Engineer wish list.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Nottix.7864


What are some reasonable changes you would like to see for our class in the upcoming months?

1) Middle range class doesn’t work imo. Feels clunky. Everything else is either melee or range. I would love to ditch “rifle barrels” and make default range for rifle #1 and #2 1200, #3 900/400, #4 and #5 900.

2) Grenade #1 to be auto attack like the underwater version. ( the rest can be ground targeted much like the necro staff. )

3) Mortar, default range 1500, 1800 with trait.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

1. Have the Flamethrower’s Flame Blast receive a Blast finisher for improved synergy with Napalm/Super Elixir

Why this is reasonable: This is precisely how the Hammerdin works (Symbol + Mighty Blow) and no one bats an eyelash.

2. Buff Napalm so that it either (1) has a larger radius or (2) has a shorter cooldown.

Why this is reasonable: Because I like the Warrior Bow’s Combustive Shot and I think it’s ridiculous that a back-up weapon for the Warrior provides a larger Fire field than a major kit for the Engineer that we often build around. Either give it a circular AoE like Combustive Shot or halve the cooldown. Do something.

3. Have Flame Jet apply Burn at the beginning of its channel and not at the end.

Why this is reasonable: We’re not going to get Flame Jet to sustain Burn like Drake’s Breath or Zealot does for the Elementalist or Guardian because those are skills on a timer and Flame Jet is our auto-attack. But applying Burn at the beginning of each channel means we more consistently gain from the 10% damage buff with the latest patch and doesn’t break anything about the kit. It also eliminates yet another required trait to get the most damage out of the Flamethrower—which already requires 50 points in two different trees. No other kit has to deal with this.

4. Elixir Gun’s Acid Bomb breaks snares.

Why this is reasonable: It’s probably not. I just want it.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

(edited by Phineas Poe.3018)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Schixeno.8596


Change toolkit 2 into a stunbreaker. It’ll probably have to be on a high cooldown, but kits need a stunbreaker

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


all mines now cause knockback, trigger reliably and apply 2 seconds of cripple.

the skill [big ol bomb] is now the single most powerful attack in the game and counts as 2 blast finishers. (tell me which would do more damage, a powder keg that’s bigger then you are, or a knife in the back)

bug fixes really, if nothing else, bug fixes

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Wildwood.8310


Poison Dart Volley actually hitting with all the shots instead of only 30-40%.

Also, I would really like to see the toolkit gone and instead added the skills to Hammer(and of course, let us use the hammer), so that a full turret build would be more viable.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


The reasonable list;

  1. Buff our #2 downed skill or replace it with something helpful outside TPvP.
  2. Remove the self-knockdown on Rifle #5 Overcharged Shot and on the Rocket Boots gadget.
  3. Reduce the cooldowns on turrets and gadgets.
  4. Remove/reduce the RNG on thrown elixirs.
  5. Give us a second credible Elite (Buff Elixir X and remove its RNG; buff the Mortar).
  6. Replace the cooldowns on Kit Refinement with a single global cooldown across all kits and balance the KR effects for each kit (i.e. Med Kit proc needs a condition cleanse, heal and/or water field; Bomb Kit proc needs a buff; reduce duration of KR Super Elixir effect for the Elixir Gun).
  7. Make FT#4 Napalm a radius effect and make it apply some damage on landing.
  8. Make the rifle range at least equal to our grenades range. (We currently throw grenades further than we can shoot with a rifle – go figure.)

And finally, a wish item:

  • Make at least one kit skill a stun breaker (e.g. FT #3 Air Blast or #5 Smoke Screen, either of which makes sense practically as a stun breaker and is also 0s cast).

(edited by Zenguy.6421)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Schixeno.8596


The reasonable list;

  1. Buff our #2 downed skill or replace it with something helpful outside TPvP.
  2. Remove the self-knockdown on Rifle #5 Overcharged Shot and on the Rocket Boots gadget.
  3. Reduce the cooldowns on turrets and gadgets.
  4. Remove/reduce the RNG on thrown elixirs.
  5. Give us a second credible Elite (Buff Elixir X and remove its RNG; buff the Mortar).
  6. Replace the cooldowns on Kit Refinement with a single global cooldown across all kits and balance the KR effects for each kit (i.e. Med Kit proc needs a condition cleanse, heal and/or water field; Bomb Kit proc needs a buff; reduce duration of KR Super Elixir effect for the Elixir Gun).
  7. Make FT#4 Napalm a radius effect and make it apply some damage on landing.
  8. Make the rifle range at least equal to our grenades range. (We currently throw grenades further than we can shoot with a rifle – go figure.)

