Engr Elite Spec: Robot Army
Don’t tell me that bro.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
So I’m not using the elite then. GG Anet. More AI please.
how utterly disgusting
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
you get to summon the world boss golem.
the mini version.
and he has the double overhead hammer smash that sends opponents flying.
whats not to love?
In this specialization will only make sense if I will have full control over the drones, including where to set each and what purpose they will attack.
This will give more opportunities for PvE, so how can I get them out of AOE mobs at the right time and say who it was to kill , that’s important.
Also, it will be important for PvP, but drones, which reaches into the AOE attack enemies and attack the bunker guard I do not need.
(edited by zHellish.2036)
Considering the fact that each core specialization empowers one or more kits, we could get another kit to play with. Who knows, maybe it is a drone kit. I’d personally like a minigun since we already have quite the assortment of explosive goodies.
Not what i expected, but still the Elite drone and heal drone might be usefull. The hammer and trait line might be good too, cause as we seen only one trait affects the new skills and the weapon is completly diffrent form them.
How boooooring.
Ah, but what if our drones… made more drones
So I’m not using the elite then. GG Anet. More AI please.
This a thousand times this.
If this is correct the only elite I’m excited for is chronomacer.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
just to clarify, this is speculation.
i dont have an engineer
but when i think of what an engineer does, it is to design and build things!
nothing suits an engr better than an army of robots.
imagine doing an aoe stun lock with your golem pve boss summon!
just to clarify, this is speculation.
i dont have an engineer
but when i think of what an engineer does, it is to design and build things!
nothing suits an engr better than an army of robots.imagine doing an aoe stun lock with your golem pve boss summon!
And people think Thieves should have specs allowing them to stand toe to toe to Warriors with a Greatsword and carry high tech assassination gear way over the Engi’s means.
Honestly I’m glad to find an Engi class in all those games that doesn’t shove turrets or AI’s down my throat, I’d be highly disappointed if it became the case.
(edited by MrForz.1953)
tbh, we’ve seen the the weapon skills, these wont be forced on anyone This is why:
1) if they did give us Utility skills to build, it’d never be Viable u’d just keep on using Double Kits with Elixir S with Rampage Potion, This game will NEVER in pvp or pve support pets properly so who cares? U just get some wasted Utilities hope trait lines good and Hammer hits hard.
2) Necros already crying on another proffession getting wells, trust me they wont do this unless they WANT people to quit.
3) I find it unlikely, We’re more likely to get Signets or Tricks, we wont be getting no robot army, they hate pets as it is why would they give us pets after all these, Espically when it is attached to Hammer, The Elite will summon the drones by my thinking.
Although if they did looking at the Drones movement.
They travel WITH the engineer, like as if they are attached to him and Just fire Extra Shots at what hes fighting, so AI would never affect the Pets from a Engineer anyway because they are As if ur weapon hits 3 times not Exactly a Seperate being doing damage… they cannot run a Robot army on this new version they are bringing, so i dont think they would.
I can see us getting a new Turret and and Like AoE Damaging Utility not robots
looks like I was right
Engineer → Forge → Make things → Make Robot Army (You can see the drones flying in the picture
that is a Robot Minion AI Army!
looks like I was right
Engineer -> Forge -> Make things -> Make Robot Army (You can see the drones flying in the picture
that is a Robot Minion AI Army!
We could see drones fly in the trailer back at the HoTannouncement, the art brings no new information. Might still just be a visual effect tied to active abilities/toolbelt changes/passive signets/hammer skills
Drones are 99% sure Stance skill type animation. Nothing else.