Engineer vs Elementalist

Engineer vs Elementalist

in Engineer

Posted by: ShadowNinja.1238


Who wins 1v1 in a duel in WvW with D/D Elementalist vs the normal duelling engineer spec?

Thanks in advance!

Engineer vs Elementalist

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


there’s no answer to that question other than “the better player” or “whoever has traits/gear more suited”.
also, normal engineer dueling spec? I don’t think there’s a go to one.

stuff like is the ele using celestial, cleric or pvt gear, -condition, heal on crit or precision crit dmg food, and the number of possibilities an engie has to play with just messes thing up too much to give one answer.

I haven’t lost a duel to an ele in months, but I haven’t really met a really good one lately.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Engineer vs Elementalist

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I win.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Engineer vs Elementalist

in Engineer

Posted by: MonMalthias.4763


Condition Dire Engineer running Bomb or Grenade Kit (30 0 20 20 or 30 5 0 20 15 or some variation thereof) with Perplexity runes puts D/D Elementalist in the dumpster. After the nerfs to Elementalist condition clear, the apex Condition classes (Necromancer, Engineer) take Elementalist out the back behind the chemical sheds and dumps a nice pile of conditions on the Elementalist’s head that cannot hope to be cleansed in time. I’ve played on both sides and I can tell you now that Engineer has the clear advantage – regardless of Food or Runes. Rabid gear gives less EHP which means that Engineer has to play better, but Engineer still has the upper hand.

The matchup is such that D/D Elementalist has to dodge your entire Grenade spell reel to hope to win; and if even a single Incendiary Powder proc comes on, it must be cleansed within one or two ticks. Anything more, and the heal must be burned.

A better matchup would be Fresh Air Scepter/Dagger Ele with 30 air, 10 earth, 30 Arcana with standard utilities, or 30 air, 20 earth, 20 arcana and Cleansing Fire. In this instance, Fresh Air lets Elementalist apply sufficient counterpressure with burst that Engineer is put under significant pressure and is forced to burn defensive cooldowns. However the burden of skill is again on the S/D Elementalist to not get hit; whereas Dire Engineer has significant latitude due to its massive EHP. Against Rabid Engineer, the lower EHP makes S/D Elementalist significantly more dangerous. The matchup is a lot closer, but if the S/D elementalist makes a mistake it could well be unrecoverable; whereas the Engineer still has some latitude; i.e. eating an Updraft proccing Protection Injection which partially negates some of the incoming burst damage.

For Power Engineer, that depends. The matchup is a skill matchup and whoever lands their skills, wins. For Power Engineer I’m considering SD burst and Power Control.

D/D ele (0 20 0 20 30) against SD burst (20 30 0 10 10 or 30 30 0 0 10 or 0 30 0 20 20 or some variation thereof) is a case of bruiser DPS against burst DPS. A Net Shot that lands can well decide the outcome of the duel if Lightning Flash is down, or Water attunement is down. A missed Rifle burst rotation will mean that the D/D ele’s more balanced damage output will likely win.

D/D ele Against Power Control Engineer (0 30 0 20 20 or some variation thereof) is a matter of whoever lands their CC skills. Engineer’s CC setups are on significantly shorter cooldowns and can be weaved easily together with burst following CC. D/D Elementalist has significantly stronger CC setups, but requires specific timing of utilities and attunements – particularly Fire attunement and Lightning Flash. A whiffed Lightning flash means that the Elementalist cannot set up another burst for at least 36 seconds without unreliable skillshots.

Iva Malthias – 80 Engineer
Marellune Malthias – 80 Elementalist
Devil’s Dominion [DD] – Yak’s Bend