And finally, a wish item:

  • Make at least one kit skill a stun breaker (e.g. FT #3 Air Blast or #5 Smoke Screen, either of which makes sense practically as a stun breaker and is also 0s cast).

Yeah, smokescreen being stun break seems good to me, however the cooldown will probably have to be pretty high

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Wuffles.5319


Permanent Portal Guns!!!!

That is all.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: FearSeven.6357


- Granade kit 1, granade: auto target like underwater version.
- Pistol 5, glue shot: longer duration, faster animation.
- Tool kit 2, box of nails: longer duration, faster animation.

Wishful thinking:

- Make the Coated Bullets trait default.
- Let us fully customize our tool belt skills, instead of them being paired with the utility slots.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: daydream.2938


Some additional buffs to flamethrower /eg they are super close to being viable right now.

A little bit more and they are good to go.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Be able to equip kits in the secondary weapon slot. I don’t mean taking them away from utility slots, just be able to equip one on the weapon slot, freeing up utilities of you plan on only using one extra kit anyways. Then if you want more just put them on utility slots.

One extra utility is not going to make engineers op, and seems reasonable enough to me.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

Be able to equip kits in the secondary weapon slot. I don’t mean taking them away from utility slots, just be able to equip one on the weapon slot, freeing up utilities of you plan on only using one extra kit anyways. Then if you want more just put them on utility slots.

One extra utility is not going to make engineers op, and seems reasonable enough to me.

What if they revamping the toolbelt entirely and slotted each kit as F1-4, combining all of the toolbelt skills into a single utility skill that changes based on the kit equipped?

Just an idea.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: BardaTheHobo.9752


an extension to prybar so I can prybar people with a range of 900 lol.

But being serious,
1) I would love to see the toolbelt ability of the thumper turret have just a tad bit lower cooldown not by much but 90 seconds just seems a bit much, maybe 60 sec?
2) I would also like to see something altered to rocket boots, I really like using them but find it hard sometimes due to the self knockdown, either increase knockback range or make it so there is no knockdown (Like elixir gun).
3)Make the max damage range of blunderbuss 130 instead of 100 would be nice.

Dextarr Thunderfuse – Charr Engineer
Rragar Ragehammer – Charr Warrior
Achilles Adrastos – Human Warrior

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Zoogy Chaos.8062

Zoogy Chaos.8062

I just want an elite skill that produces a mountable Mech >.>

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: fishybill.6908


Make all elixirs stun breakers, all Elementalists Cantrips are stun breakers.

Change current Tool Belt skills of Elixirs to:

Elixir S – Stability
Elixir C – Invisibility

Remove the RNG!

Elementalists have 5 stun breakers we have 4 so:

1. Make Slick Shoes break stun, and reduce the base cool down from 60 to 48 seconds

2. Change the tool belt skill of slick shoes to a small Fire Blast effect but when used in conjunction with the oil slick, it ignites it turning it into a fire field – the run buff is a pretty long cool down lump of uselessness!

(edited by fishybill.6908)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


  • 1. Bombs to be unblockable. This would allow them to combat bunker builds in a unique way.
  • 2. Glue to have 2s condition durations instead of 1s. Right now it feels far too weak since as soon as you leave it it’s a non-issue no matter how long you were in it previously.
  • 3. Elixir RNG reduced with reliability and the tosses boosted for allied support. H should always give Protection, the Toss H always give a splash heal, Toss B always give Swiftness, Toss S always give both Stability and Stealth as examples. Too much RNG at the moment to react to.
  • 4. Finishers brought to Pistol Volley, Static Shot, Grenade Barrage, and more. I think we have access to a bunch, but they feel like they are in obtuse areas.
  • 5. Many of the kit #1 slots should be cooldown abilities. An example would be Shrapnel Bomb on the Bomb Kit being a large direct damage hit with a bleed component. This is likely someone many disagree with though, but I think that having too many auto variants makes it so they have to nerf all the autos in general and I don’t like that.
  • 6. Downed state buffs. I just want Bleeds on #2 and Burns on #3, but I’ve heard some great ideas. I’m fine with us being vulnerable to all the stuff, I just want to go down with a bang.
  • 7. Scope should be a range buff. Should also actually work.
Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

