Engineers: Show me your combos
Literal Combo of my stealthy engy:
~13s stealth on a smaller cool-down then a thief’s shadow refuge (can get it down to 25s). Can switch out rocket boots for elixir gun and use acid bomb instead, but I like having a stun breaker on for most things. It’s nice for skipping mobs in dungeons when needed.
The skills are all pretty good, and have decent survivability. Works nice with my tanky condition pistol build as you can sneak right in the middle of enemies and spam bombs all day, and if you get notice just shield up and run away. Sure I’m not quite a thief but I have scared many souls in PvP with suddenly mines and explosions, the detonate mine field is surprisingly bursty too. You don’t have to play condition, I sometimes switch to gc and whip out grenades when I’m still stealthed to deal some nice burst damage.
You can also use the same blast finisher rotation on the fire bomb for loads of might.
Switch to toolkit, magnet random dude of node, smack buffed prybar in his face.
Switch to pistol/pistol, immobilize, close-range pistol #4 for strong burn, #3 for more confusion and blind, #2 for poison to mitigate heal (which he will use around here?) continue to spam #1 and #2/#3 when off cd. mini-dunk. T-bag corpse, move back to step 1.;0B-Z;0h0l6cQFx0;9;5T-T9;153B;119A5;0SN1;3jwmAjwmA1Vq
Use F1 ability (forgot its name) from my medkit and then right after use my Magnetic Inversion Shield ability to create a blast finisher for a small splash.
Another is when I get the Mesmer thingy from the Elixer U toolbelt throw I also use my shield for a blast finisher to give out Chaos Armor.
Basically I use my blast finisher from my shield whenever I can, sometimes also from my med turret, though I mostly blow it up right after I deploy it.
Combo tool –
Rifle #3 Blunderbuss
Flamethrower #4 Napalm on an enemy
Rifle #2 Net Shot
Rifle #5 Jump shot for damage and fire armor
FT #3 Air Blast to push away (and possible +2 seconds burning)
FT #2 Flame Blast and detonate
Rifle #4 Overcharged Shot
Net Turret toolbelt skill
Rifle#3 Blunderbuss
FT Flame Jet
I swap out EG and Charr Surprise Shot for more in and out of range fun. I’m not saying this all works. I just like doing it because it’s cool to leap around and push people a lot.
Edit: I was wrong about Jump Shot giving Might, it gives leap. . .and only one stack of Fire Armor
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play
(edited by Sporadicus.1028)
Max Damage - Blowtorch -> Geomancy -> Shrapnel Grenade
Highest damage in shortest amount of time.
Grenade Volley - Freeze Grenade -> Shrapnel Grenade -> Poison Grenade
Freeze Grenade hits lead to much easier hits for other Grenades.
Blind Control - Static Shot -> Geomancy -> Shrapnel Grenade -> Blind Grenade
Sometimes you just don’t want to take damage. Excellent opener against any burst that isn’t watching their conditions.
Anti-Kiting - Glue Shot -> Geomancy -> Shrapnel Grenade -> Freeze Grenade
For those ranged opponents that don’t like to stick around.
Solo Condis - Poison Volley -> Static Shot -> Max Damage Combo
Typical damage combo that loads someone up with six condition types.
AoE Condis - Static Shot -> Blowtorch -> Max Damage Combo -> Poison Grenades
Typical damage combo when you just need the AoE damage instead of single target.
Kill Combo - Just add Supply Crate.
Add in a Stun and long Immobilize and you can light someone up. Best used right before Geomancy.
Tirydia – Scrapper
FT #3 Air Blast for area might (and possible +2 seconds burning)
I cross my fingers every patch that they’ll make Air BLAST a blast finisher, but sadly we’re not there yet.
Rocket Kick → Smoke Vent → Blunderbuss → Air Blast → Net Shot → Jump Shot → Acid Bomb → Elixir F → Flame Blast → Flame Jet/Fumigate → just keep cycling through damage/dodges/CC
I don’t really have combos, more like sustained cycles.
Literal Combo of my stealthy engy:
~13s stealth on a smaller cool-down then a thief’s shadow refuge (can get it down to 25s). Can switch out rocket boots for elixir gun and use acid bomb instead, but I like having a stun breaker on for most things. It’s nice for skipping mobs in dungeons when needed.The skills are all pretty good, and have decent survivability. Works nice with my tanky condition pistol build as you can sneak right in the middle of enemies and spam bombs all day, and if you get notice just shield up and run away. Sure I’m not quite a thief but I have scared many souls in PvP with suddenly mines and explosions, the detonate mine field is surprisingly bursty too. You don’t have to play condition, I sometimes switch to gc and whip out grenades when I’m still stealthed to deal some nice burst damage.
