supply Crate were not included either. >_<

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Electro.4173


Yay, turret buffs. My turret build is happy. All of the buffs seem very nice.

They even fixed most of the toolbelt slots when a turret is inactive, which is great to at least have some sort of backup when your turrets go down. Massive cooldown reductions on most of them is certainly welcome, since the previous cooldowns were just plain silly.

Wonder why they didn’t do anything with the Rocket toolbelt skill, though. It was in the same boat as the others, being rather lackluster at best (oddly enough Suprise Shot was the best one and it even got improved) and for some reason they seem to have improved everything except that one.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Tobkilla.4612


“Surprise Shot skill: Increased damage by 50%.”

It tastes so good when it hits the lips!!!

But they managed to bug the tooltip again, showing a wrong cooldown…

(edited by Tobkilla.4612)

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



What do you mean?

The original CD is 10 second.

Are you saying it doesn’t lower the cooldown anymore?

Don’t forget that the tooltips doesn’t show the lower cooldown. But it still there.

Edit : Oh well you edited your post. :P

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]