Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


It is time that engineers take a stand and make our voices heard. We need to let the Dev team know that we are unhappy with the path this class has taken.

I am here to take a stand and speak out in display of solidarity with my engineer grenade and elixir kit brethren.

First they N-erfed pistols,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t using pistols.

Then they came for juggernaut,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t using flamethrower.

Then they came for the grenades and elixir gun,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t using them either.

Then they came for my build,
and there was no one left playing engineer to speak for me.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159


Sorry, but I’m not with you because I still play engineer.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


I think you missed the point. Not surprising.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: Shivenis.3761


I was thinking in do something, I don’t know, for example go to the bug list and report everyone twice a week, if we all do it soon or later the devs will notice there’s something wrong.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


Why is it that the engineer is required to execute to perfection to compete with virtually every other class?

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159


Well, my engineer hasn’t been affected in anyway. I don’t use hoh. When I did use it at a time, I knew it was the dps was going to get nerfed, but they did add damage to flash and freeze grenades. With vulnerability stacks you do even more dps.

I’m a pistol and shield user. Haven’t noticed pistol nerf from that patch. I still hit 300 and during crit around 600-900.

Juggernaut was overly strong with infinite stability. 200 toughness and 9 stacks of might and infinite stability… People going pew pew wasn’t surprising.

Elixir gun was FIXED from bug. Super elixir was incorrectly healing from “impact healing” not from pulse healing, so its to be expected they fix that. No one should be QQ over this. Of course the healing is nice when you stack with kit refinement and healing attribute over 1300, ticks over 12500 health in 10 seconds stacked with two super elixirs which doesn’t even include regen boon. I played the bunker build, so I know its pros and cons.

I wouldn’t be surprised if gear shield’s cooldown increases because of the warrior’s shield stance.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159


Why is it that the engineer is required to execute to perfection to compete with virtually every other class?

I’ve been doing fine kill enemies in wvw. I relish stealth/backstab thieves. Warriors and necros are easy kill. Guardians, as long as guardians aren’t bunkers, they’re not difficult to dispatch, same with elementalists. I always have trouble with mesmers, oh well which class doesn’t? short bow rangers are pain in the butt.

I feel in no way, engineer is underclassed or “required to execute to perfection to compete with other class”

You should watch teldoo in twich. He’s an amazing engineer player and probably one of the best on his tourney team.

edit-i know bugs are still there, but its surely, but slowly getting there.

(edited by ahmajo.3159)

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


Once again, you missed the point…


Every patch they n-erf the engineer class.

It needs to stop.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159


Once again, you missed the point…


Every patch they n-erf the engineer class.

It needs to stop.

But they buffed my tool kit? You’re forgetting other classes have been nerfed as well.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuruptz.4782


Once again, you missed the point…


Every patch they n-erf the engineer class.

It needs to stop.

But they buffed my tool kit and other class haven’t? You’re forgetting other classes have been nerfed as well.

which class link it now please and while you do it lets ignore Mesmer,thief,warrior,guardian,ele fact they are superior no matter what you say

Yes killable but alot less effort put it and still superior

if necro and ranger gets nerfed wich they shouldnt Anet have some problems

( i agree the 1sec block to toolkit and magnet was actully a nice buff but we cant always look back and say oh they buffed that its ok if they nerf us next time and after that and dont mind our buggs aslong as you guys Nerf us along on the way )

AND DONT BRING UP GRENADE stupid disc i am not talking only about this stupid grenade i dont even use that and never used it

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159


ranger got nerfed that last update patch 10/7 with the shortbow. 9% less damage on skill number 1 because the firing rate of the shortbow number 1 skill increased by 490 milliseconds. That’s just one example. Easier to tell people to search in the forum, rather than me laying it all out.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


You guys shouldn’t compare us to other classes, we simply DON’T have viable options to play now, everything we have that WORKS (and thus isn’t bugged) is sub-par and does inadeguate damage in any situation, most of our skills are broken, traits too, we are the only class that didn’t get bug-fixes when we needed the most and got nerfs instead of something to make up for them, every single time, we can’t but support or try to tank, but we can’t do it well ’coz half of our stuff is bugged or needs reworking.

