Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


What do you all prefer to do in zerg vs zerg fights?

It all depends on your own zerg of course. If you’re in a guild zerg, than you might focus on combo fields, or on support.
You might be the grenade spammer in the back, or the bomb-healer up front.
Maybe the glassy static discharge burster hitting the focus target, or the condition pistol shooter.

I have mostly used grenades with grenadier so far. Something about the range and the conditions like blind and chill, make this a very strong zerg option.

Pistols I’m not sure of. Fully traited they seem like a very good ranged option, but they seem underwhelming for all those points spend as well.

Anyhow: discuss what you prefer using in big zerg fights.
Organised or as random.

Would love to go in blasting flamethrower but come across major issues with it. Maybe others do this to more succes. Do tell!

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


I would say toolkit is very helpful in ZvZ because you are one more person with a pull. Once you pull, you can hit them with Prybar and (if you use pistols) #3 static shot to add confusion to their current problems. You can also run in, toss your ranged attacks, and run out with a block to protect yourself.

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


I would say toolkit is very helpful in ZvZ because you are one more person with a pull. Once you pull, you can hit them with Prybar and (if you use pistols) #3 static shot to add confusion to their current problems. You can also run in, toss your ranged attacks, and run out with a block to protect yourself.

I always have tool kit, even before it was buffed

But have you ever pulled someone who didn’t dodge the very moment.
I do pull- dodge to go with their dodge – prybar these days mostly.

I do feel this tactic requires something better than single target Tool Kit though, to make it worth using.

Good option at least.
And defenitely less boring than grenade spam.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Preacher.9526


When in a Zerg Im usually dropping nades on their front/mid lines. Pretty much the same for choke points and siege/siege defense.

Only time I really swap to Rifle is while roaming when I need some extra control. When in smaller battles I still stick with my nades… but im usually pegging them face to face.

I havent used the tool kit since changing over all my gear to maximize my deeps : / I did enjoy it when geared for a it more survivability.

Blackgate – Bjorn Ironside

(edited by Preacher.9526)

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


When in a Zerg Im usually dropping nades on their front/mid lines. Pretty much the same for choke points and siege/siege defense.

Only time I really swap to Rifle is while roaming when I need some extra control. When in smaller battles I still stick with my nades… but im usually pegging them face to face.

I havent used the tool kit since changing over all my gear to maximize my deeps : / I did enjoy it when geared for a it more survivability.

This is what I reckon that most do.
But I can’t be sure of course, especially after the grenade nerf and the sigils coming into play.

Hence this post: to see what people actually do in zergs these days.
Still grenades mostly, or loads of other things as well?

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: blurps.2340


The big advantage of grenades is, that they’re equally useful in pretty much all ZvsZ situations. Some of the fancier builds like healing bombs aren’t of much use when you’re stuck on a wall defending a fortress for example. Even popular stuff like Tankcat could work fine for roaming groups looking to pick off stragglers or flip supply camps, but will not help with some of the things you’ll probably want to do quite regularly when running with the Zerg.

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


The big advantage of grenades is, that they’re equally useful in pretty much all ZvsZ situations. Some of the fancier builds like healing bombs aren’t of much use when you’re stuck on a wall defending a fortress for example. Even popular stuff like Tankcat could work fine for roaming groups looking to pick off stragglers or flip supply camps, but will not help with some of the things you’ll probably want to do quite regularly when running with the Zerg.

so much for versatility… right?

My biggest issue with grenades is that they are crap if not spending 30 points on grenadier. The 25 point vulnerability stacking is part of the issue as well.
Grenades without those 2 traits simply don’t do enough damage to warrant equipping at all!
How sad is that: if not spending 30 points on it, don’t equip the kit… what kind of reasoning is this for a kit??? Aren’t these supposed to be options?
They might as well remove grenades and make the grenadier trait open up the grenade kit entirely.
Leveling aside, grenades untraited are simply not done. Extremely NON-versatile design there.

I could settle for a healing bomb build, or Tankcat with sacrificing one slot to grenades.
I can NOT however create a build that spends 30 points on grenadier and still has enough traits to make the rest of the build work…

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cyricus.2981


I’m typically one of two builds, condition grenades/support or static discharge roaming offense/troll/bait. I use auto elixir S along with regular elixir S to bait people after me, block with toolkit shield and lead people into overextending and zap clumps of people with wrench throw, fire sigil, surprise shot + discharge damage.

I haven’t fully settled on my grenade conditions setup yet, but I use a 30/20/0/10/10 setup with medkit for speedy kits and might sharing runes. I can’t live without my auto elixir S in WvW, so I have another 10 in alchemy. Would probably be better off putting them in firearms though if you are after pure damage. In this build I do a lot of kit switching, and typically run all kits for utility + pistol/shield or elixir R if I get tired of not having a stun breaker.

