Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Singer.8740


Just wanted to share my build with the engineer community. This is the first time i’ve done this but i have put so much grinding, testing and playtime into it (from the moment the patch notes were leaked, i’m an optimist what can i say, it payed off.) and am so confident in this build that i just wanted to share it with you good people. so here it is;

this build is designed for anything from roaming to being able to stand toe to toe with the enemy from the middle of your zerg. with the ease of might stacking and retention through med kit swapping and access to fire field blasting you will always be running at 22 to 25 might. If you also have access to guard leach and applied fortitude you will be sitting on or near a comfortable 3200 atk and 3000 condi damage. ( 3100 atk 2800 without for all you PvEer’s out there.) These numbers along with the on pulse effects of the bomb kit and short cool downs on the grenade kit ensure that you will be applying sick condi damage to the enemy despite cleanses due to the nature of your attacks. On top of this with the size of your attack stat and the raw power of the bomb kit your you deal excellent raw auto attack damage as well.
Defensively your also very hard to kill at 2800 armor in kit and 24000 base hp. On top of this your elixir B (both varieties) cleanse conditions (toss cleanses five people) and you have a cleanse in your med kit as well as drinking another elixir B at 75% hp. Also automated response makes sure that if your health goes down to 6000 hp you can not have new conditions applied to you. On top of this you take 20% reduced damage when you are stunned or knocked down and access to a group stability with a short cool down.
There are a few changes you can make to this build which i will list below.
1. you can swap out “blood injection” for “protection injection”. This will give you 4 secs of protection whenever you are disabled (5 sec cool down :/ ) and stacks with the 20% reduction from “stabilized armor”. you will lose some condition damage doing this however as the trade off.
2. you can swap out “forceful Explosives” for “Shrapnel” and this allows your explosions to apply bleeds. (15% chance not reliant on crit chance, so precision is not required) On top of this this trait is applied per pulse on “fire bomb”, “smoke bomb” and “glue bomb”. Bare in mind you will be trading the increased radius of your bombs for this.

The dire gear in this build is quite hard to come by however as the only place you can find it is as a token reward from the CoE dungeon. As i mentioned at the start i have heavily tested this build, but you do not have to take my word for it, try it yourself i guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Etheeria (The mad bomber). If you don’t have shellshock your not doing it right.

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


The dire gear in this build is quite hard to come by however as the only place you can find it is as a token reward from the CoE dungeon.

Or just buy Errol’s on the TP.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Singer.8740


hmm did not know that thanks for pointing it out.

Also forgot to mention i have a second shield with a superior sigil of corruption i carry around with me.

Etheeria (The mad bomber). If you don’t have shellshock your not doing it right.

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Roe.3679


Question: does the might on healing trait work with medkit’s tool belt ability? Of is it upon switching to the medkit, or using one of the medkit’s packages?

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Singer.8740


Question: does the might on healing trait work with medkit’s tool belt ability? Of is it upon switching to the medkit, or using one of the medkit’s packages?

it is for equipping or un-equipping (but not dropping via weapon swap key.) the med kit.
Basically every time you push your number 6 (or whatever you key bound there) you gain might. (ten second internal cool down on the trait, sigil and runes)

1. put on med kit in combat gain 9 might.
2. wait 10 seconds.
3. put on med kit in combat gain another 9 might
4. wait 10 secs.
5. put on med… get the point. mix this with blasts on your fire field and your gold.

forgot to mention you can swap kits even when stunned etc. so you can always always keep your stacks up.

Etheeria (The mad bomber). If you don’t have shellshock your not doing it right.

(edited by Singer.8740)

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


Blast master is a misnomer for this build, you only really have 2 blast finishers to use to stack might at any given time.

I’d call it the Mighty Med Kit, 9 stacks each time you use it!

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Singer.8740


it gets the name from its specialization in the use of explosives. Besides as i made it i do get creators liberties. :p

Etheeria (The mad bomber). If you don’t have shellshock your not doing it right.

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Roe.3679


Ty for the response! I didn’t realize that trait gave that much might.

This build is very similar to what Ive been toying around with as well, thank you for posting it. I’ll have to give it a shot.

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Very nice build:-) But without speedy kits is running in WvW very frustrating for me:-)

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: slabgar.5934


Roe: The nine stacks come from a combination of the Sigil of Battle, the Runes of the Noble, and the Enhance Performance trait.

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


it gets the name from its specialization in the use of explosives. Besides as i made it i do get creators liberties. :p

You’re right, just giving you a hard time Looks fun for sure, I really like how rather than focus all your skills on blast finishers you build in a way that makes just 1 skill give 9 stacks of might by itself.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Singer.8740


i’m lovin the feedback here guys.

To Rozbuska, but you do have perma-swiftness. If you use Med Kit skill 5 “Drop Stimulant” and “Elixir B” at the same time and then pop them when they come off cool down you have swiftness forever.