If things worked like they should, this patch wouldn’t have been so bad ‘coz we’d have other decent options to play.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Once again, you missed the point…


Every patch they n-erf the engineer class.

It needs to stop.

But they buffed my tool kit? You’re forgetting other classes have been nerfed as well.

Not like this one not with results like actually denying people who play engineers content because people refuse to group with engineers. There’s a limit and it’s been reached. They fix all the underwater stuff, nerfed us to practically impossible play, meanwhile they ignored everything else. Juse because one is skilled in getting around the nerfs and misses doesn’t mean it’s not wrong of them. And doesn’t mean we shouldn’t unite asking for change.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159


Once again, you missed the point…


Every patch they n-erf the engineer class.

It needs to stop.

But they buffed my tool kit? You’re forgetting other classes have been nerfed as well.

Not like this one not with results like actually denying people who play engineers content because people refuse to group with engineers. There’s a limit and it’s been reached. They fix all the underwater stuff, nerfed us to practically impossible play, meanwhile they ignored everything else. Juse because one is skilled in getting around the nerfs and misses doesn’t mean it’s not wrong of them. And doesn’t mean we shouldn’t unite asking for change.

Okay, but not once was I denied in groups since Dec 14 patch. You sure its the class thats making people not group up?

(edited by ahmajo.3159)

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: Isslair.4908


I’m a pistol and shield user. Haven’t noticed pistol nerf from that patch. I still hit 300 and during crit around 600-900.

Lol dude.

My 20+ warrior in crappy blues+greens sometimes has lucky 1000+ crits.

300 is nothing. It’s like backpack regenerator heal.

But please continue your “engi is fine” talk.

EU Aurora Glade

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159


I’m a pistol and shield user. Haven’t noticed pistol nerf from that patch. I still hit 300 and during crit around 600-900.

Lol dude.

My 20+ warrior in crappy blues+greens sometimes has lucky 1000+ crits.

300 is nothing. It’s like backpack regenerator heal.

But please continue your “engi is fine” talk.

It is fine because I killed few warriors in wvw yesterday with their lame greatsword and sword/shield/hammer. You think I just auto attack with pistol all day? Oh by the way, if i switched to my rifle my non crit damage is 1100 and crit 2300+ and thats skill 1 autoattack.

Yesterday, I had to chase a Crystal desert warrior running away from me, an engineer. Of course I had to chase him down for 5 minutes as he kept miserably trying to burst me or run away with his warhorn.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


There’s a limit and it’s been reached. They fix all the underwater stuff, nerfed us to practically impossible play, meanwhile they ignored everything else. Juse because one is skilled in getting around the nerfs and misses doesn’t mean it’s not wrong of them. And doesn’t mean we shouldn’t unite asking for change.

This exactly the reason for this thread.

Thanks for posting your thoughts!

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: rareba.8607


There’s a limit and it’s been reached. They fix all the underwater stuff, nerfed us to practically impossible play, meanwhile they ignored everything else. Juse because one is skilled in getting around the nerfs and misses doesn’t mean it’s not wrong of them. And doesn’t mean we shouldn’t unite asking for change.

This exactly the reason for this thread.

Thanks for posting your thoughts!

Just tell me where i need to sign!

In EVERY patch the boost/fix warriors and thief. While they practically ignore us!

Now they passed the limit!!! I am forced to roll another class until they will put weapon-scaling kits (in the hope that grenades will ever do a decent dmg again!).

This has to END.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


I’ll never run another kit, other than med-kit, until something is done.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591



Based on your description of what happened, you didn’t chase a warrior, you chased some1 that didn’t even want to fight ’coz sparring in WvW is meaningless and brings no real benefits, if you let the guy run, nothing would have changed, besides his pockets due to repairs.

Also I don’t really see how you guys are contributing to the topic by givin us stories and numbers when it’s clear that all we want is fixes and not nerfs (nerfs are just stupid if things aren’t even working).

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159



Based on your description of what happened, you didn’t chase a warrior, you chased some1 that didn’t even want to fight ’coz sparring in WvW is meaningless and brings no real benefits, if you let the guy run, nothing would have changed, besides his pockets due to repairs.

Also I don’t really see how you guys are contributing to the topic by givin us stories and numbers when it’s clear that all we want is fixes and not nerfs (nerfs are just stupid if things aren’t even working).

