Engineers and supply in WvW

Engineers and supply in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Catharsis.8571


Would it be terribly OP if engineers could build siege/repair walls/repair siege for free with their toolkit? Make it so that each use of the 1 skill restores 10hp or some extremely low and insignificant amount, more if the tool kit trait is chosen. I think that this addition would give a bit more flavour to the tool kit and make it somewhat more attractive to bring engineers around.

Mauveine – 80 Mesmer, Bashastick – 80 Warrior
Basha Blue – 80 Guard, Cat Harsis – 80 Ranger
And many more… on Crystal Desert Server (NA)

Engineers and supply in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


Intentionally and by design, giving any profession that much direct control over a necessary mechanic in any game mode is a terrible idea.

If you want to draw more to the profession, make the profession as a whole better, so it has more value in the game as a whole.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Engineers and supply in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Writetyper.1985



15 big boys

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Engineers and supply in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Fordel.3208


It would create a really silly scenario too, where EVERYONE brings their Eng alts to fix a keep, then switch back for the actual fighting.

Engineers and supply in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


honestly not really. The game needs MORE unique profession power. Akin to mesmer portals.

Warriors deal +50% damage to doors.
Engineer either can repair/build better, or Mortar actually does something.
mesmers have portals.
Thieves can scale walls and steal supplies from enemy supply camps/towers/keeps. (have a debuff or something, where they can not deal damage to a lord/suprivisor after having use the scale wall ability.)

Engineers and supply in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


There is already enough imbalance in the game as it is. Balancing value in such ideas as Casia mentioned would be abysmal, and players will stack them and break the game in the eyes of soooooo many, demolishing their experience. I mean I can appreciate where your coming from but it would cause 10 fold more damage then it will add anything beneficial.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Engineers and supply in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Sylentir.8913


Engineers being able to repair siege would be, in my opinion, a better addition. We’d still have something cool and unique, but not nearly as powerful. Supply is a big limiter, so bypassing it is not wise.

Talia Gallowglass [Few] ~ Sylvari Engineer Main
Ferguson’s Crossing

Engineers and supply in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Catharsis.8571


well considering that 2 supply adds more than 8k hp to a buildsite, surely 10 hp per toolkit melee is small enough?

Mauveine – 80 Mesmer, Bashastick – 80 Warrior
Basha Blue – 80 Guard, Cat Harsis – 80 Ranger
And many more… on Crystal Desert Server (NA)

Engineers and supply in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Sylentir.8913


well considering that 2 supply adds more than 8k hp to a buildsite, surely 10 hp per toolkit melee is small enough?

I’m not entirely sure which idea you’re supporting here.

If you’re saying this about engineers bypassing supply:
You’re missing the point. Supply is “the big limiter” on WvW. Without it, a single engineer anywhere can assemble a treb easily within a minute, depending on both health and healing power. They don’t need to worry about supply trains, camps, or accessibility. They don’t have to rely on other people to make it in a timely fashion. They can indefinitely maintain a keep’s door easily, since they no longer have to worry about dolyaks making it or people doing supply runs.

If you’re saying this about engineers repairing siege:
It should require supply, but then heal for a bit more than just 10. The reason why it should need supply is above. Also, if that happens, other classes would need to have some special features too so engineers aren’t the only ones with special WvW stuff.

Talia Gallowglass [Few] ~ Sylvari Engineer Main
Ferguson’s Crossing