Etheeria (The mad bomber). If you don’t have shellshock your not doing it right.

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Linc.6834


I would argue the hardest part of putting this build together is the noble runes, 720 tokens = 11-12 daily runs. Its one of the hardest dungeons to find a decent group.

I do really like the build tho, and am probly going to switch to it. Dire gear just seems so OP atm. Like Rozbuska said I’ve just got the stigma of keeping 10 in tools for speedy kits. Also gonna have a hard time giving up rocket boots.
The options your trait choices open up are appealing, switching out to explosive decent at the right time will be fun.
Although the build does have a distinct lack of crit, especially the 5 trait from firearms, I guess I’m too used to running rabid gear.

What would you think of dropping nades for e-gun and going 20/10/10/30/0?

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Singer.8740


I would argue the hardest part of putting this build together is the noble runes, 720 tokens = 11-12 daily runs. Its one of the hardest dungeons to find a decent group.

I do really like the build tho, and am probly going to switch to it. Dire gear just seems so OP atm. Like Rozbuska said I’ve just got the stigma of keeping 10 in tools for speedy kits. Also gonna have a hard time giving up rocket boots.
The options your trait choices open up are appealing, switching out to explosive decent at the right time will be fun.
Although the build does have a distinct lack of crit, especially the 5 trait from firearms, I guess I’m too used to running rabid gear.

What would you think of dropping nades for e-gun and going 20/10/10/30/0?

I totally agree that the noble runes are a pain in the kitten to get. (especially since i had to do the dungeon a tun to get my quip, lol) but they are definitely a must for the build as the power rune equivalent’s (fire, hoelbrak, pirate, strength) pared with 2 runes of altruism really do not compare. (altruism runes having a 15 second internal cool down most notably.)

In regards to speedy kits i mentioned above. You do not need to waist the ten precious points because you already have perma-swiftness via “elixir b” and “drop stimulant”. I too found it hard to curb my addiction to this. :p I still switch a utility to rocket boots to get from point A to B when i am not in my guilds zerg (hole guild zerg has perma-swiftness so its not needed.)

In regards to the issue of crit ill take some time to explain this and why it is actually a trap for engineers when running WvW. (roaming or zerging)
To start things off we will use my build as the base for this discussion and switch parts out for crit. So as we have established we use condition armor because via might stacking our attack stat reaches about the same level as say a warrior in power stat armor such as soldier gear. (100 to 200 points less taking into account current meta.)
This happens due to a combination of our messed up trait line (bomb kit and nade kit being hybrid weapon’s.) making us go into the power tree instead of say the condition tree (which also happens to be our precision tree) by at least 20 points to pick up enhanced performance for the all important might, and the full 30 points if you use grenades. So this leaves us with 40 points to play with, but wait in order to stack might effectively which as we have come to realize allows us to put out such sick damage we must go 30 points into the alchemy line or give up on the thoughts of might stacking and go put on our power gear and run a glassy back line nade build which we have already surmised has the same power output as us, non-existent condition damage but excels with crit damage at the expense of survivability. So this truly leaves us with 10 points to do with as we wish. Now i could put these points into tools for speedy kits and benefit from invigorating speed but sadly this really only synergizes well if i am running the glassy power, crit nade build mentioned above which is so far from an HGH or other might stacking build as to be pointless to talk about. Or i could put the points into firearms gain those lovely on crit abilities some more condition damage and some 4% crit chance. but all of a sudden my armor stat is 2700 and to benefit from these on crit abilities i have to start swapping out dire gear for rabid gear. Suddenly my vitality takes a nose dive i have to compensate by swapping out the bomb kit as i can no longer survive in the heart of a fight and before i new it i am suddenly back to the standard back line HGH nade engineer that quite frankly is lackluster as it is more of a roaming build and does not bring very much to the table in large fights all the while realizing you kitten yourself for two nebulous chance traits and a bland increase in crit damage output via your baked in 50% crit damage which quite frankly is terrible with nades poor raw damage output unless you go power and sacrifice even more survivability for more crit damage at which point you can no longer run HGH which would have had superior damage output. ( I used to run the HGH build. Then dire armor came along.)
I do believe this adequately explains why one must steer clear of the crit trap.

In regards to swapping the elixir gun in for nades. Lets say you took those ten points and put them in firearms got your on crit effect plus ether an EG trait or the other on crit trait. This leaves you in the same dilemma above in regards to crit chance over other stats. On top of this you severely limit your range as well as your control options and damage out put when you lose those area bleeds, blinds, chills and poisons in exchange for what is more of a roaming single target support weapon. (requires an investment in healing power to make the support worth wile over water fields.)

Etheeria (The mad bomber). If you don’t have shellshock your not doing it right.

Etheeria's Blast master WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: Kinetic.4250


Thank you for the build, I’m going to start gathering gear for it now! Where exactly should we be looking for the rabid/dire jewelry?