(edited by Ayestes.1273)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: kandolo.2574


Have Jump Shot evade attacks and make Acid Bomb instant cast and break stun.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Destroyer.1306


It’s clear at this point that it’s the Mount Everest of programming and it would take the 100 most brilliant coders in the universe to crack it, but it would be nice if Scope worked (or altered to something implementable and useful for dps).

Stinky Garbage, Engineer. Meatbag, Guardian. Dum Dums, Elementalist.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


15% damage buff across all skills.
Pistol getting 6 second bleed as a base auto-attack. Explosion bleeds for 4 seconds.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: fishybill.6908


15% damage buff across all skills.
Pistol getting 6 second bleed as a base auto-attack. Explosion bleeds for 4 seconds.

lol do you want us to be super heroes?

That’s way OP, we are nearly there tbh, just need a few trait and skill tweaks, I’d prefer that to buffing us to the moon and have every man and his dog playing Engi because it’s the new Mesmer.

Our damage is fine.

(edited by fishybill.6908)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: fishybill.6908


Fix the Med Kit 4 ability so it actually cures ALL conditions, we still have to select the kit and drop the bottle and pick it up, is that not penalty enough!

Without a heavy elixir build or Elixir C we have terrible condition removal and the healing turret has far too long a cool down on Cleansing Burst to be used as an alternative.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: FearSeven.6357


Fix the Med Kit 4 ability so it actually cures ALL conditions, we still have to select the kit and drop the bottle and pick it up, is that not penalty enough!

Cure 2 conditions and I would be happy too.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: fishybill.6908


Fix the Med Kit 4 ability so it actually cures ALL conditions, we still have to select the kit and drop the bottle and pick it up, is that not penalty enough!

Cure 2 conditions and I would be happy too.

Anything more than one would be better I agree, other professions have far superior condition removal on a lower CD.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


Med Kit 4 could use 2 conditions removed, but certainly not all. I’d actually like it if Med Kit healed in a short AoE (and did #4/#5 AoE as well) when someone picked up the pack as well. It’d make you actually feel like a Medic.

Since Engi Utility slots are so powerful as they stand, I could see a Portal variant put in as well.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

(edited by Ayestes.1273)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

Yeah I think an AoE condition removal fits more in line with how the Med Kit works.

If you need more condition removal, use the Elixir Gun with Kit Refinement.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: FearSeven.6357


Change current Tool Belt skills of Elixirs to:

Elixir S – Stability
Elixir C – Invisibility

Remove the RNG!

Change “Toss Elixir S” into getting stealth AND stability, instead of one of the two, right now you are hoping to get the right buff, which is no fun. I don’t think stealth and stability would be OP, but you can always lower the duration for example, everything better then RNG.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Xolo.3580


A small and rather unimportant suggestion in the grand scheme of things but hey: give Flamethrower a Combo Finisher (maybe change the toolbelt skill?)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


What are some reasonable changes you would like to see for our class in the upcoming months?

1) Middle range class doesn’t work imo. Feels clunky. Everything else is either melee or range. I would love to ditch “rifle barrels” and make default range for rifle #1 and #2 1200, #3 900/400, #4 and #5 900.

I personally think that middle range works really well. However, the only way for it really function efficiently is for the profession working at a middle range to have multiple ways to escape damage and danger or undermine opponents while inflicting damage. The Engineer’s Gadgets are often really good for this, but the ones that could really turn the tables either don’t operate while stunned or have some REALLY negative effect in the end that could get you killed. On top of that, they almost all have outrageous cool-downs for things that are supposed to keep a player in the fight.

You can look at the suggestions about Gadgets that I have made in the link that I posted already, but it pretty much comes down to removing self-CC, giving them the ability to either break stun or be used while in stun without breaking it and lowering cool-downs. Then one could begin to see a Gadget Engie battle demon that could escape from a lot of crazy situations while still coming back to contribute to a fight. They sacrifice Kits and Elixirs for Gadgets but gain more CC and combat sustainability.

