(edited by Fuuyu.9210)
Engineers and Sexy Weapons~
First of all +1 for the gratuitous Shawshank reference, that movie was awesome.
I agree with you 100%. There should be some way for engies to enjoy legendaries too. And I’m not just saying that becaues The Predator is on my engie. lol
All classes deserve to be able to see their weapon skins, I agree!
All classes deserve to be able to see their weapon skins, I agree!
Yep, I think we all deserve to see them sexy weps we made because everyone knows that, this game is all about Looks when you Hit 80!!
Hobosacks are so last season!
Also last thread about them being changed around was 1 year ago that’s why I wanna push this! CHANGE MUST HAPPEN!!!
All classes deserve to be able to see their weapon skins, I agree!
Yep, I think we all deserve to see them sexy weps we made because everyone knows that, this game is all about Looks when you Hit 80!!
Hobosacks are so last season!
Also last thread about them being changed around was 1 year ago that’s why I wanna push this! CHANGE MUST HAPPEN!!!
I totally agree, i mean it would be fair to everyone.
I mean i can see my pred, which took time and effort, all the time on my war and yet everytime i see an engie they cant cause they are usually using kits :/ (even hides the back piece)
It could be nice to just have a toggle option like we have for some armor pieces.
much love to all my engie friends <3
+++++1 for the thread
after 5k+ hours of play time on my engi… i have predator and frenzy permanently equipped and i do not think we need a buff to legendary visibility.
a warrior does not see his [twilight] when he has his [zenith hammer] out.
now.. legendary kits? sure. thatd be sexy.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
after 5k+ hours of play time on my engi… i have predator and frenzy permanently equipped and i do not think we need a buff to legendary visibility.
a warrior does not see his [twilight] when he has his [zenith hammer] out.
now.. legendary kits? sure. thatd be sexy.
Wouldn’t you think it’s better if you at least had the Projectiles/Aura/Footfall applied to them ;0 It would make you more special than a lvl 2 Engie with a Hobopack, AGAIN it’s all about the looks when you’re lvl 80 …unless you camp the wep…
(edited by Fuuyu.9210)
Well in that case, eles when they change attunements….
Having the bittfrost you can still see the effects no matter the attunements, so engie should see the effects no matter the kit they are using. (using your logic)
after 5k+ hours of play time on my engi… i have predator and frenzy permanently equipped and i do not think we need a buff to legendary visibility.
a warrior does not see his [twilight] when he has his [zenith hammer] out.
now.. legendary kits? sure. thatd be sexy.
Wouldn’t you think it’s better if you at least had the Projectiles/Aura/Footfall applied to them ;0 It would make you more special than a lvl 2 Engie with a Hobopack, AGAIN it’s all about the looks when you’re lvl 80
…unless you camp the wep…
i do anything but camp a weapon.
if im not solo roaming for most of any given day, i get average 1 person asking about or complimenting my rifle. its not like they dont know you have it, and thats what having a legendary is all about. its really hard to miss all the flashes of orange every time you swap to rifle, and you should be swapping to it more than once in 10 secs.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
I could understand not having the glow when you have your hobosack on, but the footfalls should still be present. I want confetti and flowers while I run even with my bombkit!
Clarishy – Ranger
Tinkershy – Engineer
Legendary kits should permanently put on your character not only visible when you equip the weapon. It always bothers me that my backpack blinks in and out of existance on my engi
Both my engis looks really great with leges. Its all about make gear fit to weapon not weapon to gear:-)
Tekkit’s Workshop
Both my engis looks really great with leges. Its all about make gear fit to weapon not weapon to gear:-)
No doubt they both Complete each other in a way, Hell I wouldn’t be complaining if my Hobosack at least looked Sexy, It would be awesome to at least keep the Footfall and make kits a little pouch on our lower back that way we can see our stowed weapons/awesome backpieces as well…and ofc if they’re lazy just Toggle ON OFF =_="
Only 1 move reminds me that I have legies and it’s on a 30s CD, but it looks kitten when unleashed! Wouldn’t Kill to have the effects Stay the same and Projectiles changed!
P.S Love the PIC!! Hip Asuran attracting Quaggans with his own version of Milkshakes, MUST BE FUN AT PARTIES!
(edited by Fuuyu.9210)