I was trying to kill one of those sentry and that warrior spots me and that warrior tries to burst me down. He failed and his health down to 1/3, he runs away in circles and I chase. Every 30 seconds or so he tries to snare me and burst me and fails to do so. If I have a video, maybe that would be more convincing.

Logging in over 450 hours on engineer, I don’t feel at all engineer are underclass. I can kill all 7 other professions. Thieves and warriors being the easiest. Mesmer, bunker guardian, and smart shortbow ranger are my toughest challenges.

I agree bugs should be fixed, but that doesn’t mean engineers suck.

(edited by ahmajo.3159)

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


Engineers are very strong in PvP, and in general questing and WvW I haven’t noticed much. I’m assuming most of the problem is dungeons? I don’t run them so I can’t say, but otherwise, Engineers have been slowly but surely improved upon since launch. Maybe the problem is trying to make them work in both PvP and PvE.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: commanderrab.5139


I don’t PvP, so maybe I’m missing the issues here because of it, and only been playing since the last free weekend so I don’t know what things used to be like. L63 engi running corruption rifle, tool kit/bomb kit/elixir gun, starting heal, kit refinement and whatever it is that give explosions the chance to bleed (shrapnel?). Since the last patch I have seen nothing but an increase in both my survivability and ability to put down single targets and groups in PvE. This is almost as whiny as the people demanding engineers need the ability to swap weapons.

“Only an Engineer would weaponize a box of piranhas.”

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


672 hours on my engineer… I’m tired of seeing my class weakened, and the obvious bugs ignored.

And level 63 engineer, come back to the thread at 80 after you have seen some end-game content please.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159


maybe you outta try different build, seems like the people who are the loudest are reminiscing overpowered grenades. Seems like to me, people aren’t diversifying their builds.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


maybe you outta try different build, seems like the people who are the loudest are reminiscing overpowered grenades. Seems like to me, people aren’t diversifying their builds.

I don’t use grenades for my main spec.

But I still don’t want to see them n-erfed into the ground.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: WithoutAssumption.7936


I don’t care if we need to take nerfs to balance us, but when it’s clear we need so many buffs/fixes to be (favorably) comparable with other classes, let alone balanced, I don’t know why they choose to nerf one of our few builds with any power first, considering it’s not even that good for pvp. I guess it’s easier to just change a skill’s damage than fix bugs. Even our underwater buffs are half-passed. We have to trait to get projectile finishers on our underwater guns (nevermind how rarely anyone actually does stuff underwater), and warriors are thrown them for free on land weapons? Where’s the balance in that? Was this just a really poor wording of a bug fix, and somehow they were always finishers and that trait somehow removed them? That’s about the only redemption that bit could have.

I’m just really annoyed by the order in which they seem to be going about Engineer changes (and how they’re fixing symptoms instead of curing the problem). Their design philosophy is a load of hypocritical bull-skritt, as well. I don’t even use/like grenades.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: Volfurious.9231


A common fallacy of “I can do it, then it is fine.” Yes, we all can go around killing people in WvW, believe me, I can kill all profession in WvW as well with Engi as well, honestly everyone can. But just because we killed a few dumb kitten in WvW doesn’t prove anything at all.

Consider other factors that actually matters that serves as a valid premise that supports your argument besides your own story of killing people in WvW.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: Deified.7520


Engineers may be “good” compared to your playstyles. However they are outclassed in everything they do by just about every other class (except necros). Warriors, Mesmers, Guards, Eles, and Thiefs can out dps us. Now the super elixer is fixed, we can easily get out supported, the only thing that is left is our bunker builds. But even then, guards are the best bunkers.

Every single patch since release we’ve been nerfed. You can make no excuses for Anet. I hardly ever see any other engineers while playing now, Mesmers, thiefs, and warriors (even the general community, even the ones who play them, feel that they are overpowered). They’ve continued to nerf us (even though we weren’t even that good to begin with. Sure grenades might have done good dps, but it was nothing compared to what other classes can do. It is also an AoE target with a very very VERY noticeable animation/projectile). A majority of our traits remain bugged/useless. Turrets are still considered to be very bad, especially in the WvW scene.