You can also use the same blast finisher rotation on the fire bomb for loads of might.
I really like this combo. If set up before hand, it’s much faster than waiting for Shadow Refuge, and can probably last longer if the rest of the party has blast finishers, too. Incidentally, does this stack with Shadow Refuge?
Use F1 ability (forgot its name) from my medkit and then right after use my Magnetic Inversion Shield ability to create a blast finisher for a small splash..
Did you mean Healing Turret instead of Medkit? How’s your timing for that? I seem to miss the combo field more often than not.
(edited by Ojimaru.8970)
Pistol / Shield, Rocket Boots, Tool Kit, Slick Shoes.
If melee opponent, get one of his hits to trigger the stun on your Static Shield, then chain with Rocket Kick, Pry Bar and spray your Poison Darts while activating your Slick Shoes.
If ranged, just engage with the Magnet instead of Static Shield.
A potential counter-attack combo resulting in massive condition damage.
Dodge-in + Smokescreen → Air Blast → Napalm → Net Shot → Blunderbuss.
Follows into either:
Supply Crate → Acid Bomb → Jump Shot/Overcharged → Flame Blast
Acid bomb → Flame Blast
I am starting to really learn alot of the locations and conditions in WvW where you can pull someone and they will go flying straight up into the air. Works just baout everytime in certain areas around steps or small drops.
So my favorite combo is trying to Overcharged Shot or PBR them right before they land.
If you jump right after activating either skill you will do the skill in the air which if the timing is right looks pretty hilarious and they seem to get a little more air time.
Kinda pointless but very fun.
FT #3 Air Blast for area might (and possible +2 seconds burning)
I cross my fingers every patch that they’ll make Air BLAST a blast finisher, but sadly we’re not there yet.
Grr. I mixed up FT’s Air Blast with EG’s Acid Pool, which does have a blast finisher.
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play
Magnet → Pry Bar is one of the strongest combos you have versus players that do not recognize the animation.
Unfortunately, Magnet becomes quite easy to dodge when you’re used to it.
Static shield (can get the stun on your melee attackers) followed by throw shield (a nice double daze) ->to a grenade barrage -> throw wrench ( by this time second daze will have worn off) -> static shot (some tend to panic after the second daze so they will dodge and heal, this gives you ample time to have the confusion trigger) -> while they scramble use magnet pull-> prybar-> freeze grenade->poison volley (by this time static shot should be off cooldown so you can fire another one to pile on confusion)
-rinse and repeat, and remember to change up your rotation every now and again so your combat rotation doesnt become easily recognized (in my experience in WvW, and a few matches in sPvP you eventually can recognize the same people and know how they will procede in their attack.
(Not an expert engineer, but that combo tends to work for me)
For added lawls, pop elixir s for stomps. Nothing funnier than a micro engineer doing a finisher
For toolkit, hit number 2 BEFORE you pull them with #5
that way, they get pulled into a snare/bleed. Hit them with confusion, swap to p/x and off you go.
Slick Shoes + Rocket Boots
I still want Rocket Boots to change into a regular retreating leap that doesn’t CC you at the end, but as it is now, you can trigger Slick Shoes, then turn around and activate Rocket Boots, moving really quickly into/over/past a group of enemies in front of you and knocking everyone down that was in your line.
It may not be incredibly efficient or effective for yourself, but man is it hilarious—and honestly if you’re working well enough in a group, a 3-man enemy KD is strong. It’s often not terribly difficult to line up either since most people are durdling around each other, swinging for damage or on points in tight formations.
Simplest one:
Big ol’ Bomb + Fire Bomb: 3 free might ( 105 power ) and if kit refinement, 1 extra mini bomb
Recently I’ve been liking flamethrower 3 to set up rifle 2 (and 3 if you have time), followed by rifle 4, Incendiary ammo, throw wrench, magnet, and prybar. Unfortunately it’s difficult to get flamethrower, rifle, and toolkit into a working build.