(edited by Swagg.9236)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


15% damage buff across all skills.
Pistol getting 6 second bleed as a base auto-attack. Explosion bleeds for 4 seconds.

lol do you want us to be super heroes?


The same way Elementalist, Mesmers, Thieves, Warriors, and Guardians do.

P.S. Sounds like you enjoy being the “underdog.” I enjoy being on par with other professions.

(edited by Aristio.2784)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: magical giant.8650

magical giant.8650

I don’t know about you guys but I rolled a engineer because I thought turrets was something new and cool for a mmo and I’v tried to make a working turret build but I’m not getting there.

using one turret seems weak if your going a all out turret build but having two turrets takes away to much from your chances of surviving. So I have suggestion, why not make the turrets something similar to warriors banners?
you have one that you can pick up and run around with and re-position but unlike the warriors banner our turrets do damage instead of buffing friendly players and I mean do damage not fire 2 or 3 round before getting destroyed. would be cool if they were build specific aswell, for example: rocket and thumper turret for powerbuilds, flame and rifle turret for condition builds while healing and net turret is just used for utility.

“Existing Isn’t A Crime!” Franky – One Piece

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


15% damage buff across all skills.
Pistol getting 6 second bleed as a base auto-attack. Explosion bleeds for 4 seconds.

lol do you want us to be super heroes?


The same way Elementalist, Mesmers, Thieves, Warriors, and Guardians do.

P.S. Sounds like you enjoy being the “underdog.” I enjoy being on par with other professions.

You don’t know how to play Engineer.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


15% damage buff across all skills.
Pistol getting 6 second bleed as a base auto-attack. Explosion bleeds for 4 seconds.

lol do you want us to be super heroes?


The same way Elementalist, Mesmers, Thieves, Warriors, and Guardians do.

P.S. Sounds like you enjoy being the “underdog.” I enjoy being on par with other professions.

You don’t know how to play Engineer.

You make me laugh.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


15% damage buff across all skills.
Pistol getting 6 second bleed as a base auto-attack. Explosion bleeds for 4 seconds.

lol do you want us to be super heroes?


The same way Elementalist, Mesmers, Thieves, Warriors, and Guardians do.

P.S. Sounds like you enjoy being the “underdog.” I enjoy being on par with other professions.

You don’t know how to play Engineer.

You make me laugh.

Alright, so you’ve apparently played Engineer for quiet a while, but that doesn’t change how plain and honestly limiting a “15% damage buff across all skills” suggestion is. Do you even know what you’re asking for? Do you know what you’re NOT asking for?

I mean, sure, you want a buff to damage, but seriously that’s it?? You can’t ask for more damage and then all the interesting tweaks and proper fixes that would make the unwieldy or lack-luster skills usable and interesting. That’d probably just end up being broken.

Engineer is a mid-range class with crazy capabilities that no other class really has—especially when it comes to the Rifle. Engie can be fixed to be a viable mid-ranged class, but it’s a road far more interesting than just buffing damage across the board. The Engineer doesn’t need damage buffs, it needs streamlining.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


I agree with you Swagg, If I gained a 15% damage buff and such an buff to auto attack on pistol I would get bored of how easy it would be to win 1vs1 haha!
I can’t be kitten to write down my wish list, but some of you got some nice ideas Ayestes idea’s I agree with in particular!

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Sinergy.6374


Wish I knew what I was doing.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Enineer need less rng and more utility what will be usefull for party. But not make him some guardian no.2 we need some totaly unique utilities like some gadget what disable stealth skills in area or so.

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


I think there are some unique and nifty ways to support a group right now, but I think they require too much sacrifice in other areas to achieve. I think some trait combination with the Elixir Gun should be capable of stronger support, and I think tossed Elixirs should be better support as well.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


15% damage buff across all skills.
Pistol getting 6 second bleed as a base auto-attack. Explosion bleeds for 4 seconds.

lol do you want us to be super heroes?


The same way Elementalist, Mesmers, Thieves, Warriors, and Guardians do.

P.S. Sounds like you enjoy being the “underdog.” I enjoy being on par with other professions.

You don’t know how to play Engineer.

