Engineers can create thier own clones.

Engineers can create thier own clones.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kashien.6278


The reason this is in the mesmer thread is so this can get adressed more quickly.

When a engineer throws up a wall of reflection, and a mesmer is using the auto attack feature with the scepter. The engineer can create clones of himself that he cannot either control or shatter. The mesmser doesnt even control these clones. This needs to be adressed/fixed, the engineers clone uses the 1 pistol slot, and it does 0 damage, but still causes the target to bleed for damage if it hits. It is completely situational, but I think that this needs to be fixed and adressed shortly

It is the same thing with the guardian, except the guardians clones do not attack, and are not in control of either the guardian, or the mesmer. I’ve added it to the bugs, but maybe if I mention it to the community the solution will be expodited. I’m creating a secondary post in the guardian thread very similar to this one.

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Anbringehr-Human Guardian
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Engineers can create thier own clones.

in Engineer

Posted by: Isslair.4908


So post this in bugs forum?
How engineer players can help you with this >_>

EU Aurora Glade

Engineers can create thier own clones.

in Engineer

Posted by: TerminalMontage.5693


Screenshot it, cause I’ve done that a dozen times and I don’t make clones of my engineer.

Engineers can create thier own clones.

in Engineer

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


I’d have to say I don’t really see this as a problem. Good timing and observation on the engineer’s part, possibly combined with a failure on the mesmer’s part to prevent themselves from accidentally giving the engineer a clone, has resulted in an unusual effect. A clone, even one that reliably produces bleeds, seems a suitable reward for pulling that off.

Just be glad Whirling Defense no longer reflects or rangers might be able to get in on the action too.

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People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Engineers can create thier own clones.

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


You have to reflect 3 scepter orbs in a row to do it.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Engineers can create thier own clones.

in Engineer

Posted by: StevoSupremo.4037


A: Engineers are the first one’s you thought of with a reflect move? Have you met Guardians?

B: Clones without shatters are pointless AI clutter that do 3 damage per attack… who cares either way.

Engineers can create thier own clones.

in Engineer

Posted by: Haltus Kain.4578

Haltus Kain.4578

Both clones, and the abilities that create clones, are spells. If that spell is reflected, why wouldn’t the reflecter be given a clone of his/her own?

I mean, if an engineer reflects a fireball, you don’t get a gear or something thrown at you; you get a fireball to the face. That’s the nature of reflect abilities.

Sounds to me like it’s working as intended.

Haltus Kain [BGV] – 80 Engineer Mesmer – Tarnished Coast