FT toolbelt for more burns
Pistol #2 for poison (from afar)
Pistol #3 for blind/confusion (as you close distance)
Pistol #4 for big damage and burn (up close)
swap to FT (throw in #5 blind if you need to)
FT #2 for big damage
Rocket Kick for big damage and burn
Rocket Boots for escape
Pistol #5 for kite
….let em burn down
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Stomp+Smoke Vent
I’ve gotten really good at anticipating anti-stomp moves, so I use Flame Thrower’s Smoke Vent right before my stomp lands to blind my target. It’s better than wasting Elixir S just to stomp someone and it has a shorter cooldown.
Big Ol’ Bomb+Static Shield
When a melee fighter is rushing you at a control point drop Big Ol’ Bomb and immediately activate Static Shield. Most players use their gap closer as soon as they’re in range so they’ll hit your shield eating the stun and then get blown back by Big Ol’ Bomb. This prevents them from dodging or blocking the bomb. This is a nice control opener and will buy you time to apply conditions or start your damage rotation.
My confusion Combo!
Big Ol Bomb
Magnetic Pull into big ol bomb explosion
poison dart + blowtorch during the stun
Activate Slick Shoes -> Walk over them over and over, they shouldn’t have time to get up from big ol bomb stun before you stun them again, and you stun them twice be walking over them during slick shoe duration.
Fire Bomb
Concusion Bomb
Static Shot
Glue Shot
If the enemy don’t have any stun breaker (happens a lot in >WvW) they will be perma stunned for like 5-7 second.
They will suffer some good DOT and direct damage for the duration.
But once they get up and try to fight back, they will be full of conditions and have 12 stack of confusions on them.
Cover your confusion stack with some immobilize, cripple,blind and bleed so they don’t remove it easily.
If they do an action right after coming back up, they should be hit for around 5k.
This combo is deadly, especialy if you have a team with you.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
My direct damage combo…
Analyze→Net Attack→Surprise Shot→Net Shot→Drop+Overcharge Net turret→ Jump/Overcharge shot→Surprise shot→Net shot again
With static discharge, most people are dead, dying, or trying to high tail it out.
For conditions…
Static shot→ Dart volley→ Blowtorch → Shrap grenades → Freezing Grenades→ Poison grenades→ Back to shrap→ then any pistol skill of cooldown.
Rinse and repeat.
Thinking of reviving my Engineer after being stuck in stasis and mule duty for the past months. Throughout my reading of the forums, I’ve gathered that the Engineer’s strengths is her ability to combine skills from various kits and weapons to create some fun combos.
What are your favourite combos that you use? What does it achieve? What do you need to make it work?
When soloing (Rifle/Flamethrower):
Jump Shot → Blunderbuss → Overcharged Shot → Flame Blast
When in groups (Med Kit/Flamethrower/Elixir Gun):
1. Elixir Gun: Kit Refinement → Acid Bomb
2. Med Kit: Drop Stimulant + Altruism (~20 seconds of self Fury, 6 seconds group Fury)
3. Flamethrower: Flame Blast → Flame Jet (x2) → Flame Blast
4. Elixir Gun: Super Elixir → Acid Bomb
5. Flamethrower: Flame Blast → Flame Jet (x2) → Flame Blast
Rinse and repeat.
Gives 5/10 seconds of Fury/Might every 20 to my group, sustains Light field for healing/condition removal/Retaliation with Kit Refinement + Super Elixir, and dishes out good DPS with Flame Blast + Flame Jet.
My direct damage combo…
Analyze->Net Attack->Surprise Shot->Net Shot->Drop+Overcharge Net turret-> Jump/Overcharge shot->Surprise shot->Net shot againWith static discharge, most people are dead, dying, or trying to high tail it out.
For conditions…
Static shot-> Dart volley-> Blowtorch -> Shrap grenades -> Freezing Grenades-> Poison grenades-> Back to shrap-> then any pistol skill of cooldown.
Rinse and repeat.
I do something similar while setting up my 100nade. Analyze, jump shot, overcharge shot, googles to break my own stun and give my fury. Net shot, toolkit netshot, 100nade… I’ll drop net turrent if any of my net shots miss. With sitting duck, they will have20+ stacks of vulnerability so it generally one shots nearly all classes
Obviously this is for spvp.
For conditions , big ol bomb, fire bomb, concussion bomb, grenade 2…all before big ol bomb goes off, then pistol 4, static shot, grenade 4