You make me laugh.

Alright, so you’ve apparently played Engineer for quiet a while, but that doesn’t change how plain and honestly limiting a “15% damage buff across all skills” suggestion is. Do you even know what you’re asking for? Do you know what you’re NOT asking for?

I mean, sure, you want a buff to damage, but seriously that’s it?? You can’t ask for more damage and then all the interesting tweaks and proper fixes that would make the unwieldy or lack-luster skills usable and interesting. That’d probably just end up being broken.

Engineer is a mid-range class with crazy capabilities that no other class really has—especially when it comes to the Rifle. Engie can be fixed to be a viable mid-ranged class, but it’s a road far more interesting than just buffing damage across the board. The Engineer doesn’t need damage buffs, it needs streamlining.

Don’t get me wrong. I fully acknowledge that there are design changes needed, most notably with turrets, and traits/utilities that need to be fixed. My suggestions are just low hanging fruit that would be satisfactory until said changes come to pass.

It’s nothing more than a bandaid fix.

Edit: I used to come up with huge pages filled with suggestions on how Engineer could be tweaked for the better. Hell, we all did. However, as times passed, it became apparent that Arena Net did whatever they wanted, at whatever pace they wanted. Look how long it took them to fix Deployable Turrets, making Sigils effect our kits, or make Flameblast have a detonate skill. Things like Scope, Armor Mods, and Energy Conversion Matrix that are either broken or clearly below par with the other professions still remain broken. All in all, I’ve given up hope and just play Engineer because it’s fun.

(edited by Aristio.2784)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


I didn’t really want to get into this 15% damage discussion, but I disagree with it as well. A bandaid fix is most certainly what we don’t need. Heck our direct damage output would be too high with a 15% damage buff, and the same goes for condi-dmg. We need targeted fixes to all the gunk instead of a global buff. We have working builds as it stands right now and those do not need such a significant buff.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

I think some trait combination with the Elixir Gun should be capable of stronger support.

Like what? The kit already offers a group condition cleanse in Fumigate and a perma Light field with Kit Refinement (never mind that Super Elixir removes a condition on impact too).

Between that and Med Kit’s on-heal rune procs for Altruism/Dwayna/Whatever … what more do you really need?

I actually think the Elixir Gun is perfectly fine. The problem lies more with the Flamethrower and our turrets—more so the latter than the former.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


Well, this assumes the latest possible change of removing Super Elixir from Kit Refinement. I guess we don’t know precisely will happen. As it stands though, even double Super Elixir isn’t really all that much healing (considering that is basically our only source of meaningful splash healing). I want some kind of deeper trait that enhances the support of an Elixir Gun, especially in the case of mobile fights like PvP brings. I don’t really think rapid rune on-heal procs make up for it. Quite frankly I don’t think an ally would really notice much if you had an Elixir Gun, compared to say having a Guardian or Ele focused on Support next to you. Not that I think we need that strong of Support, but I don’t think we are even close. I think the Elixir Gun is usable in it’s current state, but I in my opinion it’s not competitive at all for PvP.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

(edited by Ayestes.1273)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


We need targeted fixes to all the gunk instead of a global buff. We have working builds as it stands right now and those do not need such a significant buff.

I can respect that, but for me, I’m not going to get my hopes up for any significant changes. Arena Net has shown me time and again that I’m going to be disappointed.

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

I am not going to speculate what they’re doing with Kit Refinement and the Elixir Gun. I’m talking about how the Engineer is right now, and you don’t think the Elixir Gun provides enough support.

Super Elixir is a 100% sustainable health regenerative Light field that stacks on top of Regeneration. When you consider that in conjunction with the Med Kit which can replenish 8,000+ health, give perma Fury with Altruism, and remove an additional condition every 15 seconds (meaning 3 every 20 with Kit Refinement + Super Elixir) the Engineer has more than enough to stay alive.

You say it needs to heal more, but the Elixir Gun is not a healing skill. Look across all the professions and show me one utility skill that actually provides meaningful healing that can be 100% sustained.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


Oh no, it’s going to plenty time for meaningful changes to take effect. They don’t change things quickly by any means. It’s going to take patience, which I have but unfortunately I appear to be the minority in that regard. Which is understandable as most players.