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ejiofor.4801


In ZvZ, I tend to Elixir B → Magnet → Prybar→Static Shot→ Thwack, Whack, Smack →Dodge→ Charge forward to the nearest Warrior and use Gear Shield…Wait for a few seconds while the Warrior goes ROFLCOPTER, then Prybar again.

And, on cue, a D/D Ele will do their…Whatever they do…thankfully Static Shield and Gear Shield counter their craziness nicely. And, as usual, they will run miles away.

I’m always on the lookout for my fellow teammates in WvW, keeping an eye on them. I see one drop I run over, toss Elixir S, and do a rez. Usually people will come help. After enough gather I will charge into a zerg to keep focus on me and away from people who are being rezzed. It’s habit

Gearstrip Jones, Engineer, Borlis Pass, [KPUP]
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


I’ve been using EG, Tool Kit, and Goggles along with Pistol/Shield. EG is good for its getaway, and fumigate applies vulnerability which can be further amplified with the goggles toolbelt.

I actually use backpack generator for a little more healing that’s independent of boons. Combined with EG’s SE and its regen toolbelt skill, this does give you good healing.

I am 0/30/0/30/10, but I might switch to 0/20/0/30/20 to take advantage of kit refinement and power wrench or static discharge, as well as add another 10% crit damage.

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lanny.6987


Pistol/Pistol Elixer build. Pick a target and follow them through the chaos until they are down. Bonus points for spiking your target when they have 2-3 of their side trying to res. For some reason this seems to upset folks so dropping a supply crate on them and a bunch of glue is usually called for at this point. Peel off to the flanks or if folks REALLY want to chat about the spike then go through your lines. Pick a new target. Rinse. Repeat. Best run today was doing that 8 times in one rather lengthy ZvZ. To be fair as the toys like elixer S (drunk and thrown) and supply crate get used there’s a bit of ranging from the backfield but as soon as they are back up you can zip right back in.

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Clockworkfiction.4872


I am a crazy engi. I built myself around defense and snares.

I run in and try to get people to come to me like warriors or guardians and then I just throw down and overpower net turret and net shot + toolbelt net shot and just let my team have at them while they can’t move.

Other then that I am just a rifle engi who targets the squichies and like to jug all my potions and quickness. it’s actually quite effective since people seem to not know that there being hit until around half hp.

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


I like that you can toss a net at someone from your belt to immobilize them, then toss another net at them with the turret right after they break free.

I might have to use that with the tool kit’s magnet as a “You’re not getting away!” combo. After you’ve successfully kept them from running away with net shot and net turret (and the overpower stun!), you’ll want to get them back into the crowd. A magnet pull would be a perfect addition! If you really want to make them feel like they can’t get away, pull them toward you then dodge to their other side and push them farther back with the pistol/shield #4 push ability.

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Very happy to read all these other playstyles, aside grenades.

Our guild is working on balling up in zerg vs zerg, and following the commander wherever he may dodge or run.

Grenades are extremely tricky to aim well in the midst of all that. They are more a thing to do from the sides or the back.
Using them in the middle works fine, but les so when you actually have to follow someone instead of going your own path.

Bombs with their combo fields and the knockback, perhaps even the healing, seem like a more workable kit to use in that rolling ball of guildies.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kalan.9705


Bombs healing, combo fields and support can be helpful, but very situational on range and battlefield movement. No-one dies to grenades anymore, people even step aside while they’re wandering through the sky these days. Expect to earn your badges using a different class.

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I would say toolkit is very helpful in ZvZ because you are one more person with a pull. Once you pull, you can hit them with Prybar and (if you use pistols) #3 static shot to add confusion to their current problems. You can also run in, toss your ranged attacks, and run out with a block to protect yourself.

This is what i’ve been running with for my new engi. Good for levelling in WvW because of high survivability, I mix bomb and tool kit with pistol/shield. I open with static shot, followed by magnetic pull to drag them into the zerg, then prybar and concussion bomb. Good defense while I level up in WvW with gear shield and regular shield.

Engineers in zerg vs zerg?

in Engineer

Posted by: blurps.2340


Probably depends a bit on your server and the tier you’re in as well. Currently I play against Vizunah Square and SFR and you basically can’t take a dump in the woods without stepping on an army or two of enemies.

Builds for roaming or small group combat really aren’t that useful under such circumstances.

Plus my computer can’t really handle it, so I’m usually playing my Necro ( wells build ) until we drop out of T1. Much better to both do damage and survive while it’s laggy.

The travel time on grenades really kills the Grenadier Engy under that kind if conditions.

(edited by blurps.2340)