Equip-able Backpack
Every class that uses a 2-hander loses +Stats and Sigil access. While your idea has some style, it would never realistically work since you’d have to offer the exact same thing for every other class in the game.
It’s mainly the sigil though since 2-handers have better stats that are usually about equal to a mainhand + offhand together.
it would be too overpowered in the games current state…. i think.
plus, i think the first issue we need addressed is sigils working on Kits…. once this happens, ill start whining about only having access to one sigil through rifle =p
and, personally id rather them implement a variant of backpacks/capes strictly for cosmetic purposes… (i say capes for every class But engineer, really.. or even offer other classes weird backbacks to wear.. if they so please =P )
just my 2c.
1. 2h weapons have pretty much double the stats of 1 1h item so dont loose anything
2. there allready is a backpack item. 2 actualy. you get the first one at lvl 30 and another at level 80 (both story quest). all with stats and so on. only problem here is that you cant get others beside those 2 you get from story quests. (or at least i havent found others yet)
3. about the sigils, i think the current way it works is quite fair since 2x 1h weapons deal fairly lower damage then 1x 2h weapon.
There are no visible backpacks besides the Engineer one and the Guild backpacks, though we can hope they’ll add capes etc. in the future. (the personal story ones go under your armor)