I didn’t say Elixir Gun needed to heal more, I said it need more support. I merely said I don’t think the healing numbers are astonishing by any means. I want more boon support on it attached to some trait. Perma Fury costing us our runeslots isn’t really that great to me, since there are much easier ways for many classes to maintain fury on a group without resorting to that. Again, I’m not saying the Elixir Gun needs more survival, I want it to have more boon support. As it stands I’m not impressed at all with what it has in that category.

You are right in that it’s difficult to talk about speculated changes, but we do know that Super Elixir on the Kit Refinement is looking at some form of change in the nerf direction. Maybe not this patch, but eventually.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

(edited by Ayestes.1273)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

Quite frankly I don’t think an ally would really notice much if you had an Elixir Gun, compared to say having a Guardian or Ele focused on Support next to you.

You added this while I was writing my post, and I’d like to additionally respond to this.

To do what the Elixir Gun does for support, the Guardian has to spec heavily into Valor and Honor, thereby shelving their DPS threshold pretty low compared to other specs. Now Altruistic Healing/Empowering Might with the right gear is a powerful setup, of course. I run it on mine and enjoy it a lot. But I miss out on A LOT of damage going that way with my Guardian that doesn’t have to be done with the Engineer.

Perhaps that’s precisely where ArenaNet’s concern lies—in that I can sustain a Light field 100% of the time spending only 10 trait points—but the Elixir Gun as it stands is great and actually doesn’t require nearly any traits at all aside from Kit Refinement to be effective.

This is what allows the Engineer to be versatile, providing support with the Elixir Gun while dishing out top-notch DPS with the Grenade Kit at no cost to their build. Guardians can’t do this. Elementalists could do this with their D/D setup, which was rightfully nerfed in the last patch.

We had this coming—or at least Grenade Kit Engineers did.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


show me one utility skill that actually provides meaningful healing that can be 100% sustained.

Guardians can provide a substantial damage reduction, which is in most cases, better than green numbers. And Elementalist can provide a huge burst of healing by just dodge rolling, which is more than what our Super Elixir does most of the times.

(edited by Aristio.2784)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


I don’t disagree that the Elixir Gun’s Kit Refinement (ah, you changed this to Grenade Kit, I misinterpreted this before you changed it then) needed to be changed, I just feel that the boon support in the Elixir Gun is lacking. Some of this opinion is intended to counterbalance the incoming change to Kit Refinement, however. I do acknowledge that a Guardian has to give up other areas, but I don’t think it’s nearly as much. Given, this comes from discussion among friends that play Guardians and is not first-hand experience at all.

Sorry I added that in, I have a habit of just clicking post and editing things multiple times afterwards instead of reading through it before I click post. (Haha, seems you do the same thing.)

I don’t think there a utility skill that can maintain meaningful healing, but there are certainly builds that can do that. Builds as a whole are what matter anyway, not just a specific utility skill comparison. If we were to compare our utility slots in power to any other class, we’d grossly overpower them simply because we are designed to have kits. I’m pretty sure a Warrior would pick up Flamethrower Kit over Kick just for the CC, for example.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

(edited by Ayestes.1273)

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

Guardians can provide a substantial damage reduction, which is in most cases, better than green numbers.

One would argue that they provide substantial damage reduction because their low health pool requires it, not to mention they’re a melee class along with Warriors. They’re frontline support. Engineers aren’t.

And Elementalist can provide a huge burst of healing by just dodge rolling, which is more than what our Super Elixir does most of the times.

And one would argue that they provide a huge burst in healing precisely because they would be total crap if they didn’t for survivability. They have the lowest tier health pool and have paper plates for armor.

What I’m saying is that the Engineer’s Super Elixir doesn’t work as a miracle machine precisely because we do not need it to.

There’s plenty to complain about the Engineer’s DPS options outside of the Grenade/Bomb Kit, but I never thought I’d seriously see people complaining about the Engineer’s support/defense skills.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Engineer wish list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


What I’m saying is that the Engineer’s Super Elixir doesn’t work as a miracle machine precisely because we do not need it to.

I agree with this. Super Elixir is fine, I just want additional boon support in the Elixir Gun outside that attached to a trait. That’s all I asked for, I’m not sure if we really disagree here or are just misunderstanding each other.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper