Engineer tips

Engineer tips

in Engineer

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

A lot of people I meet ingame don’t seem to know the tips and tricks to being a GOOD Engineer.

Feel free to post any advice most people overlook.

- Race is VERY important! Choose carefully, because race affects your Tool Belt! (Sylvari get an “oh kitten” button which lets you block for 2 seconds. Whereas Charr can apply Vigor to all allies.)

- You could give you and your team stealth by spamming blast finishers with Smoke Bomb.

- Don’t just spam 1 with your Flamethrower. Instead, take advantage of the might stacks in offers to burst enemies with your bombs and rifle!

- While in Flamethrower, keep in mind Air Blast can REFLECT projectiles!

- Likewise, the “random spell” Toss Elixir U creates is either a Thief’s smokescreen or a Guardian’s Wall of Reflection. This will be incredibly useful in high level dungeons.

- Elixir Gun is an incredibly versatile kit. While not a good source of damage, keep in mind it serves many other purposes besides healing with Super Elixir. Fumigate is a LOW-RECHARGE condition removal on allies (but not yourself), whereas Acid Bomb (the leap) is a blast finisher.

- I would not advise bothering with Tranquilizer Dart/1-spam because the weakness it applies is only HALF a second on bosses! (Though it may be useful on normal foes.)

- Remember /Shield! While the Rifle is a sexy piece of big damage (and horrible animation), your shield possesses some of the best skills in the game! In a single offhand you have a ranged block (a daze in melee range), a blast finisher, a knockback, a reflect, and another daze which strikes multiple targets!

- When using either Rifle auto-attack or “Coated Bullets” (piercing Pistol) click the enemies behind your intended target. This allows you to aim your piercing shots a lot easier.

- The trait Coated Bullets of pistol not only makes your pistol pierce, but also makes it EXPLODE on every enemy it hits! When fighting multiple foes lined up, this makes it VERY powerful!

- Likewise using Coated Bullets, you are able to hit the same enemy twice if you shoot him from maximum range. (This can also be achieved if you jump while shooting.)

- Bomb Kit is your strongest auto-attack in the game. NOT Flamethrower! (You will be surprised how many players overlook this.)

- When properly traited, Bombs and Grenades apply VULNERABILITY to foes with each tic of their AoE. An engineer alone could easily maintain 25 stacks of Vulnerability on a single foe.

- Move inside a foe when using “Grenade Barrage” for maximum damage. This is known as the notorious “100nades” attack. (Also applies 7 stacks of vulnerability if traited.)

- Use Healing Turret and your team will thank you. Learn the timing of its Overcharge to combine it with Blast finishers for a SUPER team heal! (Keep in mind Detonate Turret is a blast finisher.)

- Weapon kits count as a weapon swap for the purpose of sigil. However, keep in mind Sigil of Battle has a 10 second cool-down.

- Deployable Turrets allow you to place turrets on WALLS!

- Static Discharge (“Tools” Adept trait) is VERY powerful! Very, very awesome!! Not only does it deal great damage, but it hits MULTIPLE foes, has NO cooldown, and it could be chained off of Tool Belt skills which activate twice! (Such as Mine Field or Turrets.)

- The Engineer could achieve near-perma vigor by combining the traits “Infused Precision” and “Invigorating Speed”. With the Tools Grandmaster trait “Adrenal Implant” and perma-Vigor, you have one of the highest Endurance regeneration rates in the game!

- Condition damage is overrated in PvE. Be a man and run full zerker! (Or at least Knight’s if you’re not too confident yet.)

That’s all for now. Post your tips and I will add them to this post!

Engineer tips

in Engineer

Posted by: JubeiTM.5763


I recently started to level my second engineer (because I hate changing traits and gear all the time) and I was surprised on how strong the bomb kit was. It scales incredibly well with power, and on the same trait line there is "Forceful Explosives – Bombs and mines have a larger explosion radius. "

However to get the most power, I use blue items with power as main stats, and Minor Sigil of Bloodlust to accumulate more strength after each kill. At level 20 I deal 500 damage/bomb and no matter how many monsters surround me they all die in 2-3 seconds. Maybe a veteran in 5. The Flamethrower however does only 400 with a slower attack rate.

PS: the FT gets much better later on when the player unlocks certain traits.

Engineer tips

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


a key trick you missed is utilizing blast finishers from turrets.

You can place turrets before a fight in a safe area, and then detonate them. The blast finishers trigger off you and not the turrets. This lets you preload those blast finishers.

Also with the thumper turret if you drop and overcharge it then blast you get 2 finishers, 3 if you use the tool belt after, along with a double static discharge if you have it traited.

So if you run 2-3 turrets and drop them before you push in with thumper, you can set off 4-5 blast finishers with 4-6 static discharges.

I use this with the healing turret tool belt for 4 Aoe heals and 6 SD’s. It’s great group healing and burst dps.

If you trait the knock back trait from explosives those turrets give chain AoE knock backs, which is good CC. Be warned though the knock backs trigger off the turret though, not the player.

But you can use these blasts for any combo field which is really handy.

Engineer tips

in Engineer

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


over 1300 hours on my engie , tell me somthing i dont know…wait you did
(jump while shoooting pistol lol) insanity ^^

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.