Engineer role

Engineer role

in Engineer

Posted by: Zeta.3198


Hi all, so, my first char has been an engi, but after hitting level 45 or so I left it behind for my thief.

Recently I got it to lvl 80 but I’m unsure on what to do with it, my thief, ele and guardian all seem to be more efficient depending on the role they need to fill for dungeons, and as much as I see it’s usefulness in PvP using him only for that feels kind of a waste, so I was thinking, maybe WvW?

If that’s the case what kind of role does it fill the best? Can it be used efficently for solo roaming or in small groups or is it better for zergs?

Please avoid comments like “it can fill every role everywhere” ’cause as much as it can be true a direct dps class will be better in 90% of the situations in dungeons and so on.

tl;dr What kind of role do you think the engineer is the best at and what kind of gear should I get for it?

Engineer role

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Engi is not a profession that fills a single role. It’s simply not the design, you’re asking a silly question.

Guard is there for defenses; blinds, aegis, reflects, stability, etc.
Thief is there for stealth, blinds, and top tier damage
Warrior is there for banners
Mesmer is there for support like guard but more focus on reflects, then of course portals
Ele is there primarily for their top tier damage and might stacking, though much like the Engi it has a plethora of tools ranging from blinds to projectile defense.

Engi has no role in a meta group, it simply doesn’t fit in a perfect group, it’s not specialized enough. Vuln stacking would be it, but an Ele/war can cover it well enough that no record group is going to try and pull an engi in. That is not for a lack of DPS though, if you perform it correctly their DPS is top tier with the bonus of being AE, but again, Ele beats it there. (iirc according to the math Engi is number 3 in a 30s fight on a single target behind Ele and Thief, I imagine it’d pass thief as soon as there are 2 or 3 targets)

Engi’s role IS that it fills every role. It’s a profession you can take and cover any weak spots in any group. That’s it’s role.

Even in WvW your role will simply be to fill in sub optimally for other professions that do that role better.

Engi is for those that love the flexibility and love playing Engi, not for those who try to optimize their profession choices for everything.

Engineer role

in Engineer

Posted by: Dimes.6024


Please avoid comments like “it can fill every role everywhere” ’cause as much as it can be true a direct dps class will be better in 90% of the situations in dungeons and so on.

tl;dr What kind of role do you think the engineer is the best at and what kind of gear should I get for it?

engi are the best in putting up mortars and u need cele full ascended gear for that and double quip

Engineer role

in Engineer

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Engineers role in the current WvW? Roamer.

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Engineer role

in Engineer

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Engineer excel in sPvP and Roaming because of their versatility. They are not the best at anything, but can bring about anything to a fight so you can almost always find a way to counter another build on the fly, something that very few can do.

As for dungeon, they are not part of any record run for that reason. That doesn’t mean that they are not good to bring in a speed run. With the third bets dps in the game in PvE they can bring might, stealth, healing, etc and well played can be the ultimate pug profession that can always pick up the slack when your party miss something in particular. Also if vulnerability is usually not an issue in organized group, it is in pugs.

For solo dungeon, its a really good profession. Probably in the top 4. And its one of the two best profession for Solo in condition build, which even if not optimal, is really nice to play.

For WvW zerg they can do pretty decent. They won’t have any spot in most organized zerg bursting guild, but you can do the job just right in a pug zerg. An advantage of the Engineer is that you can use with decent effect some of his roaming build in a zerg without risking to be instant kill or feel useless like other professions.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Engineer role

in Engineer

Posted by: guildabd.6529


Engineer got most CC (aoe knockbacks, aoe knock down, aoe immobilize, launches). It needs only one engi to stop entire enemy zerg in WvW.
See my Engineer Immobilize Build

(edited by guildabd.6529)

Engineer role

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


Engineers are spectacular for defending and assaulting walls with the grenade kit.

They are great zerg back line damage or defenders. Personally, I play a midliner often, and a front line support build often. More often then not though, I am commanding the zerg or medium size havoc group on my engineer.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Engineer role

in Engineer

Posted by: Stalima.5490


i think i can explain it all with one link and hope youll get the jist of things

just read it its almost scary how accurate it describes this class xD