If they are prepping us for a major buff, they really need to speak up. Engineer was already the least played class, nerfing us every patch doesn’t make it any better. My guild actually felt sorry for me with all the nerfs. So all you defenders can brown nose and try to make it seem like Anet is being reasonable with these insane amount of nerfs, but the forums filled with people complaining.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159


it doesn’t seem any of you lot are complaining about engineers in spvp.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: Isslair.4908


Yeah, grenade nerf damaged mostly the PvE aspect of engi. It was disscussed a hundred times already.

Engi has some versatility in PvP ans is quite decent class there.

PvE on the other hand is more one-sided and we’re lacking there. And no, killing monsters during leveling doesn’t give you the idea. Warriors dropping veteran mobs in higher-level fractals like we do trash ones – does.

Grenades are a bad kit to use. I suppose everyone will agree on that. that #1 spam is horrible. But it is our way to be “ok” in dungeons, without the feeling that we are being carried by other teammates.

I would like to see buffs to other skills and use them with the same efficiency as ’nades. But for now their damage and infinite vulnerability stacking is the way to go in dungeons\fractals.

Anet should’ve given us a real alternative. then they could nerf grenades all they want.

It’s not about one kit, it’s about wanting our profession to be equal in one of the important aspects of GW2.

EU Aurora Glade

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591



You can’t seriously expect us to play a class that got nothing that actually works, the few things working are outdone by the whole lot of the other classes, you may pvp fine, but what exactly are you goin to do when you face an opponent with your same “so called” level of expertise playing another class? I’d like to know that since half of engineer’s skills are bugged.

Whenever I pvp with my engi I feel like I mastered my class so much I’m doing miracles, but even thought I put so much effort into what I do, the results are VERY poor.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159



You can’t seriously expect us to play a class that got nothing that actually works, the few things working are outdone by the whole lot of the other classes, you may pvp fine, but what exactly are you goin to do when you face an opponent with your same “so called” level of expertise playing another class? I’d like to know that since half of engineer’s skills are bugged.

Whenever I pvp with my engi I feel like I mastered my class so much I’m doing miracles, but even thought I put so much effort into what I do, the results are VERY poor.

What about this guy whos playing with bugged skills, bugged traits and playing with people with the same skill level. How can you explain a guy who plays so well (with bugged skills/traits and underclassed) has good results?

(edited by ahmajo.3159)

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269



I am extremely effective playing my engineer despite the n-erfs and bugs.

That’s not the point.

Why don’t you understand the point we are making…

…or are you just trolling the thread?

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


Video not loading

Man just what’s wrong with you? you obviously can play but the it ain’t just pvp and besides we should be rewarded for our efforts no matter the situation, engineers in pvp usually manage around 4 weapons+toolbelt, knowing exactly what they are doing PLUS keeping track of what’s happening around’em… don’t you feel this is a crazy amount of things to do just to be average?

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159


Video not loading

Man just what’s wrong with you? you obviously can play but the it ain’t just pvp and besides we should be rewarded for our efforts no matter the situation, engineers in pvp usually manage around 4 weapons+toolbelt, knowing exactly what they are doing PLUS keeping track of what’s happening around’em… don’t you feel this is a crazy amount of things to do just to be average?

hmm, i guess not. An elementalist has to deal with the same amount of skills by switching attunements.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: Cosine.1786


That sure is a cool PVP video. Sure doesn’t help that the main weakness of engineer right now is how ‘why bother?’ they are for PVE.

I do wish they’d put as much effort into bug fixing as they do into making stupid seasonal event. Of course, now they’re busy running around sorting out stuff for their stupid seasonal event.

(edited by Cosine.1786)

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: maciora.9542


Lets not forget that we still have lots of errors, kits not viable (like ft) in normal fight, still waiting for stats from weapons on kits and a lot of other things. Like someone said – every patch is a nerf or more bugs….

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


That’s the problem… instead of fixing what doesn’t work, they destroy what does.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510



xx charaters

Engineers unite - Make your voices heard

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Chris mentioned he would be doing another AMA one could only hope that it’s not filtered and that the focus would be on class issues like the glaring ones we face everyday as engineers. I hope it’s class focused and they reveal some of what they have planned and answer the big questions about this class because it’s tiresome after a while of spending SOOO much time in each fight because we’ve been “balanced”. Here’s to hoping.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!